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Does debt in UK affect Permanent Residency in Oz?

Guest interested16

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Guest donovan

This has cropped up a number of times on PIO, if you do a search on debt it will bring all the threads up on the topic

I know people that have moved here and have left lots of debt in the UK, could not do it myself as would always be looking over my shoulder and my Conscience would not allow me


Sarah x

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Guest proud2beaussie

I would deffo suggest not leaving behind debts in the UK if you can avoid it because not only could it cause potential problems if you needed to return to the UK for any reason but also because it could conceivably affect your Australian credit ,the reason I say that is even though the two countries have different credit checking companies the big credit providers like GE Money have a global computer system that can track cardholder movements anywhere in the world so if you had an account with them they can easily get hold of Australian addresses etc.

I can speak from knowledge of the industry as I worked for GE finance in Melbourne for a few months only a couple of years ago.

If you need to leave debt behind arrange to pay it off from Australia even if it's only $20.00 a month,better that than having hanging over you should you need to go back.


BTW sorry I didn't exactly answer your question about whether it could affect permanent residency,the answer is that it probably wouldnt be a problem but it could.

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As long as you don't declare it on your visa application you will be OK.


There is a program on here called 'Today, Tonight' pretty similar to Granada reports News in the uk. The other night featured a UK family who had lived here for nearly 2 years. The husband had been granted a business visa and all the family moved over.

It turns out he DIDNT say when applying for a visa that he had been made Bankrupt and had some debt left. The immigration department have somehow found out about this and the family have been told to leave Australia.This is regardless of the fact they have been here so long,the kids have settled etc

It really isnt worth lying to Immigration, if you are found out you wont have 'chance' to explain.The wife of this family is a qualified hairdresser and has tried to gain sponsership in order to stay, the dept of immigration are having none of it and refuse to allow the family to stay in the country.

Cal x

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This has cropped up a number of times on PIO, if you do a search on debt it will bring all the threads up on the topic

I know people that have moved here and have left lots of debt in the UK, could not do it myself as would always be looking over my shoulder and my Conscience would not allow me


Sarah x



Just to mention..... a couple of days ago 2 brits families ordered out of Oz by January 14th.

One claims unfair dismissal for having 4 days of work.....hairdresser, sacked no job = no visa = eviction!


The other a couple, they claim they paid off the tax man and "all debtors" before leaving the UK. Minister for immigration says they failed to disclose the were bankrupts in the UK on visa application. Result....if yer wanna come back and try again, get out by the 14th or or face being deported and copping a 3 year exclusion.


If the person has debts that can lead to a court action to recover or become the subject of an application to be made bankrupt, it may lead to future problems , including sorting it all out from 11000 miles away. And Oz immigration can claim - as they have with the guy above, - if you failed to honour your liabilities in in the UK, you are just as much to do the same to XXX in Oz.

If the debt involves the tax man...they can reach out- and it could be that you need to return to the UK- think of the interest they will be adding to the debt!

Apart from that come the day you want the UK OAP, there's a gold star waiting on your file.


Is it worth the aggro?

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Guest sunseekers

Am i missing something ? There was never any financial questions at all on my application for a 175 visa ! How can you be guilty of "not declaring" something that is never asked ? I know this for sure because at the time of lodging i had a lot of debt ( its now Settled ) but they never even asked .

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Thats what i was talking about above, i did feel for them but they hadnt helped themselves.

As for the one who was fired , why didn't she just find another sponser ? I know someone who has found another sponser in the 28 day time slot so its possible.

Cal x

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Am i missing something ? There was never any financial questions at all on my application for a 175 visa ! How can you be guilty of "not declaring" something that is never asked ? I know this for sure because at the time of lodging i had a lot of debt ( its now Settled ) but they never even asked .


I think it can depend on the visa you are applying for as i dont remember a question either, on saying that there was so much paperwork it all blurs into one,lol

Cal x

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Guest sunseekers
I think it can depend on the visa you are applying for as i dont remember a question either, on saying that there was so much paperwork it all blurs into one,lol

Cal x



Now thats an understatement cal...lol. Maybe it does depend on Visa !

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Guest bowbrum03
Am i missing something ? There was never any financial questions at all on my application for a 175 visa ! How can you be guilty of "not declaring" something that is never asked ? I know this for sure because at the time of lodging i had a lot of debt ( its now Settled ) but they never even asked .




WOW, I wish I could settle 45k of debt in a few months :nah:

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Guest sunseekers

Sounds like yo dont believe me ? What possible reason would you have not to believe me ? We sold our house, car and life etc... Im sure most people do the above, settle any outstanding debt in the UK then use the rest to buy property etc in Australia. Would you like to see my bank statements ?

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Guest proud2beaussie

All the last few posts are quite sad cases but it just goes to show that in the age of the

microchip you can run but you can't hide.:no:

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Guest Mark & Tracy W

I think business visa applications go into a lot more financial issues than residential ones - my father emigrated last year on a business visa and had to send in copies of bank statements, financial reports, savings etc. I guess lying on a business visa application would be like lying about your skills assessment or something equivalent on a residency visa? Not likely to impress the Aus Authorities as shows poor character!


Like some of you my wife and I have been working hard to pay off what remains of our UK debt. I don't want to be looking back over my shoulder and with todays technology I think it wouldn't take much for debt recovery companies to track you down. I hope to leave owing nothing so we have a clean slate once we get over to Aus.

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Guest bowbrum03
Sounds like yo dont believe me ? What possible reason would you have not to believe me ? We sold our house, car and life etc... Im sure most people do the above, settle any outstanding debt in the UK then use the rest to buy property etc in Australia. Would you like to see my bank statements ?


Did not say I don’t believe you.

You have done well too sell your house in this current climate. As you posted 7/11/08 that you was thinking of doing a runner.


Hi Mally, Thanks for your reply


We are settling £45k worth of debts befor we go to give us a fresh start in oz etc. Do some people actually just sack it off ? Surly when i open my first bank account in Oz ( not any kind of credit ) just for wages etc they will ask for my address in the Uk ? Wont this bring my credit history with it ?

Just feeling a wee bit tempted. Awful i know, its out of charicter but tough times and all that !



Thanks for the heads up chuck......cringe ....!!!!


Im sure i'm not alone in feeling " tempted " though x

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Guest sunseekers
Did not say I don’t believe you.

You have done well too sell your house in this current climate. As you posted 7/11/08 that you was thinking of doing a runner.


Not that its any of your business but i sold my house back in Aug 08 and yes we were very fortunate to sell. I had my debts running at the same time as my lump sum in banks, premum bonds etc.....I felt that i could maybe skip town and stop paying them but thought better of it.....I used the word TEMPTED which is a long jump to actually doing.


I suppose the reason i thought you did not believe me is from previouse abuse i have recievd from you for no good reason....If your aim is to scare me away from PIO then you are wasting your time and you can be as unpleasant and clever as you like, im sure most visitors will see you for exactly what you are.

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Guest bowbrum03
you can be as unpleasant and clever as you like.




Is there any need for that kind of talk. I think not.


Just saying you need to be careful in tempting to run from 45k.

If you sold your house in Aug why mention It in Nov :skeptical:

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The husband Applied for a business visa and that app. Does ask if you have ever been bankrupt. So there not being kicked out because they lied on a normal visa it was a business one and those are different. On a skilled visa they don't ask you and they don't check but on business ones they do & they will check.. As far as your question as long as it's not a business visa you will be fine. If you go to the today tonight website you will see the facts.. I know everyone would like to go on a rampage of how they were kicked out fir not declaring bankruptcy but if it had been any other visa besides a business one they would have been fine.

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