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thinking of moving to gold coast


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hi I am looking into possible move to the gold coast in 18 months on completion of my nursing degree with my 6 year old and partner. I am just wondering if people have moved there is it beter quality of life and worth it as looking at areas the gold coast attracts me more than other areas and what are schools like over there for 6 year olds thanks

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No. It's not a better quality of life, it's just different.  There are good things and bad things about Australian life, just like there are good things and bad things about British life.  So much depends on how much you can earn, whether you can afford to live in the right areas, what you enjoy doing in your spare time, whether you're adaptable and able to live far away from your family. 

Some people come to Australia, love it and think it's the best thing they've ever done.  Some people come to Australia and discover it's the worst mistake they've ever made in their life. It can be hard to know which you'll be. Have you visited Australia before?

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9 hours ago, xxcat91xx said:

hi I am looking into possible move to the gold coast in 18 months on completion of my nursing degree with my 6 year old and partner. I am just wondering if people have moved there is it beter quality of life and worth it as looking at areas the gold coast attracts me more than other areas and what are schools like over there for 6 year olds thanks

Do you have a Visa sorted?  Have you visited Australia/Gold Coast before, and do you have an idea of what area you'd be looking at?

People move for all kinds of reasons, and in terms of better quality of life, only you will know that once you move - we all have different values and requirements for our lifestyle, and what suits one person won't suit another.  Maybe a recce would be good idea?

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The Gold Coast has been a very positive move for us , kids are excelling in school , jobs for us have been good ,we've developed a circle of friends that have become our Ozzie family , but it has been extremely hard work and very costly especially before we came here. (Long story ) Personally I don't think anything comes easy , grass is never greener , nothing is better ,but when you work for something that is not of monetary value the reward is life long and priceless.  . You know you've made the right move when you wake up each morning smiling and your bank balance is less than it was in the uk . We've  got ' our better quality of life'   for us but it will be different for everyone 

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The Gold Coast has been a very positive move for us , kids are excelling in school , jobs for us have been good ,we've developed a circle of friends that have become our Ozzie family , but it has been extremely hard work and very costly especially before we came here. (Long story ) Personally I don't think anything comes easy , grass is never greener , nothing is better ,but when you work for something that is not of monetary value the reward is life long and priceless.  . You know you've made the right move when you wake up each morning smiling and your bank balance is less than it was in the uk . We've  got ' our better quality of life'   for us but it will be different for everyone 

Hi there. Sorry to gatecrash your post but I just wondered did you struggle to find work on the GC? We’ll be there in around 2 weeks time having left our jobs & homes behind in Sydney to ‘start again’. I work in marketing (but would do any sort of admin) my husband is a fitter/turner/Cnc machinist! Everybody we’ve spoken to seems to think we should be looking at a minimum of 6 months before we can expect to find work as it’s so hard to come by? We see so many jobs advertised on Seek we find this hard to believe. What are your thoughts? Should we be worrying? Thanks
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My hubby is a service engineer for a company in Brisbane( we live on the GC)   and recommends your hubby searches engineering companies in Brisbane and contacts them direct . He says seek and agencies  are a good avenue for jobs but recommends phoning direct to companies is a better option  . He will private message you of  a company to try if the  message doesn't come through let me know . He also says  you will be  better off looking at a company in Brisbane rather than the Gold Coast due to pay 

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