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Letter to embassy to speed up process/suggestions


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Hello ,
I am in a very difficult state. I need a sample letter based on the situation or if you can suggest me something appropriate.
I am on student visa in Melbourne (came on 16th nov 2017) and my husband and baby(15 months) is in India. The baby wasn't adjusting at all there as I came here so we applied for husband's and baby's subsequent visa (application submitted on 8th dec). In India he is not been cared properly as my mother in law has arthritis in knees and could not carry him or can run after him and my father in law goes in the morning for work and come late evening. My husband although has a business partner but has to juggle between work and home and it's getting too difficult. the baby is getting weaker and the visit to doctor is getting so frequent and increasing day by day. I want to write a letter to embassy to speed up the process.
How can i write and how can i do that.

Thank you

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I totally agree with you. But now It has become too hard from my side as on one hand I have spent a lot of money for this course and have spent all the savings for this and also this is the only two years from which I can make my future better in India and on the other hand I cannot compromise the happiness of my baby.  I am so stressed

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Although you can certainly send the visa centre/embassy a letter explaining your situation, I doubt it would have any effect.  A lot of applicants have compelling reasons they would like their application put to the front of the line but that's hardly fair to everyone else who's also waiting for their visas.

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Surely your mother in laws health problems haven't just come on in the last month?  You must have known she not able to care for your baby when you left.  Never mind a letter to hurry things up or how much money you've spent on your visa. You need to get back to India and care for your child or your husband needs to reschedule his work load differently.  Your baby is frequently needing to see a doctor and is getting weaker and you want to know what to put in a letter? Sorry that's terrible. 

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Cut your losses and look after the important person here - your child. That would be your priority I would have thought. You can withdraw from your course and save the remainder of the fees you would have paid so it might not look quite so grim.

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