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having a blah moment


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Been listerning to some of my CDs from the uk today making me home sick even through im happy here and know things well work out but knows this month is a make or break month for me and it even harder knowing my mum wedding at the end of the month and im going to miss that to.:err:

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Turn off the uk cds and put on Rolf Harris "Tie me kangaroo down" !!! quick before you make ya self feel worse

alot of songs remind me of home and often make me fill up,

can you not get a link up via internet for your mums wedding ?

keep ya chin up :-)


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Guest julie2g1b
Been listerning to some of my CDs from the uk today making me home sick even through im happy here and know things well work out but knows this month is a make or break month for me and it even harder knowing my mum wedding at the end of the month and im going to miss that to.


hi there


you will have to do a cd mix of u.k and aussy songs then can sing away :biglaugh:

can they video the wedding on cd and send it to you so at least you can see it ...........

you never know may win the lottery then you can go...........


julie :wubclub:

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You're thinking of your mums wedding which is bound to make you think of home. Make sure you have the number for where she is having the reception and surprise her with a phone call - make sure she gets someone to record the even and send you the DVD. Email a speech over for the best man or a relative to read out to your mum... that way you'll know that you were a part of her day - even though you're here in Aus.



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I think its only ormal to have down days ,i still have them albeit less as time passes.It is always harder when you know something big is happening and your not going to be able to go ,i agree with the others ask someone to video it and make that phone call,,cheer up bruce!!!!lol

Cal x

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That the hard part turning them off cause listerning to them remind me why i fell in love with my finace and that why im here and ppl here care but at the same time wondering why im havong a down moment


Must be true what they say about women and money if you are in love with your finance:biglaugh:


Cheer up



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Oh dear!


Can't you do what Phoebe did in Friends and phone someone's mobile who is at the wedding? (It was when Ross married Emily in London and Phoebe was pregnant in New York). That way at least you can hear the ceremony take place! They can put you on speaker phone so that you can be heard too when you are shedding a tear!


Chin up pet.



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