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Painter going to oz for work


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Hi guys.

Looking for some information .


I'm 28 years old currently living in Wales, UK. I'm a qualified painter and decorator of 10 years and obtain a NVQ level 2.

I've been thinking of going out to oz to work and maybe potentially live out there if everything goes smooth. 

Im wondering what type of visa do I need to go for to enable this?? How hard would it be for me to stay if I like it there?

I've been recommended by a few people I should go to Perth to look for work would anyone on the forum also recommend this?

Also here in the UK I hold a CSCS health and safety card is there an Australian equivalent that I would need?


Would I be able to just look for work when I'm out there or would I need to find a sponsor ?

I have £20k savings will this be a sufficient amount?


Sorry for all the questions I've searched google and hardly found anything.

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Pretty sure you could just go out on a  working holiday visa and i'm also certain 20K is more than enough. Look on the skills lists to see if your job is on them if you're looking for a more permanent visa. I'm guessing people that can help will be able to help better if you provide a bit more info on yourself - kids/no kids? Spouse? and so on.

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Which list is it? Short term or medium to long term? Check the ANZCO website search it on there. I'm guessing coming tomorrow and Monday when the Aussie dwellers are back online we'll both get replies to our responses. Visa options are a massive thing to get your head around, i've been researching a year and i find out new things every time.

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11 minutes ago, lewisant48 said:

Which list is it? Short term or medium to long term? Check the ANZCO website search it on there. I'm guessing coming tomorrow and Monday when the Aussie dwellers are back online we'll both get replies to our responses. Visa options are a massive thing to get your head around, i've been researching a year and i find out new things every time.

Medium to long term apparently. Tell me about it that why i resorted to this forum because my head was spinning haha. 

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Perth is  not the place to go though mate, The state is in a bit of a tough place at the moment with the mining downturn, the tradies are finding it hard and if you wanted the potential of sponsorship then I would consider Sydney or Melbourne. 

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Hi and welcome to the forum. 

The first thing is lots of research on border.gov.au 

It isn't a cheap or quick process and will need a lot of work. Visas are based on occupation which are based on a list of published occupations. At the moment yours is on there. However, you will need to carefully research if you can pass the skills assessment for it. This is a assessment that looks at your qualifications and experience for that occupation. You then need to look at the second aspect which is points. As well as occupation you need to score a minimum of 60 points. At this time, most people find they have to take English exams for extra points such as ILETS. 

Pas a side, no Perth isn't the best place. At the moment it is in an economic downturn and work hard to find. 

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3 hours ago, VERYSTORMY said:

Hi and welcome to the forum. 

The first thing is lots of research on border.gov.au 

It isn't a cheap or quick process and will need a lot of work. Visas are based on occupation which are based on a list of published occupations. At the moment yours is on there. However, you will need to carefully research if you can pass the skills assessment for it. This is a assessment that looks at your qualifications and experience for that occupation. You then need to look at the second aspect which is points. As well as occupation you need to score a minimum of 60 points. At this time, most people find they have to take English exams for extra points such as ILETS. 

Pas a side, no Perth isn't the best place. At the moment it is in an economic downturn and work hard to find. 

Is It a lengthy process? obviously the skills assessment ect would be for a long stay visa right? 

Should I go on a WH visa first ?

I think Perth maybe out of the question then, apparently Melbourne is crazy expensive ? I don't wanna move somewhere if I'm struggling week on end. 

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I have another inquiry if anyone can answer. I am under the impression you need a a certain amount of experience in your desired trade also be able to back up with employer letters? my only issue is I have been self employed for 8 years out of 10 since I qualified would this go against Me?


Edit: Nevermind just read it up on the borders.gov website. Apparently I need 10 years worth of audits which I do not have. Maybe I need to rethink the whole situation as I'd probably fail at this

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Can't help with visa question but Melbourne is not crazy expensive - Perth is. Australia has become very expensive but knowing and having lived in Melbourne (recently) and Perth (still do) Perth is so expensive. Perth also has the highest unemployment rate in the country. 




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Melbourne's as expensive or as cheap as you want it to be (within reason); as long as you're willing to potentially commute 90 minutes in each direction, you can live pretty cheaply if you're on the outer fringes of the city.   I'd have to side with the others here and suggest you try the place first on a WHV.  Also, Aus is a pretty expansive place - a WHV will give you the opportunity to try a couple or more of the states and see where tickles your fancy (if anywhere does).

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I came over on a WHV and have now been sponsored by a state.. believe me its a long process not to mention expensive. I just about got my visa sponsored by the state before I ran out of time. 

If you do come on a WHV do your 3 month regional as soon as you get here.. that way you can extend your WHV for an extra year to sort it out if you want to stay. 

your right Melbourne is crazy expensive but all major cities are here. just don't blow your wod going out every night haha. 


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