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Creepy Crawlies?


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Hi everyone, im new here and i am only in the very beginning process of a move to Melbourne. We have never been to Oz which probably sounds ridiculous that we want to move somewhere we havent visited, especially with three kids (6,9,13), but, we have always felt that Oz is where we need to be! Melbourne sounds like the best place for us as its not as hot as surrounding areas but still nice.


Me and my other half are planning a visit very soon to look around the suburbs that appeal to us and to get a feel for the place etc. We are interested in the west mostly but this isnt concrete. We hope to be around 40/50 minutes from the cbd and no more than 30mins from the beach.


My question is, what type of creepy crawlies are we to expect in the area we have given?? Are there going to be many red backs?? Snakes in the loo?? Dinner plate sized spiders? Am i to expect a kangaroo entering my house? Haha. Ive read lots of things online, but i thought it was better to get answers from actual residents!


Thanks in advance guys xx


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HAHA what you read online, is far from the truth...

I doubt you will even see any red backs or snakes. Dinner plate sized spiders aka huntsman, I believe are only found in NSW(Sydney) never seen any during my time in Melbourne. I seen more coakroaches/ants than the the critters you have mentioned. One thing to note, leaving your car unattended for periods of time, spiders have a field day with covering it with cobwebs. Flies are also a an issue during the summer, and you will learn the Australian wave!!! :) 

If you have a Kangaroo entering your house, then I guess you will be pretty far out from Melbourne CBD and suburbs. More likely to see see possums but only during the night.

From the distances you have described, have you considered Geelong? Easy access by train to the CBD and close to beaches, its own little city in its own right.

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You may come across some spiders but honestly, if you leave them alone they leave you alone. 

We've got red backs here (Adelaide) and we have to have a big sweep of our garage and under window sills outside every six months or so to get the worst of them out. We have white tailed spiders around also and I get these out of the house if I find them and I'm careful when gardening because of the wolf spiders but I am happy to let them alone as good in the garden. We have big huntsmen spiders here but not seen any dinner plate sized ones. Have seen ones the size of my hand before. Again, I leave them alone as they eat other creepies and are generally harmless. 

I'd expect snakes in the loo in the more tropical parts of Aus, so up QLD way. Those sorts of snakes seem to prefer that sort of climate. 

Honestly, most people living in cities or built up areas are not going to be coming into contact with snakes on a regular basis. We live in foothills and more open countryside and I've seen one brown snake on my travels along the trails here walking the dog. It was going down the hill, we were going across, all of us were fine ;) Just gave it room to go past and then we went on our way. 

I find cockroaches far more objectionable and hate having them around. And the old saying of if you see one, there are more hiding somewhere close by holds true. I've had them fall on my head when I've opened the linen cupboard, run out from places in the kitchen and bathroom. We are not used to them in the UK but they are pretty much everywhere here it seems. I use bait for them to keep them away in the house. We have geckos also and I love seeing them run up the wall. Always leave those well alone. 

I'd hope anyone moving to Aus would embrace the Aus wildlife and not go around killing all the bugs and stuff they find just because its a spider or creature they hate but instead educate themselves first and take time to learn what the species is before deciding to kill or remove or rehome. I hate spiders, I truly do but I tolerate them here in Aus as I don't want to come in and just start killing them because they are spiders. Many are helpful to have around and keep flies and others bugs down. 



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We have installed some bat boxes in our garden. They are to attract micro bats which are the tiny littles critters not the big  lolloping ones. Our 'Bat Man' has told us that they will eat théir own body weight in insects daily, including cockroaches, mozzies, midgies, and even baby mice and lizards. We are in North Queensland so get more than our fair share of creepy crawlies. If you want bat boxes in Queensland you need to get a permit, ours came free form our local Bat Monitor. Not sure if it will work yet though as the boxes need to be in place for several months before the bats take up residence. We are looking forward to seeing little beady eyes shining out of our bat boxes next year.

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Hi and welcome to the forum. 

In major cities, certainly snakes are not a problem. I don't know Melbourne, but huntsman spiders are common in WA and Sydney, as are a couple of other large spiders, but they are harmless and we even encouraged them as they keep flies down. 

But the first question is, have you checked if you are eligible for a visa?

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Its not too bad here in Melbourne. We live in Langwarrin, which is 'outer fringe' and is a bit more open and green. Our house backs onto a reserve and creek and there are snakes in there apparently, we've never seen any. you just need to be a bit careful and we warn the kids about walking through long grass in the summer. When we go to the beach at seaford we cross the foreshore reserve and there are snake signs everywhere, I also run through there with my running group and again nothing. As long as you are aware that you share the space with others you'll be fine.

Spiders. Yes we have them, 3 redbacks so far. There were 2 in the shower, (at the same time) when we moved into the house, but i put that down to the previous owners not cleaning anything ever. We got the house sprayed which is  a yearly thing, and we are overdue this year, but have not seen a single spider in months, the other redback was dead in the shed. We do get huntsman, but they are easy to catch if you are quicker than them, but stick them in the garden and they'll keep the nasties away. I think there has been 1 in the house in the last 18 months.

No kangaroos in the garden, but it is nice to sit out and watch the possums playing on the fence, although they have become rather partial to the grapefruits on the tree.

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  • 4 weeks later...
8 minutes ago, EmmaGiggles85 said:

P.s. how bad are the cockroaches?? Is it a case of you see them everywhere?? Or just the odd one now and again? Xx

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Its not like you see them running around everywhere in broad daylight or anything. 

Just they are there, somewhere. Open a cupboard or the bin and lo, there is a little one, or a great big sucker lurking. Or open your linen closet and have one fall on your head when you pull some sheets out. Or go lift up some stuff outside and there they will go. Same in the garden when gardening. 

We can't use the bug bomb stuff as my husband has a terrible skin reaction to it for months after. So can only use localise bait pots and the like. 

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13 minutes ago, EmmaGiggles85 said:

Ahhhh i get you! Thanks for the reply! I will have to look out for them falling on my head.... really dont fancy that! Haha
Do the bait pots work?? X

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Yeah, I find they do. I'd rather set of a bug bomb but alas, having seen my husband the last time, no way is that stuff going off in our house again.

In summer I see more in the house than in winter. Year round outside, see them but not like they are crunching underfoot everywhere I go  :P


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We live in a modern apartment block in North shore  Sydney, well away from the water.  Have had two huntsmen in the bedroom (both times) and that's all the spider activity we've had in nearly two years.

Regarding cochroaches, we get maybe a few a month in the summer.  I assume as the infrastructure of our block gets older, we'll see more of them. The strata company sprays / bombs fairly regularly, and when my OH bombs the apartment, he'll coincide it with the communal bombing.  Also we are very mindful of keeping open packets in the pantry, in tins / sealed containers and keeping the kitchen and floors clear of crumbs etc.

Edited by vickyplum
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