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How soon can we get passports after citizenship ceremony?


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Hi Guys, 

We are getting set to return to UK and was really hoping for the August citizenship ceremony but it looks like that's not going to happen, next one is Tues10th Oct.  My question is, how quickly can we get our Aussie passports after the ceremony? Urgently need to head back as mum is unwell.

I am thinking, make a passport interview appointment on Weds 11th at the PO and ask for an express service which should mean we can collect our passports from Brissy on Monday16th October? 

Would anyone have any advice for me, 


Many thanks

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They can process very fast. When I did mine, I was due to fly to work two days afterwards. So, I was having my ceremony on the Thursday evening (my council does evening ceremonies). I had an appointment booked for the following morning at the passport office and by Friday lunch time I had a passport. I was then able to fly to work on the Saturday morning. I had to supply proof that it was essential though including flights and that it wasn't reasonable for me to move the flight. 

If you booked the flight and had a letter from maybe from your mums doctor saying you were needed urgently, that would do it. 

Another option is a one of ceremony. Some councils will do one of ceremonies for a fee where there are compassionate grounds. 

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Thanks for your reply @VERYSTORMY  I have checked with our local council and they said they cannot hold a compassionate or one off ceremony without completing a request for an urgent ceremony application with the Department (and the Department is the determining authority). And we cannot "shop around" for a ceremony. 

Another thought I have is to post off our passport applications on 11th October, head off to the UK and have them forwarded to us from our home address in Lennox Head NSW whenever they arrive..... I guess we can leave Australia on British passports but wouldn't get back in without the Aussie one?  

I don't want to risk booking flights for the 4 of us without really knowing we have those passports in sight. 


Thank you

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Officially, if you are an Australian citizen you are obliged to leave and enter Australia on an Australian passport.

You would probably get away with it.  Although come to think of it, my passport didn't come in the post last year just a notification, then I went in to collect from the post office.

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As Collie says, officially you are required to leave Australia on Australian passports if you are a citizen. But if your flights are close enough to the ceremony, I cant imagine the system picking it up.

I would though see if they are willing to arrange a quick passport for you. They were pretty helpful when I did mine. Just book the flights and when you get the ceremony appointment, call the passport office and say you have flights booked and need an emergency passport.

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Not sure why I had to collect them.  Passports are pretty valuable so it may be that they don't like leaving them in a mailbox.

Think it took about 2 weeks from time of application but they say to allow 3.  That was just a standard application through Australia post.  There are express and emergency options but you pay for it.

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Well having to collect them certainly throws a spanner in my plan to leave after the ceremony and have them forwarded but it's great to get these insights so we can plan properly. It's the most frustrating process I have been through, there are only 10 people on the August ceremony (our council can hold up to 200 people) and it's only because immigration has a 'back log' that our names haven't been processed yet. Really desperate to get home to mum but I don't know when we will return so it's really important for us to get our citizenship.  We have 2 Aussie children, young now but may want to come and live here when they're older and it would be nice to be able to join them if we can. 

Thanks for taking the time to reply and let me know your experiences, Caroline 

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You have to collect them because you have to sign for them, they are sent as registered mail.  Check with the post office, I think you can authorise someone to sign for you.

 But why do you need one immediately? You can enter the UK on UK passports then apply for your Aussie passport from the UK.  Ring the Aussie passport office and check it out.

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Hi @ScottieGirl Thanks for your reply.  I was just thinking the same thing, we may not need them for sometime so is there any point in hanging about for 3 weeks extra just to get the passport here?  I just looked up how to get a Au passport issued in the UK and it seems pretty straight forward, just involves a trip to London and bit of extra cash. 


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If you have an urgent reason to get an Australian passport, you can apply for an emergency appointment at  your local passport office.   My daughter had this issue 3 years ago when her father had a heart attack on a flight from London to Perth and ended up in Changi Hospital in Singapore.   Her passport had expired a couple of days previously and she hadn't realised.   She contacted the Passport Office and explained the situation and they gave her an emergency appointment 2 hours later.   Her passport was issued within 4 hours and she was on the plane 4 hours after that.  It costs more of course, but in an emergency the Passport Office were exceptionally helpful.   However we did have to obtain proof in writing from both Singapore Airlines and Changi Hospital before they would activate the emergency procedure.

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Thank you @Rossmoyne, mum had a heart attack recently and although she is doing ok I really need to get back to help her with hospital appointments etc... I'm not sure they would class it as urgent? It's more a daughter/mum thing. 

I think we may head off after the ceremony and apply from the UK when we get there.  We can get the forms done here and take a trip to London within the 6 months that the form will be valid.  Bit of a pain and an extra cost but seems like it may be easier than sourcing doctors notes. 

In the middle of packing up a house, selling up and trying to wrap up work so plate is v full. 

Thanks for your advice

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We became citizens on Australia Day this year the form  tells you to wait 14 days  before applying for a passport we had ours back within 20 days as we told them we were going overseas on 1st march ( there is section on application form to do this ) 

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