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Brisbane - darkness?


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people generally go to bed early there and there is very little nightlife so it does seem dark compared to other cities.  I remember flying into Brisbane airport from Mackay at about 10;30 and thinking how dead it looked compared to say fling into London, Paris, Madrid or somewhere like that.  Not sure about the mozzies

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Guest The Pom Queen

Yes it's dark around 5.30-6 here at the moment but it is winter. In regards to mozzies, you have dengue and Ross River. I've known a couple of outbreaks up in Cairns but never had either. So please don't worry.

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51 minutes ago, The Pom Queen said:

Yes it's dark around 5.30-6 here at the moment but it is winter. In regards to mozzies, you have dengue and Ross River. I've known a couple of outbreaks up in Cairns but never had either. So please don't worry.

Thanks Pomeroy queen the article made it sound like it's just qld due to it being south side? What time does it get dark in summer ect? X

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When you are closer to the equator you experience a more consistent number of hours of day and night all year. Brisbane would therefore go dark between 5-7pm all year. Southern states operate daylight saving so stay lighter in summer until 8pm. Yes you miss the long summer nights but you don't miss it going dark at 4pm in winter.

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9 hours ago, Fosh said:

 the article made it sound like it's just qld due to it being south side? What time does it get dark in summer ect? X

The closer you get to the equator - and warmer weather - the less variation there is in daylight length throughout the year.  Sunset times in Brisbane vary between 6.47 pm in summer and 5 pm in winter: 


Likewise, mosquitoes thrive in warmer climates - Brisbane is subtropical - and therefore there is a greater chance of diseases which they may carry.  (However, AFAIK malaria was eradicated in Australia in the  1890s).







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Hong Kong, Kuala Lumpur, Singapore and Bangkok have earlier dark nights just the same as the further north you go in Australia.  As everyone else has said that's because they are closer to the equator.  The further south you go in Australia the longer the summer nights are.  Same as the further north you go in the northern hemisphere, the longer the summer nights.

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We don't have daylight savings in Queensland, and being low latitude there's less variation through the year.  As others have said, you don't get the long twilight hours in summer, but neither it is sunset at 4pm in winter.. 

There's a lot of us here who have never encountered dengue fever or anything else, so don't worry about the mozzies.

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As I understand it dengue fever is resticted to tropical Queensland well to the north of Brisbane.  Mozzies are a pest year round and to a lesser extent midges and sand flies dependent on where you are and the time of year.  Most of us suffer nothing more than an itch though as I did from mozzies in the UK.

Personally I wish there was daylight saving in SE Qld in summer as sunrise before 5am and sunset around 7pm is a minor irritant. On the plus side even as we approach the shortest day it is still light shortly after 6am and not dark until well after 5pm.  One other noticeable aspect here are the short twilight periods compared with the UK.  Once the sun sets it is totally dark here within half an hour.

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