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lazy house wives


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Guest Shell

Hi Geoffrey,

can I join too ??????

Had to spend 2 days cleaning boys room as I have not done it for soooo long, then had to have lay down on sofa to get over it.

Id like to add this quote from Chellem, It says it all lol.

" If anyone asks your doing important research"


so now when anyone comes over and the house is a mess I just say "sorry, been on PIO all day doing important research ":yes:

Shell xx


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Hi Geoffrey,

can I join too ??????

Had to spend 2 days cleaning boys room as I have not done it for soooo long, then had to have lay down on sofa to get over it.

Id like to add this quote from Chellem, It says it all lol.


" If anyone asks your doing important research"


so now when anyone comes over and the house is a mess I just say "sorry, been on PIO all day doing important research ":yes:

Shell xx




I dont know about this 2 days full cleaning sounds like alot of work to me!!! if you promise not to do it again your in

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Guest roma 1


can i join please as since finding this site my middle name is"lazy" actually is it velda! (honest) but i prefer lazy to velda !!! please let me in!! also oh and daughter no longer believe i am doing research so i have been susssed !!!!

thanks gail velda

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Guest Curlysoo


Morning all! :SLEEP:.... just poured the water on my teabag to make a cuppa .... so I have come for a sit down while it brews! Why stand if you can sit? ... the poota wheely chair is the best!!! I can scoot round ALL the ground floor to do things and NEVER need to stand!


Being lazy really IS an art form to us dedicated followers!:daydreaming:



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come on ladies, go to your user cp and join the social group. For this week only we have free membership. so take advantage of this offer and save £9.95


cant be bothered today geoff lol .... can you extend that offer :twitcy:

mrs keily

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Guest The Hoys hoping.........
Although I am off to work for 4 hours in a minute, I still think I qualify for the club, I dont actually do much at work, get away with what I can and get paid ok for it!! Then will come home and spend all night on the computer looking up where to stay in OZ and coming on here, shouting at husband to control kids and maybe when kids go to bed I might go on the WII and play a game of Tennis.


Oh my god, on paper that is quite Lazy dont you think!!!!!!:nah:




Looks like I have a twin sister after all ! Your day sound just like mine....except I might exchange the Wii game for a glass of wine or three, some chocolate and trash telly but whilst watching it, thinking I must check PIO, I must check PIO!............


You go girl :biglaugh:


Donna xx

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Looks like I have a twin sister after all ! Your day sound just like mine....except I might exchange the Wii game for a glass of wine or three, some chocolate and trash telly but whilst watching it, thinking I must check PIO, I must check PIO!............


You go girl :biglaugh:


Donna xx


more like we were separated at birth:biglaugh:


my best friend is my sofa and it's a standing joke amongst OH and his mates when i'm not on it they want to know why..

i might add tho i have been cleaning for two days in the hope my viewing on the house went well...now tho it's back to me and my best mate's--- 1) sofa, 2) beer, 3) laptop


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Guest Karen K

Well i might as well join, hate being left out LOL SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i am not going to clean the house until a get a viewer SO THERE.!!! Flip i feel much better for that XX

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Guest yvonne and paul

:policeman: Carefull Geoffery, you can spend too much time with the .. aaah... fairer sex and may come to doubt or forget your own manly, hardworking, honest and decent beliefs, you may come to forget what is right and wrong and gain a distorted hormonaly inballanced view of the world, a world where females make sense (LOL) where females can actualy drive and reverse motor vehicles (LOL) where females cut the grass, paint, put the rubbish out, clean the dog mess up, wash the cuttlery (LOL)


So as a reminder, here is picture of the sex you belong to, the honest, hardworking, emotionaly ballanced, fair, no grudge holding, better drivers and common sense holders, yes the man



and the answer to the obvious question is YES, it is me, the tallest blonde one at the back.



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Guest Karen K
Well i might as well join, hate being left out LOL SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i am not going to clean the house until a get a viewer SO THERE.!!! Flip i feel much better for that XX

YES got a viewer so i will now have to clean the house,..............;)

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Guest Karen K

Oh Paul, you are looking for trouble the fairer sex will eat you alive with comments like that..........................so watch out LOL. Yvonne how do you put up with him XX

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Paul you wish !! lol, and as for the fairer sex ,me thinks you will find its the 'better sex' ,lol


CaptainCook.jpg this is geoffrey happily doing his chores ,,theres a good boy geoffrey,good to see you setting an example to all the other chappies !

Cal x

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Guest yvonne and paul



No Cal I wish!!!

Karen I put up with him because he knows his place, and thats at the kitchen sink! LOL

Is this picture what we have to look forward to in OZ? all bronze gods, oooooh!:yes:

Now I'll just go and check he's cleaned up properly and finished the ironing.


The better half, Yvonne

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not sure i like the gingham check on geoffreys apron so i found him a new one ,from what people say it should suit him very well,,lol



Cal x


Hi Cal

I think you have me wrong!!! Im Australian not a Kiwi!!!! I like the kangaroo's not the sheep!!! lol



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Guest Karen K
not sure i like the gingham check on geoffreys apron so i found him a new one ,from what people say it should suit him very well,,lol



Cal x

I love this and WANT ONE for my hubby...................he's a welsh man lol and this sheep looks like his "first" LOL ha ha ha ha:biglaugh:

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