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Are migration agents really helpful


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Hey guys,


am planning for migration to australia. Am not sure of the format for experience letters required by australian computer society.


i have very generic exp letters.


can someone share the latest format or things which need to be mentioned in there

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Well the title question is different to the content question.....


Agents are useful...some will say not required, but frankly if you are spending money on a visa worth having it checked. I didi a validation check with a MARA Agent from this site and it was very worthwhile.


In terms of ACS think someone else will need to jump in on that one ;-)

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each case will be different, and every applicant will have a different opinion,but don't forget, if you make a mistake on your application (and it could be a small mistake) and your application is rejected, you've lost your application fee, could be thousands down the drain.

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If you are prepared to put the time, effort and research into completing the application yourself and hopefully successfully then go without the migration agent. I am in the process on my 2nd migration, sponsored both times by my company, but the 2nd migration had some complications and required more (detailed) information than moving to Australia. Without them I probably would have been stuffed.


I have friend's that completed to the move from Australia to the UK, successfully(a lot of effort put into it) without using an agent but it does require a lot of work to make sure you tick all the correct boxes and get the correct documents, etc.


Look at your situation, if you think it is not overly complicated and you can sort through the whole process yourself, then go for it.


As amibovered mentioned, once you submit your application it is done. Any (little/simple) mistake could mean it being rejected and your money is gone and you need to start the whole process again.

Weigh up the costs verses the additional costs if you need to reapply and the additional time delays.

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Haha you are extremely valuable Westly! You literally have the skills to help people realise lifelong dreams! That's got to be worth a fair few bob I think.


So so true, people relocating are spending tens of thousands relocating and few extra thousands(actually not sure what is costs privately, as my company has paid for it)could be a make or break decision about getting a visa granted first time.

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I looked at it like this: how would I feel if I made a mistake that cost me thousands of pounds I'd taken years to find, hours and hours of overtime, university work, kids futures planned, a life put on hold etc....how would I feel if my last ten or so years of dreaming about a all the exciting things we have to look forward to were scuppered by one stupid , avoidable mistake?

That's how valuable a good migration agent is. It's like an insurance policy on your effort to achieving long planned dreams.

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I do agree that a migration agent can be very valuable. But it is not true that one silly mistake on an application will lead to a refusal, it would absolutely depend on what the mistake is. Many mistakes can be easily rectified after the application is lodged or even upon query.

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I do agree that a migration agent can be very valuable. But it is not true that one silly mistake on an application will lead to a refusal, it would absolutely depend on what the mistake is. Many mistakes can be easily rectified after the application is lodged or even upon query.


No not would- but could.

There are a few silly mistakes I could have made up to now that could potentially lead to me being refused such as over claiming experience, incorrectly formatted medical letters which were not worded correctly, also me not knowing that if I had not disclosed other certain things could have lead to refusal and three year bans etc.

I'm sure applications can and have been done many many times successfully without an agent...but just for us personally, it was not worth the risk of going alone.

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I agree with Bungo. If your application is straight forward then it is not that difficult a task. There is clear guidance within the various application forms and DIBP website, and provided you take the time to do the background research then there aren't many ways to make a catastrophic mistake. Agents are however valuable if your application is not straight-forward and if my case was like that I would have used an agent without hesitancy. Like many things in life, an experts touch is not always needed, but when it is don't skimp or you'll end up paying twice!

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No not would- but could.

There are a few silly mistakes I could have made up to now that could potentially lead to me being refused such as over claiming experience, incorrectly formatted medical letters which were not worded correctly, also me not knowing that if I had not disclosed other certain things could have lead to refusal and three year bans etc.

I'm sure applications can and have been done many many times successfully without an agent...but just for us personally, it was not worth the risk of going alone.


Overclaiming experience is not what I was classifying as a silly little mistake in my earlier post. That would be a ginormous mistake.


But the formatting of your reference letters is not going to lead to a visa refusal and it is utterly preposterous to suggest it might. Nor do people get three year bans for making a mistake on an application.

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I don't think scaremongering people about applying for own visa is helpful...I did both my visas alone and there was no problem with it...lots of chatting to people on here who had done it themselves and reading and rereading all the immi and skills assessment info got me through...internet makes things much easier now...small errors aren't going ruin you! I thought about an agent but looking into it I would have had to do all the main work anyway of gathering info etc, they would just be a guide meaning less research for me. If complicated visa issue or plenty money to burn then def worth it for less stress but I would never have learned all I did about visas and processes if I just took direct instructions from someone else....I like learning....and if you don't know about visas then An agent may suggest an idea that you won't know if it's best one or not and may be other avenues that suit u better, you know what you want or need for your life more than an agent who specialises in visas not your life. I was advised to go for 190 but on my own research I got 189 instead. I also didn't like idea of someone else being in charge of such a big thing in my life and me not having full control over it...i find myself to be a pretty capable person and didn't need the middle man. Bit like having a chauffeur or butler...if u can afford it then it makes life a little easier but unless u can't drive and don't want to learn to its not completely necessary

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Hi guys....just popping on to say ...if anyone feels it was my intention to scaremonger-then my apologies but it was not.

And also I don't find any if my advice given in the best of intention preposterous in any way. Both my consultants wrote my letters supporting my medical history which were in no way helpful and I certainly do believe they could have lost me a chance of a visa. As -imo - i believe- could not having the correct information and advice on specific issues involved, and yes there was something in my case which had I failed to mention could have led to a three year ban.

There are quite a few times on forums when I have been given preposterous and straight forward wrong advice. That is why I chose to get an agent....that and the fact I do not know all the ins and outs of it all and I myself have been wrong before many times.

These are my views only, not everyone's and I appreciate that and respect that, but I stand by what I say regarding my own process.

Good luck to the op though it's stressful, exciting and worth it x

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