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Form 80 - Employment History


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Hi all,


Question 19 on form 80 asks for all employment history since birth and to include all gaps between education and employment as unemployment.



  • I worked on and off, part-time, whilst I was a student at university, so there are quite a few gaps throughout the year:
    • Do I need to list these gaps as ‘unemployment’ even though I was a full-time student?
    • Do I even need to list my part-time work whilst being a full-time student?







  • In my EOI I only listed my 'professional’, full-time work experience. I never thought to list part-time work whilst I was a student. Will this discrepancy be a problem?
  • After graduating from university I spent 4-5months at my mother's, job searching until finally starting full-time work. Do I list this period as ‘unemployed’ even though I never signed on for jobseekers allowance?



I'd really appreciate some advice - thanks guys!

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Hi all,


Question 19 on form 80 asks for all employment history since birth and to include all gaps between education and employment as unemployment.



  • I worked on and off, part-time, whilst I was a student at university, so there are quite a few gaps throughout the year:

    • Do I need to list these gaps as ‘unemployment’ even though I was a full-time student?

    • Do I even need to list my part-time work whilst being a full-time student?







  • In my EOI I only listed my 'professional’, full-time work experience. I never thought to list part-time work whilst I was a student. Will this discrepancy be a problem?

  • After graduating from university I spent 4-5months at my mother's, job searching until finally starting full-time work. Do I list this period as ‘unemployed’ even though I never signed on for jobseekers allowance?



I'd really appreciate some advice - thanks guys!


If you were unemployed, put unemployed, they don't care whether you signed on or not

As for the part time jobs at college, no you don't have to put unemployed for the gas cos you were not unemployed, you were a student. You could eave the jobs out if you like.

Doesn't matter that the part time ones as a student were not on the EOI.

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Thanks for the help guys. I know I definitely paid quite a bit of tax for my summer jobs. At one point I was working 12hours a day(summer months), but I was still classed as a full-time student. Most of my work was part-time, especially during terms.


I think I'm going to call the National Insurance Contributions Office to see what's on my file.


I'm just concerned about not having listed these jobs on my EOI. Can someone confirm this will not be an issue? Or should I try changing my EOI when it expires?


Thanks again!

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Thanks for the help guys. I know I definitely paid quite a bit of tax for my summer jobs. At one point I was working 12hours a day(summer months), but I was still classed as a full-time student. Most of my work was part-time, especially during terms.


I think I'm going to call the National Insurance Contributions Office to see what's on my file.


I'm just concerned about not having listed these jobs on my EOI. Can someone confirm this will not be an issue? Or should I try changing my EOI when it expires?


Thanks again!


Presumably you didn't claim points or anything on them?


I never put my hours spent flogging double glazing onto any of my Form 80s, or my time as a part time launderette assistant or babysitter. That was 20 years ago and the ATO haven't found me yet!!

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I never claimed any points on them, no. I never even thought to list them as they were not professional, full-time work and really I am applying for skilled migration so I never considered it relevant.


It used to be that any earnings under £6k were not even taxable so at the end of each tax year I used to get a cheque from HM Revenue for tax overpayment. But you never get your national insurance contributions back. I did call up the NIC office and they will post out a letter of all national insurance I have paid, since birth, per tax year. So I can see what's on my record at least.


I suppose I could add these jobs and specify they were part-time work whilst I was registered as a full-time student. I wouldn't get penalised for not listining them in my EOI, would I? They will have my NI# from my paylsips and P60, so in theory they could check up on it!

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Q: Question 19 on form 80 asks for all employment history since birth and to include all gaps between education and employment as unemployment.




  • I worked on and off, part-time, whilst I was a student at university, so there are quite a few gaps throughout the year:
    • Do I need to list these gaps as ‘unemployment’ even though I was a full-time student?
    • Do I even need to list my part-time work whilst being a full-time student.





A: No, you could just fill out from when to when, worked on and off part-time on school holidays, on various jobs at various places, that was I usually do to my clients applications and never had any problem.


The form 80 designed for all applicants, mainly used for your background check, only very limited occupations may be interested to the authorities.





  • In my EOI I only listed my 'professional’, full-time work experience. I never thought to list part-time work whilst I was a student. Will this discrepancy be a problem?


A: No, there shouldn't any problem unless the contrary intention appears otherwise.





  • After graduating from university I spent 4-5months at my mother's, job searching until finally starting full-time work. Do I list this period as ‘unemployed’ even though I never signed on for jobseekers allowance?


A: You can either, put looking for a job or unemployed, nothing will affect your EOI or application anyway.

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I'm having problems with the form 80 too! I've just got the visa invite through so am going to get the 80 filled out if they ask for it. I did the 3months farm work 8 years ago for my second Australian travel/working visa, i worked at 3 places but can't remember the farm names just the towns they are in, also I'm not 100% sure if they put all my work through the books. Although they did grant the second year visa from the information I gave so must be ok I guess. Do they check all the tax against previous records?


On the form would I be ok putting the dates of the 4 months I was travelling and working then putting "seasonal work on various farms in Bundaburg and Canarvon"


Also the rest of my job history I only know the month it started and ended as I don't have the paper work for anything from before 5 years ago.


Cheers for any help you can give.

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For work in Australia I have no clue but I assume it has been registered/captured somewhere. I assume when you started work they asked you to sign a form and provide a NI#? Did they make payments to a bank account? You could probably retrieve old bank records if you're sure of the year. Was it full-time or part-time work? If it was full-time, even for 3-4 months, I imagine you have to declare it.


Form 80 is an absolute nightmare.

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How would HM Revenue office get their hands on his Form 80?

And the majority of UK students work in summer jobs that are totally legit, and pay tax on them.


The OP doesn't specify that the summer jobs were in the UK, so reminding applicants that the Australian government record matching system can, and often does, catch people up for inconsistent information is a useful caution. People have often gotten unstuck for failing to report relationship status changes, taxable income, etc. If the employment wasn't in Australia, then it's likely not an issue, but I always suggest that people try to complete form 80 as accurately as possible and if there are details missing, then include a note on the last page that some details are unavailable where they are too long ago to remember.

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I'm having problems with the form 80 too! I've just got the visa invite through so am going to get the 80 filled out if they ask for it. I did the 3months farm work 8 years ago for my second Australian travel/working visa, i worked at 3 places but can't remember the farm names just the towns they are in, also I'm not 100% sure if they put all my work through the books. Although they did grant the second year visa from the information I gave so must be ok I guess. Do they check all the tax against previous records?


On the form would I be ok putting the dates of the 4 months I was travelling and working then putting "seasonal work on various farms in Bundaburg and Canarvon"


Also the rest of my job history I only know the month it started and ended as I don't have the paper work for anything from before 5 years ago.


Cheers for any help you can give.


I'd try to find any records you can, even if it's farm names from emails you sent people, etc. Then in the last page there's a place for additional information and you can provide some explanation that you don't have the specific information but that it had been provided to DIBP when you applied for the second WHV.

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The OP doesn't specify that the summer jobs were in the UK, so reminding applicants that the Australian government record matching system can, and often does, catch people up for inconsistent information is a useful caution. People have often gotten unstuck for failing to report relationship status changes, taxable income, etc. If the employment wasn't in Australia, then it's likely not an issue, but I always suggest that people try to complete form 80 as accurately as possible and if there are details missing, then include a note on the last page that some details are unavailable where they are too long ago to remember.


My jobs were part-time work, mostly over the summer, whilst I was a full-time student in the UK. As I explained in my previous post, my earnings never exceeded £6k, so even though I had tax deducted each week/month, HM Revenue refunded me at the end of each tax year.


I will be adding this work to Form 80, I know all the details from looking at past CVs - my main concern was that I have not added this to my EOI (information between forms will not match 100%). Really though, I don't see the point you are asked to record this on the form if it's not skilled work and has no relevance to your nominated occupation. I can't think why the Australian government wants to know which bars & restaurants I worked in whilst at uni. They should just add a note saying that if you are in full-time education you don't need to declare part-time work. The form just seems excessive.

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My jobs were part-time work, mostly over the summer, whilst I was a full-time student in the UK. As I explained in my previous post, my earnings never exceeded £6k, so even though I had tax deducted each week/month, HM Revenue refunded me at the end of each tax year.


I will be adding this work to Form 80, I know all the details from looking at past CVs - my main concern was that I have not added this to my EOI (information between forms will not match 100%). Really though, I don't see the point you are asked to record this on the form if it's not skilled work and has no relevance to your nominated occupation. I can't think why the Australian government wants to know which bars & restaurants I worked in whilst at uni. They should just add a note saying that if you are in full-time education you don't need to declare part-time work. The form just seems excessive.


I wouldn't be worried that it wasn't included in the EOI since, as you've said, it's not relevant to your occupation or points claimed. Form 80 is part of the character assessment, so basically DIBP is looking at where you've been, where you've lived, where you went to school and where you worked in order, I assume, to determine if you've been associating with people or organisations that would make you a risk to Australia.


It's a pain in the neck to complete if you haven't led a quiet life, but I figure it's one of those things that you just fill in as best you can and get it over with. I went back through many years of emails to figure out when I'd been on business trips, holidays, etc. when I did mine, and then on the last page added a note that I completed it as best I could. I'm not sure if DIBP even looked at it, but it was there if they wanted it.

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Hi all,


Question 19 on form 80 asks for all employment history since birth and to include all gaps between education and employment as unemployment.



  • I worked on and off, part-time, whilst I was a student at university, so there are quite a few gaps throughout the year:

    • Do I need to list these gaps as ‘unemployment’ even though I was a full-time student?

    • Do I even need to list my part-time work whilst being a full-time student?







  • In my EOI I only listed my 'professional’, full-time work experience. I never thought to list part-time work whilst I was a student. Will this discrepancy be a problem?

  • After graduating from university I spent 4-5months at my mother's, job searching until finally starting full-time work. Do I list this period as ‘unemployed’ even though I never signed on for jobseekers allowance?



I'd really appreciate some advice - thanks guys!



hi all, Oldie speaking here! I've just got a parents residence visa and had to fill in the dreaded form 80 which meant going back 43 years to try and remember holiday jobs. Since there was no email in those days I couldn't check that! If it helps you to know, I wrote "various temporary employment during college holidays." I had difficulty with the travel too since my relevant ten years covered a time I was living outside the UK, travelling back to visit ailing parents and going elsewhere on holidays. In the end I wrote as much as I could remember and used the word "approximately" wherever I wasn't sure. they accepted it without a problem.


I think they just want to know you are being honest and they must realise you aren't going to have the exact dates for everything - my feeling was 'if in doubt, stick it in with approximately beside it.' Form 80 is a pain ... My employment record stretched over 47 years and I can't believe for one minute that they were interested in the fact that I worked Saturday's in a dress shop in 1967 but I stuck it in anyway :-). Good luck!

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hi all, Oldie speaking here! ... . Good luck!


Thanks for the input :) I'm just going to do the same and put 'approximately' next to the dates for one of my holidays. I found a lot of my travel dates and locations through tracing back my facebook timeline and looking at my 'check-ins'. Most other travel I was able to find through email invoices of flight bookings.


I was also able to find all my previous addresses from uni through my online amazon account. They store all delivery addresses you've ever used. Paypal is the same if you use ebay. By the way, the new form 80 only asks for your address history in the past 10years.


My previous work I found through past CVs. I have old emails of when I applied for part-time positions and it's saved as an attachment. Thankfully I didn't have to go back as many years as you!

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