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Australia isn't being swamped by Muslims

Guest The Pom Queen

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What on earth is 'Islamic progression'? Halal certification reduces food costs because the products can now be sold to a much bigger market. No consumer is paying extra for it, and no money is going to fund Islamic terrorism, despite what tinfoil-hat wearing theorists might think. To think otherwise is simple xenophobia.


Too much reading/mental over taxing by listening to True Blue and related xenophobic porn parroting patriots me thinks. From Commies under the bed to Muslims disrupting the food chain. How do these people sleep at nights with such angst is beyond me.

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............the angst being the treatment of how the animals are slaughtered....!

............often due to the religious requirements.....not humanely.....

.............this contributes to the feeling of distrust to a community already viewed with suspicion due to the headline atrocities in their name....

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............the angst being the treatment of how the animals are slaughtered....!

............often due to the religious requirements.....not humanely.....

.............this contributes to the feeling of distrust to a community already viewed with suspicion due to the headline atrocities in their name....


You may view other cultures treatment of animals, including some of the slaughter houses in our western countries. Hardly any meat eating country can claim the high ground. Saying that I am not in favour of ritual slaughter either. Neither am I in favour of what was disclosed happening in Buddhist countries like Vietnam either.

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You may view other cultures treatment of animals, including some of the slaughter houses in our western countries. Hardly any meat eating country can claim the high ground. Saying that I am not in favour of ritual slaughter either. Neither am I in favour of what was disclosed happening in Buddhist countries like Vietnam either.



............agree there are atrocities in many cultures regarding animal cruelty....

............but as the Muslim population is represented so negatively in the news ATM.....

............it's one more black mark against a culture already viewed with suspicion.....

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Guest Michaela60
What on earth is 'Islamic progression'? Halal certification reduces food costs because the products can now be sold to a much bigger market. No consumer is paying extra for it, and no money is going to fund Islamic terrorism, despite what tinfoil-hat wearing theorists might believe. To think otherwise is simple xenophobia.

Please don't use facts here, it isn't allowed

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So you are quite happy to be contributing money to a religion of which you are not a member?


You are not contributing to any religion. If you buy a halal-certified product you are only paying the retailer, who in turn pays the manufacturer of the product when it buys the product wholesale. The manufacturer does pay a small fee to a halal certifier, but there is no evidence to suggest that this amount does anything other than defray the cost of establishing whether the product meets the definition of halal.

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The answer could just lay in live and let live, not overly concerning yourself with porkers and water.



if the certifiction fees were paid to the oz govt for the benefit of people living here i wouldnt care. however i refuse to pay towards the promotion of a political ideology that will destroy my way of life. its that simple.

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Guest Michaela60
if the certifiction fees were paid to the oz govt for the benefit of people living here i wouldnt care. however i refuse to pay towards the promotion of a political ideology that will destroy my way of life. its that simple.

More paranoia

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............agree there are atrocities in many cultures regarding animal cruelty....

............but as the Muslim population is represented so negatively in the news ATM.....

............it's one more black mark against a culture already viewed with suspicion.....



............just to add.....

.............that only addressing what we percieve as bad in a culture....

..............can we convincingly champion the good....

...............too often we accuse many of blanketing a whole culture under the few shameful atrocities done in their name....

.................but by ignoring the wrong we see in cultural practices.......we are in danger of doing the same....


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if the certifiction fees were paid to the oz govt for the benefit of people living here i wouldnt care. however i refuse to pay towards the promotion of a political ideology that will destroy my way of life. its that simple.


I suspect that you would then complain that it was the state sponsoring and supporting Islam then. If you hate, then you hate, it really is that simple; you often actually do not need a reason.


I find Christians control far more aspects of my life. Christmas, as a Christian ritual is bad enough but Easter just moves around the calendar and both determine when I can have my holidays. But, I put up with that and accept the fact that people adhere to these belief systems. Islam is not something which impacts on me at all by comparison as far as I am concerned.

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And speaking about having Muslim values forced on non Muslims there have been KFC restaurants that have refused to serve bacon to their customers


I'm not a great fan of that concept in a chain of restaurants, but as long as it is advertised as a halal-only branch I suppose it's OK. It's their business, they can serve what, and who, they like - a bit like a baker refusing to prepare and serve a cake celebrating a same sex wedding....

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Guest Michaela60
I suspect that you would then complain that it was the state sponsoring and supporting Islam then. If you hate, then you hate, it really is that simple; you often actually do not need a reason.


I find Christians control far more aspects of my life. Christmas, as a Christian ritual is bad enough but Easter just moves around the calendar and both determine when I can have my holidays. But, I put up with that and accept the fact that people adhere to these belief systems. Islam is not something which impacts on me at all by comparison as far as I am concerned.

Muslims don't bother me but Christians are a different matter entirely

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What on earth is 'Islamic progression'? Halal certification reduces food costs because the products can now be sold to a much bigger market. No consumer is paying extra for it, and no money is going to fund Islamic terrorism, despite what tinfoil-hat wearing theorists might believe. To think otherwise is simple xenophobia.


I think there is proof enough that money from the certifiers is given to Islamic "charities" many of which do, indeed fund terrorism - the money trail is pretty well hidden but it has certainly been found in Canada and the Australians haven't bothered to track it all - at the Senate commission they said as much. Progression - developing and furthering the cause of Islam in various ways and, no, I do not want to do that at all. Not to mention Mohammad whatsisname (he of the bigoted anti Australian views) and his wife's collection of shoes. He, in particular, regularly rants about how he wants Australia to be Muslim and when he controls the food and medicine supplies then we will be a Muslim country. Lovely chap he is. Not a tin foil hat in sight here!

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Muslims don't bother me but Christians are a different matter entirely


Why bother living in a country with Christianity at its core then? Perhaps you might be more comfortable in a country which has Islam at its core? I hear Saudi is pretty nice and they have good weather.


At least Christians don't behead you for not believing in their religion, I suppose that is one bonus.

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I'm not a great fan of that concept in a chain of restaurants, but as long as it is advertised as a halal-only branch I suppose it's OK. It's their business, they can serve what, and who, they like - a bit like a baker refusing to prepare and serve a cake celebrating a same sex wedding....


And didn't they get a hammering!!! And the couple who ran a b&b but wouldn't let a gay couple sleep together - business destroyed, bankrupted through legal defences etc etc so business owners can't serve what and who they like these days!

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Guest Michaela60
Why bother living in a country with Christianity at its core then? Perhaps you might be more comfortable in a country which has Islam at its core? I hear Saudi is pretty nice and they have good weather.


At least Christians don't behead you for not believing in their religion, I suppose that is one bonus.

Singularly uneducated. Read Thomas Asbrodge The First Crusade and you'll have a rethink. Makes anything Muslims have done pale into insignificance

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More paranoia


This is the point though, yes there is paranoia and no other group has brought about such paranoia, why because they integrate and get on with their lives without others feeling they need to make allowances for them. As I said its not the majority of muslim people who are to blame, its our governments, our public servants, our laws and our teachers and other people who make changes to accommodate muslim religion. We need to stop doing this. We need to celebrate like we always have and have nativity plays at schools. and religious education for those that want it, i e different religions coming into schools and taking lessons, that is what happened when I went to schoo


Personally I could not care less I drinks my grog and eats my pork and am not paranoid about it. The point I am trying to make is that if muslim people are feeling they are being targeted, they are, they are setting themselves up for it and they should demand that our politically correct lot pull their heads in.


If only our Aboriginal people could get the same consideration from the politically correct.

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Singularly uneducated. Read Thomas Asbrodge The First Crusade and you'll have a rethink. Makes anything Muslims have done pale into insignificance

Um, you do realise that the Crusades were to stop the spread of the Caliphate which had already slaughtered millions in its march to world dominance (Good old Mohammad was really proud of that)? Neither side were squeaky clean back then. Had the Crusades not happened this would all be a moot point because we would all be followers of Islam (or beheaded in the process). That would be Asbridge of course. Far as I know Christians have developed since then whereas Islam has not, as evidenced by that bastion of Human Rights, chucking gays off car parks, stoning women for being raped - hmm, yup, really developed.

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if the certifiction fees were paid to the oz govt for the benefit of people living here i wouldnt care. however i refuse to pay towards the promotion of a political ideology that will destroy my way of life. its that simple.


Four Corners done a show displaying largely the myths around this for what they largely are. Myths. No such ideology beyond the advocating of hatred, perhaps, will destroy your standard of life. Now western involvement in the Islamic world has proven more in line with your argument.

Fact being Muslims form a quarter of humanity. Australia lives beside the largest Muslim populated country on earth. We are in dire need to reign in the bigots and hot heads from both sides.

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Um, you do realise that the Crusades were to stop the spread of the Caliphate which had already slaughtered millions in its march to world dominance (Good old Mohammad was really proud of that)? Neither side were squeaky clean back then. Had the Crusades not happened this would all be a moot point because we would all be followers of Islam (or beheaded in the process). That would be Asbridge of course. Far as I know Christians have developed since then whereas Islam has not, as evidenced by that bastion of Human Rights, chucking gays off car parks, stoning women for being raped - hmm, yup, really developed.


Glad to added both sides displayed none to squeaky clean. Islam is not conducted the same through out the world. The hospitality and openness towards strangers would likely startle you, if in possession of the experience in behaviour in certain Muslim countries. There are places where opposite traits prevail, but as stated not a uniform pattern to world view. Hardly unique in that.

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