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Student Visa


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Son is currently in Australia and gandchild due soon. Just wondering if it would be possible for me to go over on a student visa for a couple of years which would enable me to help out. I understand that there are fees involved and would only be able to work 20 hours a week and would probably have to show I have some money but is it doable? Has anyone done this with a view to applying for contributory parent visa later down the line?

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The first thing to do is to find out what course you could do, and what the fees are. You'll be paying international student fees, remember, and they can be very high. You can't just do any course either - it has to be one that's eligible for the visa.


If you're going to go for a contributory visa later, you're going to need every penny you've got - so spending a lot of money on a student visa for a couple of years might not be the best thing. Better to go over for six months at a time on a tourist visa maybe?

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Being on a student visa wouldn't help your CPV at all, just use up a lot of your resources for almost no gain. If you're eligible for the CPV, get it started now and take long holidays while you wait - much easier!

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