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We've been here nearly 1 year - And are just getting into it

Captain Roberto

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All this referendum stuff has been mad and a bit stressful to say the least. It got intense even from here, with everyone on Facebook going nuts. It's all very divisive!


Irrelevant of 'sides', and who is right and wrong and all that jazz, the whole situation has made me realise that I am glad to be here! Glad to be out of it. It's also made me realise that I should get off Facebook, out of the 'UK' bubble, and mentally engage with being here seeing as it's 12,000 miles from home.


Anyone in the Sydney area ever want to catch up for a coffee, I'd be into that. Time to make some friends here

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All this referendum stuff has been mad and a bit stressful to say the least. It got intense even from here, with everyone on Facebook going nuts. It's all very divisive!


Irrelevant of 'sides', and who is right and wrong and all that jazz, the whole situation has made me realise that I am glad to be here! Glad to be out of it. It's also made me realise that I should get off Facebook, out of the 'UK' bubble, and mentally engage with being here seeing as it's 12,000 miles from home.


Anyone in the Sydney area ever want to catch up for a coffee, I'd be into that. Time to make some friends here


Posting on here though you are going to get responses from Poms. I would suggest joining clubs for stuff that interests you. Helps mix with the locals.

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Agree with the sentiment its the conclusion we have come to. The whole saga has shown some of the darker / nastier sides of friends that we always thought were pretty happy go lucky....


we've had numerous requests for people to come and live with us, think quite are few are not tongue in cheek now

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I'm sure that's right. So far, I know v little about it, and am very glad about that. We don't read the newspapers (too busy) our rental house doesn't have an aerial, so all the TV we watch is either Fetch, Netflix or Stan.


We can't vote here for another 3-4 years, so whatever it is, we can't do a thing about it. Ignorance really is bliss :)



wait till you get into the nasty politics of Australia,,,,:biglaugh:
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The above post is so right. Politics in OZ are a shocker. Not as expressed nor is the 'badness' so overtly expressed as in UK, where a healthy cynical media plays a larger part in dishing out the dirt.

As such all too many folk remain to a degree in ignorance or apathy or at best too dis interested to really care about the considerable issues facing the future of this country with an over optimistic some call naïve take on things.

Saying that there is a growing sense of helplessness and as in many western countries the main parties are faring less well as more people seek out populist answers.

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The politics in Australia is truly rank- much worse than the UK. The class of people in parliament ain't too hot either!


Talking of putrid pollies, I hope that turd Eddie Obied gets a good few years in the slammer. Slimy wee so and so.

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Might be good to not take this thread off topic too much into political discussion. I think the OP was trying to reach out to make some new friends, meet new people and all that :)

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All this referendum stuff has been mad and a bit stressful to say the least. It got intense even from here, with everyone on Facebook going nuts. It's all very divisive!


Irrelevant of 'sides', and who is right and wrong and all that jazz, the whole situation has made me realise that I am glad to be here! Glad to be out of it. It's also made me realise that I should get off Facebook, out of the 'UK' bubble, and mentally engage with being here seeing as it's 12,000 miles from home.


Anyone in the Sydney area ever want to catch up for a coffee, I'd be into that. Time to make some friends here


This will go off topic into Oz bashing territory again.

Took us a couple of years to abandon a lot of the UK-centric things we were clinging to and we never looked back. You're right, if you stay in that bubble, you never fully move on.

Try a local FB group rather than a site of Poms, a lot of whom are dissatisfied with their lives.

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This will go off topic into Oz bashing territory again.

Took us a couple of years to abandon a lot of the UK-centric things we were clinging to and we never looked back. You're right, if you stay in that bubble, you never fully move on.

Try a local FB group rather than a site of Poms, a lot of whom are dissatisfied with their lives.


Thanks @gpo1971

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I'd suggest local groups and sports clubs and stuff to meet new people. TBH I have not gone for ex pat meet ups and groups or anything and have defo moved outside of the UK bubble and did so pretty much from day 1 after arriving here. And am very content and happy with life here :)

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We have a few different Facebook pages for our area, some suburb specific but some more generally Sutherland Shire, and there are always groups (different fitness groups, hobby groups etc) asking if people want to get together. Perhaps there is something similar in your area?


We've never really gone for ex-pat meet ups or anything either. I did meet a couple of people off PIO, but only a couple of times before we/they moved on. I do have good friends who are immigrants though, in fact my three best friends here are migrants (American, Slovak and British) who I have just met naturally through my every day life, although I have got some Australian friends too. However, it did take a while to meet new people. I think it took maybe 18 months or two years before I knew people as friends rather than just people who I knew, if that makes sense.

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I've never actually heard of any ex pat meet ups in all the years we have been here. Maybe they are state specific?


er...there are a fair few PIO ones advertised on these very pages, I went to couple when we first moved over but not my thing, I didn't move to Australia to mix with Poms :)

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