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My fellow Australians.....


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After reading that in the UK google searches for "What is the EU?" have increased 8-fold since the results of the Brexit election, this is my plea to all Australians voting this weekend to please do a little research before exercising your democratic right (slash obligation here) to vote.


With the changes in voting for the Senate, your vote can really make a difference - no longer are you at the mercy of some party's backroom preference deals, you can choose where your preferences go yourself.


Whichever party you give your first preference to in the House of Reps, do a bit of research and reading beforehand on the people standing for Senate, and perhaps consider a vote for an independent party - but not just because they are shown as independent on the ballot paper - have a read beforehand of where they stand on major issues.


There is a very good article here, with a little info about some of the smaller parties that don't get a lot of coverage in the main stream media. You are allowed to take your own notes in with you to the booth if you wish, or even make yourself your own 'how I want to vote' list to take in with you.


We are very lucky to live in a democratic country, make your vote truly reflect your choices.



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We did our postal vote last weekend.


There are many independents on the ballot paper who don't even get a listing with a Party name which otherwise might give some clue to their policies. So it's worthwhile doing some googling just to find out who stands for what before putting pen to paper.

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The Senate should be abolished like they did in NZ.


When the government wins an election they should not be stymied at every turn by minorities who usually have tiny votes and don't deserve to be there.


Given we have elections every 3 years you don't have to wait long to turf out a government if they have not performed.

But they should be able to implement their plans and then be judged on their record at the next election.

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The Senate should be abolished like they did in NZ.


When the government wins an election they should not be stymied at every turn by minorities who usually have tiny votes and don't deserve to be there.


Given we have elections every 3 years you don't have to wait long to turf out a government if they have not performed.

But they should be able to implement their plans and then be judged on their record at the next election.


The new rules for the senate voting will stop the senate being full of parties that only got tiny votes. I actually like the fact we have a senate that is not necessarily aligned with the government of the day. It forces the government to be considered and negotiate.

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PC, i think the only hope now is the senate.


the current 2 party system results in your vote being right wing or right wing.


so if you are against the current system you pretty much have to vote for greens or independents, to stop them at the senate.


as always, its all about the policies, do the research, make your mark.

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Am I correct in saying that you can still only put/place one and not six above the line and the vote will still be valid?


I believe so but you will not get any preferences counted. I believe you could also number 2 or 3 and these would be counted but there would be no preferences after that. This is not being widely advertised though as the whole point of the preferences system is that if your first vote doesn't count your second preference will, and so on and so forth.

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