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Arriving in the UK on an Australian Passport


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Must admit I have had to laugh on this one !The story is about a well heeled business man who has travelled extensively for years until today !

He was born in the UK naturalised Australian so he allowed his UK passport to expire years ago and travels on his Aussie one

He does travel extensively for work and that includes trips to the UK ,Portugal ,India ,Pakistan and China ( he is often in China for weeks )

Anyway he was stopped at Manchester airport this morning frog marched into Immigration and delayed for an hour and a half because he has entered on a one way ticket !

The reason for that is he was retrenched a while back in Oz and a UK firm head hunted him so he now works for them !

He did have a return ticket from Australia but on the eve of his departure his Dad passed away so he cancelled that and quickly booked the one way ticket - he is used to booking at a moments notice and thought he could sort his return to Oz when he finds out his plans for work here in the UK

Immigration were a bit iffy with him and told him he will need his UK passport and advised that if he goes to Liverpool he can get one in four hours -is that correct ?

Problem as well is that he needs to go to Portugal in two weeks time but he said the immigration guy relented and gave him some sort of pass that says he can leave the UK and re-enter for up to 6 months

Does anyone have any info on how quick he can get the UK passport and also a birth certificate as he only has a copy available to him

I can see the funny side of things though as he has more air miles than Biggles !

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Must admit I have had to laugh on this one !The story is about a well heeled business man who has travelled extensively for years until today !

He was born in the UK naturalised Australian so he allowed his UK passport to expire years ago and travels on his Aussie one

He does travel extensively for work and that includes trips to the UK ,Portugal ,India ,Pakistan and China ( he is often in China for weeks )

Anyway he was stopped at Manchester airport this morning frog marched into Immigration and delayed for an hour and a half because he has entered on a one way ticket !

The reason for that is he was retrenched a while back in Oz and a UK firm head hunted him so he now works for them !

He did have a return ticket from Australia but on the eve of his departure his Dad passed away so he cancelled that and quickly booked the one way ticket - he is used to booking at a moments notice and thought he could sort his return to Oz when he finds out his plans for work here in the UK

Immigration were a bit iffy with him and told him he will need his UK passport and advised that if he goes to Liverpool he can get one in four hours -is that correct ?

Problem as well is that he needs to go to Portugal in two weeks time but he said the immigration guy relented and gave him some sort of pass that says he can leave the UK and re-enter for up to 6 months

Does anyone have any info on how quick he can get the UK passport and also a birth certificate as he only has a copy available to him

I can see the funny side of things though as he has more air miles than Biggles !



I think you can get an emergency one very quickly, but it wouldn't be cheap.

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Ialso do not understand what is funny or what is weird about him being stopped. He is an adult with the incorrect passport and a one way ticket, I woudl certianly hope he should be stopped and questioned. A passport can be obtained in a day.

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Regarding my comments I think some have taken it that I thought it was funny or weird ( I didn't use that word Bungo ) that my friend was stopped

Of course he should be stopped a foreign passport on a one way ticket should attract attention and the immigration guy did the right thing

When I said it was funny it was me laughing at the situation on a personal level because the same guy travels so much its like god bless you

He normally fast tracks through every airport quickly and cleanly but one mistake and he was snookered !

Normally he is a very organised and precise person he was not thinking clearly when he booked the one way ticket ( remember he just lost his Dad )

He was laughing when he rang me and could see the funny side of it as well as like me he has got a good sense of humour

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If for some reason you don't want a UK passport you can apply for a Certificate of Entitlement to be put in an Australian passport - https://www.gov.uk/right-of-abode/apply-for-a-certificate-of-entitlement

Ok thanks that could be another option I think he will get a UK passport ok he does have his old expired one but he will need as much ID as possible when he goes to Liverpool

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Ok thanks that could be another option I think he will get a UK passport ok he does have his old expired one but he will need as much ID as possible when he goes to Liverpool


Can't get a certificate of entitlement if you already have a UK passport. An expired passport still proves right of abode. If he had traveled with that in his possession then he might have had an easier time at border control.

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He should have taken his expired British passport as well then there should be no problem. Technically, you do not need a British passport to enter the country. You must prove your British citizenship and a birth certificate and other forms of ID such as Aussie passport or driving licence would suffice.

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Can't get a certificate of entitlement if you already have a UK passport. An expired passport still proves right of abode. If he had traveled with that in his possession then he might have had an easier time at border control.

I think in his situation he really was not thinking straight he was packed ,30 minutes away from leaving for the aiport ,just over two weeks ago when he got a call to say his Dad had passed a way He said he hopes he does not feature on border control lol

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Happened me once when I left the UK for Holland and couldn't find my UK passport. Upon return, after about 20 minutes of questioning I was given "leave to enter the United Kingdom for an indefinite period". Which was nice.

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My British passport expired in 2009 and I haven't renewed it yet. Since then we have had a couple of trips to and from the UK with me travelling on my Aussie passport, although I carry the expired one with me. We've been in and out of Heathrow, Gatwick and Paris no problem. This January however we did a short Eurostar break to Bruges, and on the return checkin at Brussels, the woman asked me if I was travelling alone, and when I said I was with my husband but he had gone through the UK passport line, I made the mistake of telling her I had dual nationality. She then detained me for an hour,made me feel like a criminal and almost miss the train. She said if I had UK nationality I had to re-enter the UK on a current UK Passport. By entering on my Aussie passport, she would have to impose conditions (length of stay, rights to work etc) on me, but she said she couldn't impose those conditions on a UK citizen. Turns out she was wrong, and by showing her my UK passport - even though expired - that should have been enough for her to let me through, but obviously there is a little confusion amongst customs officials as to the exact ruling (she said people that work in customs at LHR and LGW "obviously don't know what they are doing"!) I even asked what if I hadn't told her about my dual nationality, and she glared and said "Then you would have been lying!" Being an honest law-abiding person, I didn't want to upset her, but investigated it since and she was wrong.


I might add that while she was making my life a misery, umpteen people who I would have thought fit the profile of a terrorist far more than a 50 yr old slightly overweight woman passed through unstopped as she was focussed on me so much...

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Strange how these border control people are. The last time we went for a visit to the Uk we late for our connecting flight ( not our fault) from Heathrow to Manchester. Husband has a Uk passport and I have an Australian one we had to pass through different lines of immigration or border control. Due to there being a number of people in my line my husband got through first so he waited at the top of the walkway for me a border person spotted him lerking there ( their words) asked what he was doing he explained the situation. Well the fellow who questioned him suddendly said wait there. So he did the fellow then took off at some speed (husband wondering what he was going to do). The fellow just came up to me pushed me up to the front looked at my passport asked me length of stay etc. Then quiclky stamped my passport and said off you go now run before you miss your flight. Was a lovely thing to do in the end as we just made the flight. Funny people like i said.

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Strange how these border control people are. The last time we went for a visit to the Uk we late for our connecting flight ( not our fault) from Heathrow to Manchester. Husband has a Uk passport and I have an Australian one we had to pass through different lines of immigration or border control. Due to there being a number of people in my line my husband got through first so he waited at the top of the walkway for me a border person spotted him lerking there ( their words) asked what he was doing he explained the situation. Well the fellow who questioned him suddendly said wait there. So he did the fellow then took off at some speed (husband wondering what he was going to do). The fellow just came up to me pushed me up to the front looked at my passport asked me length of stay etc. Then quiclky stamped my passport and said off you go now run before you miss your flight. Was a lovely thing to do in the end as we just made the flight. Funny people like i said.


Not funny, very helpful I would have thought :)

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