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Anyone Fancy a Roach?


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Hope everyone is having an awesome day.....despite it being burny hot, humid and sweaty!


So the "Roach Bloke" was out again. 3rd time lucky and all that.


The real estate were moaning AGAIN because they had to pay for it.


Since we moved into our "castle", we've had roaches. Not them little smelly ones you get but the hulk hogan of roaches!


Roach Bloke told me: "You live in Oz now, your gonna have to expect them in the house"

Me: "Yeah, fair enough but when theres 10+ dead in the living room plus more some days and even crawling on us when we're watching tv, sleeping or even showering????"

Roach Bloke: "I see your point, No dramas"


My estate agent are getting annoyed with us as its a old, smelly dirty house but the rent was cheap. Landlords gonna tear it down after the mortgage is paid anyways! We spent weeks cleaning it properly and making it semi ok. And apparently it's $300 a pop each time. We have had up to 50 roaches in one day!


And they can't get into the roof space as there's no loft hatch! Which is illegal as there's electrics apparently.


I'm not moaning but how many roaches are ok to live with before it's deemed feral???

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Up in the NT I'd say a few. That kind of environment you just can't avoid them really. I remember when I spent a few weeks in Florida on work experience being told they were just a fact of life but we didn't have that many. You do need to be scrupulous with cleaning up any crumbs etc (not saying your not) as the smallest of crumbs or spillages will attract them in to the house. I'd also say you need to take a bit of responsibility yourself for keeping the numbers down. You can buy Mortein bombs that you set off in the house then go out for a few hours. The smoke will get in to all the corners of the house and will hopefully kill them off. Any you can buy barrier sprays for the outside of the house to prevent them coming in.


Good luck. The bugs is one of the things that puts me off the more tropical parts of Australia.


ETA - the other thing we did in Florida was keep all fresh food in the fridge, so all fruit and veg and anything not package in plastic and/or cardboard. This was to stop it attracting things like mice and cockroaches and I suspect one of the reasons why Americans have such large fridges.

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We use these; http://www.mortein.com/products/naturgard/naturgard-auto-protect-indoor-eucalyptus/

When it's on you often find dead roaches near the door frames etc, they seem to die before they get any further, and we know when it's run out because then we start seeing them in the house.

Also cleanliness in hot climates is important, not eating food in the lounge/bedrooms etc and vacuuming crumbs after every meal.

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I think in an old house you will get some, on saying that ,our house isnt new but we have had probably 10 in the 10 years ive been here so not many at all.


Do the Pest sprayers not give a guarantee? most of the ones around here will come back free of charge if crawlies are still around after they have sprayed, so maybe mention this if the agent starts moaning again.


Cal x

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We use these; http://www.mortein.com/products/naturgard/naturgard-auto-protect-indoor-eucalyptus/

When it's on you often find dead roaches near the door frames etc, they seem to die before they get any further, and we know when it's run out because then we start seeing them in the house.

Also cleanliness in hot climates is important, not eating food in the lounge/bedrooms etc and vacuuming crumbs after every meal.


This is probably the best thing in helping prevent / minimize them (ants too). However remember they are flying about all the time at night and are like moths attracted to light so there will always be the odd one or two that get through. We use the cockroach baits scattered all around the house, under beds, furniture, washer, dryer, fridge, in cupboards, wardrobes, garage, sheds.

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Interesting stuff. We have had only 6 in the house in the 5 months we have lived here and figured that was not too bad. Easily despatched though they are fast (not-so) little buggers. Will consider the traps if we see too many.


Ants are a bit more of a nuisance (those really tiny ones) and appear in numbers in several places every day it seems. Might look at the mortein stuff.

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Ah yes they do....we use northern rock. It hasn't cost us anything but the first call obviously they paid for and they said 3 weeks they could come out and do a free re-spray. Seeing as its the 3rd time, next time (hopefully won't be) will be free.


Its just hilarious my agent says "tough. Get on with it, you live in OZ now. We can't keep paying for overtime you see a cockroach!"

Fair play, when the cockroach moves his family, his family cousins and next door's neighbours roach in the house, its a different story! ;)



I think in an old house you will get some, on saying that ,our house isnt new but we have had probably 10 in the 10 years ive been here so not many at all.


Do the Pest sprayers not give a guarantee? most of the ones around here will come back free of charge if crawlies are still around after they have sprayed, so maybe mention this if the agent starts moaning again.


Cal x

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Yeah we have them too but I'm not bothered by them. The little black teeny ones are Singaporean ants?? *Spelling?*


Roach Bloke says Mortien Gold works for 3 years!!! Now and again you just spray the doorframe lighty and voila! Heading to bunnings to buy me some later!


Interesting stuff. We have had only 6 in the house in the 5 months we have lived here and figured that was not too bad. Easily despatched though they are fast (not-so) little buggers. Will consider the traps if we see too many.


Ants are a bit more of a nuisance (those really tiny ones) and appear in numbers in several places every day it seems. Might look at the mortein stuff.

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Ah yes they do....we use northern rock. It hasn't cost us anything but the first call obviously they paid for and they said 3 weeks they could come out and do a free re-spray. Seeing as its the 3rd time, next time (hopefully won't be) will be free.


Its just hilarious my agent says "tough. Get on with it, you live in OZ now. We can't keep paying for overtime you see a cockroach!"

Fair play, when the cockroach moves his family, his family cousins and next door's neighbours roach in the house, its a different story! ;)

Put some saucers of beer down they love it and die drunk

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Guest The Pom Queen

We never had a pest guy out we just used moretin on the outside of the house. We have had maybe 4 roaches inside since we have lived in Oz, if we see one we go and buy the bombs and let them off. It's the ants that drive us insane although this house we haven't had any but in Cairns and Melbourne it was nightmares.

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We never had a pest guy out we just used moretin on the outside of the house. We have had maybe 4 roaches inside since we have lived in Oz, if we see one we go and buy the bombs and let them off. It's the ants that drive us insane although this house we haven't had any but in Cairns and Melbourne it was nightmares.


We had ants around the kitchen sink and windowsill. I got some of that liquid Ant Rid stuff. Just squirted tiny little blobs around that area. Never saw them again. I have never seen cockroaches here.

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Hope everyone is having an awesome day.....despite it being burny hot, humid and sweaty!


So the "Roach Bloke" was out again. 3rd time lucky and all that.


The real estate were moaning AGAIN because they had to pay for it.


Since we moved into our "castle", we've had roaches. Not them little smelly ones you get but the hulk hogan of roaches!


Roach Bloke told me: "You live in Oz now, your gonna have to expect them in the house"

Me: "Yeah, fair enough but when theres 10+ dead in the living room plus more some days and even crawling on us when we're watching tv, sleeping or even showering????"

Roach Bloke: "I see your point, No dramas"


My estate agent are getting annoyed with us as its a old, smelly dirty house but the rent was cheap. Landlords gonna tear it down after the mortgage is paid anyways! We spent weeks cleaning it properly and making it semi ok. And apparently it's $300 a pop each time. We have had up to 50 roaches in one day!


And they can't get into the roof space as there's no loft hatch! Which is illegal as there's electrics apparently.


I'm not moaning but how many roaches are ok to live with before it's deemed feral???




Do you have kids? Do you want them living breathing insecticide?



You should only have the odd roach. You have an infestation. I lived in one as a student. After three months we managed to turn large roaches into smaller ones.



I moved. I would advise you to.

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Ewwww,gross!we had an infestation when we first moved in,got the place sprayed,and now we just see the odd one here and there.you definitely have an infestation,and as newjez already mentioned if you have kids it isnt good for them,so either sort it or move.hate cockroaches,they make my skin crawl!

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Ah i feel for you pom queen! Id happily swap you the ants for the roaches! I'll even throw the husband in too ;)



We never had a pest guy out we just used moretin on the outside of the house. We have had maybe 4 roaches inside since we have lived in Oz, if we see one we go and buy the bombs and let them off. It's the ants that drive us insane although this house we haven't had any but in Cairns and Melbourne it was nightmares.
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