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Life of a Forum

Guest The Pom Queen

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Bloody norah where did all this come from? I must live in a parallel universe. Maybe it is a good idea not to meet in person if this is the result?


Well, im not one to repeat gossip so listen very carefully.............


im the same as QSS , unfortunately ive met only one offensive person on here , not bad considering the amount of good people ive had the pleasure of meeting through this site ..........Long Live the site .............

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There is only one thing in life worse than being talked about and that's not being talked about. - Oscar Wilde



After hearing some gossip this week and being told I'm being talked about I thought why on earth do I bother with forums, do I need the extra stress.

Then I stopped and thought, even though we have one or two who like to try their hardest to spoil things and upset people they are a very tiny minority.

I have made some wonderful friends through the forum, both virtual and in the real world. I have adopted @ali as my sister and @Rossmoyne as my mum. Plus many other members who I'm very close to.


I have found through my years on here that people have always come and gone, some we have been glad to get rid of others it's been sad to let go.

We have lost a couple of lovely members to the big man upstairs, I often think of them, such lovely people who were taken away at such a young age.

Then we have seen lots of relationships blossom and a couple of marriages between members, this couldn't have happened without the forum.


I have heard of members offering people jobs, houses, references, help etc these are all wonderful people.

At the meet up this weekend nearly everyone I spoke to had made friends through the forums. Those who had recently arrived to Perth were made to feel very welcome and left with numerous contacts and new friends.


So, I'm sorry to the people who like to have something or someone to gossip about but I won't be letting that get to me. You are the minority and are outweighed by the wonderful members who we have.


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Guest The Pom Queen
Bloody norah where did all this come from? I must live in a parallel universe. Maybe it is a good idea not to meet in person if this is the result?

It wasn't anyone who came to the meet. The post really wasn't about the gossip but more about how friendly and helpful the forum has been to numerous members.

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Guest The Pom Queen
PQ: I told you our affair would never stay a secret!! :wink:

Ssshhhhh you will start them all off again.

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After hearing some gossip this week and being told I'm being talked about I thought why on earth do I bother with forums, do I need the extra stress.

Then I stopped and thought, even though we have one or two who like to try their hardest to spoil things and upset people they are a very tiny minority.

I have made some wonderful friends through the forum, both virtual and in the real world. I have adopted @ali as my sister and @Rossmoyne as my mum. Plus many other members who I'm very close to.


I have found through my years on here that people have always come and gone, some we have been glad to get rid of others it's been sad to let go.

We have lost a couple of lovely members to the big man upstairs, I often think of them, such lovely people who were taken away at such a young age.

Then we have seen lots of relationships blossom and a couple of marriages between members, this couldn't have happened without the forum.


I have heard of members offering people jobs, houses, references, help etc these are all wonderful people.

At the meet up this weekend nearly everyone I spoke to had made friends through the forums. Those who had recently arrived to Perth were made to feel very welcome and left with numerous contacts and new friends.


So, I'm sorry to the people who like to have something or someone to gossip about but I won't be letting that get to me. You are the minority and are outweighed by the wonderful members who we have.



@The Pom Queen..... thank you for my "Adopted Mum" status..... very honoured!


I have just read through this thread and there are many good comments, but basically I think it all boils down to the fact that we are all very different and want different things out of life. Some people carry their same persona from real life onto a forum, be they nice or nasty.... but there are some who live behind their keyboard as someone perhaps they would like to be, but fail in real life to live up to the nice character they portray online. I have certainly come across one of these in my time on the forum, and after finding out the hard way just what a poisonous person in real life this excuse for an adult was, it put me off trying to develop face to face friendships from the forum for a while. You also have to take into account that some people are never ever satisfied with what they have and are always looking for more, and consequently try to belittle others they consider have a better life than them. You can only feel sorry for such people as they miss out on so much in life.


So well done dear PQ for having the attitude of not letting someone elses vitriol and bad manners get to you. You are one of the most honest and genuine people I know and you are well loved by so many many people, both on and off the forum. Hold that thought! Rossy-Mum:hug:

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Guest The Pom Queen
@The Pom Queen..... thank you for my "Adopted Mum" status..... very honoured!


I have just read through this thread and there are many good comments, but basically I think it all boils down to the fact that we are all very different and want different things out of life. Some people carry their same persona from real life onto a forum, be they nice or nasty.... but there are some who live behind their keyboard as someone perhaps they would like to be, but fail in real life to live up to the nice character they portray online. I have certainly come across one of these in my time on the forum, and after finding out the hard way just what a poisonous person in real life this excuse for an adult was, it put me off trying to develop face to face friendships from the forum for a while. You also have to take into account that some people are never ever satisfied with what they have and are always looking for more, and consequently try to belittle others they consider have a better life than them. You can only feel sorry for such people as they miss out on so much in life.


So well done dear PQ for having the attitude of not letting someone elses vitriol and bad manners get to you. You are one of the most honest and genuine people I know and you are well loved by so many many people, both on and off the forum. Hold that thought! Rossy-Mum:hug:

Actually you seem to young to be mum, so maybe an older sister lol.

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Actually you seem to young to be mum, so maybe an older sister lol.


Flatterer PQ!!!!.... you know I am well qualified by years to be your Mum.... so let's go with that! You can join the other very special people who have adopted me as a Mum over the years..... xx

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I'm sure everyone would have been talking about me the whole time of the meet. But who cares.

What else do people from a forum who don't know each other have to talk about but the forum and forum members.


Actually Parly.... hate to burst your bubble, but no-one I talked to on Sunday mentioned your name....

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Guest The Pom Queen
Don't doubt yourself Kate, it's due to your forums that I've met some amazing people!

And some sexy forex guy :wink:

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Guest The Pom Queen
I'm sure everyone would have been talking about me the whole time of the meet. But who cares.

What else do people from a forum who don't know each other have to talk about but the forum and forum members.

To be honest the forum itself doesn't usually come up in any discussions and not the members, we are too busy having lots of fun to discuss the forum.

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