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roverallover that is so kwool, and the One Dimensional that is just pure quality my friend, you have a choice of words which are exact I like that a lot...and I too have the plague, I must try it without my UK bit on my resume and see if I get any further with my applications, perhaps it's the fact that' I'm English, or am I now getting a little paranoid in the processes. lol

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My wife and I really enjoy watching 'Wanted Down Under'.... Is it not true then that the lifestyle is more relaxed

@Hitmanfc1000 - no, frankly, it's not! Australia is famous for having longer office hours and shorter holidays than equivalent jobs in the UK. Plus, of course, we don't get the long summer evenings - it's dark by 8pm, so if you don't get out of work till after 6, you don't have long to enjoy the beach! On the other hand, you can sit on the verandah on a balmy evening with a chardonnay, and you've got the whole weekend.


The truth is that life is about the same, if you compare like with like. If you move from London to Sydney, you'll have exactly the same issues about expensive housing, long commutes and long office hours. If you move from London to Perth, you'll find the commutes shorter - but then, you could achieve just the same thing by moving to a smaller city in the UK.


If you really analyse the people on WDU, you'll often find that migrating has kick-started changes they could've made in the UK. I remember one woman who wanted to have "more time with the family" - in the end they stayed in the UK, but she changed her job to one with shorter hours and better pay, so she got her wish without having to move anywhere! But why did it take a failed move to Australia to make her do the obvious?


Also take WDU with a big pinch of salt - a lot of the time, those lovely houses are an unrealistic commute from where they're planning to work. Presumably they don't want to show them houses in a suitable area, because they'd be too expensive and not nearly so impressive!

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I would have to agree with you on the only way is the Australian way, I'm quite sure our Universities are of good standing, my wife and I arrived here in 2007, we thought at the time we have just had enough of London and jobs were pretty tricky to get at that time, so we did leave and bought ourselves a one way ticket to Perth, moved into our pretty reasonable home with pool ect, bought a 4x4 as you do, and then we both got good jobs, I worked in Government on a permanent basis, as my wife told me to tick the box stating I was a Permanent resident, and worked in Gov for two years, they then found out about the p>r I explained all to them, that I had made a mistake and they sent off my info to the main man in Government to see if i would be allowed to continue, by the time it was all sorted out, I then got my p.r. and was then informed the Treasurer has allowed me to keep my role, I was then asked if i wanted to accept a redundancy as they were going down the path of Work Performance, please give me a break, I have worked in the city of London for many years, I know when I'm being played, so played the same game with them and gained an extra six months and they then paid me out after much deliberation and nonsense...this was the beginning of how silly things are done here in Perth.


Gained another role with a large org and guess what, yes my manager was from the UK, Racist, Alcoholic and on anti-depressants....nice! absolute nightmare to work with, so had no alternative but to leave, I wish at the time I had taken the matter further, as I was informed I would have won (big time)


Then I have been in and out of Government contracts ever since, what a laugh! every one and i mean every one is all about their levels, ie i'm a level 5 or i'm a level 6 and so on and so on, it's all a big power struggle with silly little people running to their own managers telling tales on their co-workers, how backwards is that.? sorry i'm sounding a little bitter here...lol all the nonsence that goes with it, Selection Criteria, please give me a break, what on earth do they think people did at Uni, and don't bother telling them who you've worked for even if it is the Biggest Organisation in the World, they just don't care, and it means nothing to them, However, In London, it means something to them for a reason, you don't work for these organisations if your an idiot...


POMs indeed, where the hell does that come from, it is the Australians who are the POMS not the English, prisoners of her majesty's service ect they need to get it right (i am having a laugh here)


Should have got out of your government job then. I worked for a respected private company for over 20 years. Treated with respect and appreciation. Wage rises every year and bonuses.

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Brisbane IT. Been here since 2007 when I was sponsored as a management consultant. Working off an on as change manager, PM, BA, ITIL analyst. Qualified to Masters level and my CV is pretty impressive. I never struggled to find work in UK. Here I work because I have a good relationship with a mgt consultancy company who find me work - on my own I doubt I'd have anything and did spend 5 months out of work some time back, applying for countless roles. I do junior work now compared to what I had in the UK and don't particularly care as no longer ambitious but just want to do something interesting. Tends to be Govt. work only. Very few people in IT earning huge amounts - in Brisbane $110/120k should be achievable and you can have a nice lifestyle for that. If you're ambitious, career driven and want to work in a professional environment then Sydney and Melbourne really are your only options - much more expensive though. In your position I'd stay where you are and splurge on travel but if you're determined to come be aware that it's not just your salary that may take a hit. There are very few senior positions in IT in the Brisbane market and these are allocated on a who you know basis. It can be hard to imagine this when you're not used to it but it really it quite shocking - leaders are risk averse and will always choose someone local if they can. Of course you may have specialist hard to find skills but I think IT is pretty challenging at the moment.

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Good luck with the next step in your life adventure! It certainly seems like UK is on the up and I don't know anyone who wants work that can't find it at the moment. As long as you've got your citizenship you're not burning any bridges just going with the best option of the moment. We do hear that Perth in particular is struggling though!



It might sound a little strange, but I have one Final and Last Interview on Friday this week, and If I get the role, this will be my last, it is only a 3.5 month contract but enough for me to take my time and get things more in order so to speak, there might be a potential to go permanent, but I will not be holding my breath and to be honest, I think I have had my time here in Perth.

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Another thing, don't assume that all the jobs you see on Seek are still vacant.


Or that they existed in the first place. Seek is renowned for advertising so called positions that turn out to be agencies just touting for people to register with them.

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It might sound a little strange, but I have one Final and Last Interview on Friday this week, and If I get the role, this will be my last, it is only a 3.5 month contract but enough for me to take my time and get things more in order so to speak, there might be a potential to go permanent, but I will not be holding my breath and to be honest, I think I have had my time here in Perth.

I think you have done your time and it is definitely time to return now. It must be excruciating for you having to put up with these dreadful people.

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Hey Very Stormy ( Wait for me ) ....I wish you well in your new job back in the UK matey..! all the best I'll keep you updated as to how things turn out for me when I arrive back which will be very soon...just landed a small contract which I will now complete and then I am able to get that darn Car I want....Yes you know it makes sense yes the Audi S3 or BMW series 1 ...or the Audie A4 nice!

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I did and that was for one the big Oil companies...am happy to go back to London so it's all good, and i'll be even happier when I land a role back in London as before and will get into my new business venture...so all good I don't like it here that's why I'm leaving and really happy about it...so God Bless

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I hear what you are saying, and your right I should just go right away, don't get me wrong I'm not saying it's much better back in London, I just know the job market is more real in the process, and the likelihood of getting one is much higher than Perth, in Perth there are no jobs at all and it's as simple as that, It does not matter which country you live in, if your unemployed for a long period of time then it's time to move on which is exactly what I am doing, and of course looking forward to seeing the English Countryside again, and visiting all the UK Cornwall, Devon, Wiltshire, the Lake District, Cotswolds ect and of course the food...nice! I will only be working in London, I plan to live in the country...

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