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Memory Loss

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen
I'm so relieved it's not just me! My memory is hopeless! I remember when my friend was first diagnosed with MS and she was telling about her symptoms. She said the worst thing was that her memory was 'shot to pieces' - she couldn't remember things from one day to the next. I just looked at her and said, 'welcome to my world'.

My sister seems to have been blessed with my share - she could tell me anything from my childhood and I wouldn't know if she was telling the truth or not :laugh:

That's the thing, I did expect it to go with age but I'm only in my forties so thought I'd have another twenty years left first.

My gran had Alzheimer's I just pray I don't end up like that, although at the minute I seem worse than her.

I have to laugh though as my mothe in law told me how she had gone shopping the other day and paid for her items, got to the door and the alarms started going crazy. She marched back up to the counter saying how she had paid and here was her receipt and how dare they ask to search her bags. She totally forgot she was buying a new handbag and had put it over her shoulder to carry as the basket was full. She was lucky an easy mistake could have got her in to trouble.

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Not sure about that. I can walk into the next room and think...now what did I come in here for? :rolleyes:


When the room is the toilet, start worrying...


Similarly, next time you bend to tie your shoelaces, ask yourself - is there anything else I can do while I'm down here?

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All good for daughter at work, her boss has been fine, which as she is like the boss in The Devil wears Prada is quite something.

Possibly because she (the boss) is off to USA in a couple of days on business and my daughter has been arranging everything, so would have been stuck without her organising the trip.


Thank you everyone for your kind thoughts, they really helped, I was low.

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:smile: I was clearing up after our meal! I often go to the fridge with the coffee jug in my hand, or forget why I'm on my way to another room!!


In the "olden days" when the milkman delivered to the door, I once completed my late night routine by putting 2 empty milk bottles in the fridge and the alarm clock on the front doorstep. :rolleyes: Didn't realise until I opened the door the next morning looking for my newly delivered milk. The milkman must have thought "We've got a right one here!" :laugh: I was still in my twenties too...amazing that I've made it this far.

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In the "olden days" when the milkman delivered to the door, I once completed my late night routine by putting 2 empty milk bottles in the fridge and the alarm clock on the front doorstep. :rolleyes: Didn't realise until I opened the door the next morning looking for my newly delivered milk. The milkman must have thought "We've got a right one here!" :laugh: I was still in my twenties too...amazing that I've made it this far.


Cannot have been the olden days if you had a fridge! or you were posh like!

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My memory is terrible - and I don't even have any meds I can blame it on! I think it's because I live in a little fantasy world inside my head most of the time, so am never sure if a memory has actually really happened or if it's something I imagined or dreamt!


Often my husband will say "when we went to such-and-such a place" and I honestly have no memory of it at all!


On a serious note though, I think emigrating away from people you've grown up with doesn't help - when we were back in the Uk recently I met up with a very old friend who I've known since school, and over the course of the evening, chatting with her, there were so many things we reminisced about that until then I'd forgotten all about, so that conversation brought the old memories to the fore and reinforced them.... and driving past familiar places day after day as well jogs your memory. You come to a new country where you haven't built up a lifetime of memories, and there are not those constant reminders of your past.... sometimes a good thing I guess!!

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Cannot have been the olden days if you had a fridge! or you were posh like!


You're talking about the "ancient days"...when the milko filled up the billy on the doorstep...and you put it in the Coolgardie safe. :wink: Not sure I can quite remember that...but I do remember the "ice man" coming to fill up the ice chest on the verandah. :wubclub:

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