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Settling in a 14 year old on run up to GCEs


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@dthomp - I'm not an education expert but I used to be married to a teacher, and I'd agree that a move for Year 10 would be fine.


My main concern is that on another thread, I see you'd be coming on a 457. If that's the case, then I'd say you need to be absolutely positive that your employer is cast-iron solid with a really thriving business, and that you're going to love the job. You simply cannot afford the risk of your employer going bust or needing to restructure during your contract - if that happens and you find yourself out of a job, then you'll have 90 days to leave the country. Immigration won't care that your daughter is in the middle of Year 11 or about to do her HSC, she'll have to go.


That's why so many members here worry about 457 visas for migrants with families. They are a great option for many people, especially if you are looking for a short-term adventure or want to test the waters and see if you like Oz - BUT when you have children at critical times in their education, or if you're asking a partner to give up their career, you need to be aware that a 457 gives you NO right to remain in Australia, so you may be risking a lot for the sake of achieving your dream.


I can understand your desire to get away from the London rat-race but have you considered moving elsewhere in the UK or Europe to achieve the same result?

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Oops - hadn't picked the 457 visa (do hope that's not ACT, NSW or WA - there goes $10k - $20k in school fees.) I would be much more hesitant about taking a kid out of the U.K. System on a temporary visa at that stage of their education. Possibly on a permanent visa but not with the vagaries of the temporary ones.

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I don't remember commenting on your original post. In fact, I didn't.


But for the record, having had a failed migration, I get a bit annoyed by the 'she'll be right' brigade.


Emigrating is a difficult thing. It is more successful when it's approached with open eyes.


But isn't this similar but the other way around


We failed so be careful you might also


I said it worked for us just fine


So it might for them with the right attitude and commitment


I think most who are thinking of making such a big move will have thought of all the pitfalls and want to hear it is possible for it to work

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But isn't this similar but the other way around


We failed so be careful you might also


I said it worked for us just fine


So it might for them with the right attitude and commitment


I think most who are thinking of making such a big move will have thought of all the pitfalls and want to hear it is possible for it to work


Personally, if it was me, I'd be more interested in the problems you faced and how you dealt with them so I could do the same.

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Personally, if it was me, I'd be more interested in the problems you faced and how you dealt with them so I could do the same.

Most problems are personal problems and as we're all so very different in so many ways I don't see how it would help


If I turned to drink to help me cope with a situation does that mean you would do the same


You make me laugh


You know what helped me most when we moved to Aus


We stuck together as a family and found things as we found them


So much on here is great but so much on here is so not true because what one likes another won't


Also so much old info given out


We're over 5 years in now and in that time so much has changed


Anyone coming to give Australia a good go


A positive mental attitude will help you most

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Most problems are personal problems and as we're all so very different in so many ways I don't see how it would help


If I turned to drink to help me cope with a situation does that mean you would do the same


You make me laugh


You know what helped me most when we moved to Aus


We stuck together as a family and found things as we found them


So much on here is great but so much on here is so not true because what one likes another won't


Also so much old info given out


We're over 5 years in now and in that time so much has changed


Anyone coming to give Australia a good go


A positive mental attitude will help you most


I was a teacher for 7 years in the UK and if anyone was asking would it affect their child's education to miss the first year of a two year A level course would it be appropriate to answer not with a positive mental attitude? What bull!!


Could it be overcome? Yes, would a positive attitude help - yes of course but this is not the adult who wants to migrate we're talking about, it is their child.


In the case of the OP, it is fine to move with a 14 year old and that's what I said. Moving back though would be a different kettle of fish and given they are on a 457 visa that is a very high probability - even if nothing goes wrong and they stay the 4 years, it could be at the very least very expensive as they would be considered an international student by UK universities at 18 but hey don't worry about university fees - 'she'll be right' eh?

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If you noticed I was replying to newjez as I quoted their replyso it wasn't aimed at the opon a 457 visa I think it sounds like a big risk on a childs future for sureBut they and only them can make that decision


I agree, but they need facts in order to do that. I think what Newjez was saying is that a success story with no detail doesn't help in that regard, because the OP can't tell whether your situation has any relevance to theirs.

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If you noticed I was replying to newjez as I quoted their replyso it wasn't aimed at the opon a 457 visa I think it sounds like a big risk on a childs future for sureBut they and only them can make that decision


Agree with you there and FWIW I think sharing positive experiences is just as important as negative.


I just don't believe positive thinking overcomes all!

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@dthomp - I'm not an education expert but I used to be married to a teacher, and I'd agree that a move for Year 10 would be fine.


My main concern is that on another thread, I see you'd be coming on a 457. If that's the case, then I'd say you need to be absolutely positive that your employer is cast-iron solid with a really thriving business, and that you're going to love the job. You simply cannot afford the risk of your employer going bust or needing to restructure during your contract - if that happens and you find yourself out of a job, then you'll have 90 days to leave the country. Immigration won't care that your daughter is in the middle of Year 11 or about to do her HSC, she'll have to go.


That's why so many members here worry about 457 visas for migrants with families. They are a great option for many people, especially if you are looking for a short-term adventure or want to test the waters and see if you like Oz - BUT when you have children at critical times in their education, or if you're asking a partner to give up their career, you need to be aware that a 457 gives you NO right to remain in Australia, so you may be risking a lot for the sake of achieving your dream.


I can understand your desire to get away from the London rat-race but have you considered moving elsewhere in the UK or Europe to achieve the same result?


Thanks for your response. You're right - we're aware it's a risk on a 457. But at every stage for years and years , we've been 5 points away from a PR visa, and this is really our only option for Oz. We know we'd rather stay in London than move elsewhere in the UK or to Europe. Hence not going anywhere up until now! Am grateful for your thoughts and warning. Especially as our children go to an excellent school in the UK (another reason for not going as yet...it's not quite bad enough in the UK to force our hand). We need to decide whether to take the risk - but for a variety of reasons, we want our future to be in Oz not the UK if we can make it happen.

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Thanks for your response. You're right - we're aware it's a risk on a 457. But at every stage for years and years , we've been 5 points away from a PR visa, and this is really our only option for Oz. We know we'd rather stay in London than move elsewhere in the UK or to Europe. Hence not going anywhere up until now! Am grateful for your thoughts and warning. Especially as our children go to an excellent school in the UK (another reason for not going as yet...it's not quite bad enough in the UK to force our hand). We need to decide whether to take the risk - but for a variety of reasons, we want our future to be in Oz not the UK if we can make it happen.


Have you thought about going out by yourself for six months to test the waters? It might be more expensive in the short term, but could save you money in the long term?

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Have you thought about going out by yourself for six months to test the waters? It might be more expensive in the short term, but could save you money in the long term?

Yes - that's exactly what we've been discussing following the answers on this thread and concern about the 457. Then at least I couLd assess the job and ensure it was sound before moving the kids out. Thanks again for all the advice.

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  • 2 months later...
Am a little concerned about her who will be starting her GCSE course / year 10 this September. Please does anyone have any experience moving older children at what could be a more critical time in their schooling, don't want to mess her future up. Also any idea how easy the transition might be in terms of subjects etc. She's abit of a swot and would never forgive me if I was seen to affect her exams and her future ! Not worried about the younger one.


You're moving to a foreign country which doesn't do GCSEs so if you intend making Aus your forever home, Miss 14 has 2 years (almost) to get her bearings and launch into yr 11 at 16 then yr 12 at 17. GCSEs are utterly irrelevant- however if there is any indication that you will want to return to uk at any stage, I would be leaving her there until the end of A levels.

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