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Car Seats - Transport options.

Major Tom

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Hi all, who has come across this issue, we have two kids in car seats, and one on a booster, we need them to travel to the airport, and we need them on the other side, does anyone know what the rules are about taking them on your flight, are they allowed, and are they classed as baggage, or do you have to pay specially for them?


Cheers MT.

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One of the worst case scenarios, is if one of your kids get hurt in an accident caused by another driver and your child is in an unapproved restraint -- that is reason enough for the other drivers insurance to not pay any of the medical bills....

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I tend to agree with the hiring them with a hire car if you are driving to the airport. Then buying new once here.


You can buy one of the most highly rated (in Aus standards testing) high back booster here most of the time for $70. Decent harness car seats for a couple of hundred $$, perhaps a bit more.


I have a thing about car seats and car safety and had mine extended rear facing till aged 5 and all that and I did a lot of research into car seats in Aus (and there was an informative thread on it all on the forum but I've got to search to find it now) and the testing done here v UK etc.


Personally, I'd never scrimp on cost for a decent car seat nor would I use an illegal one or one that had expired its date of manufacture label or anything like that. Good enough for the UK doesn't mean its good enough for Aus or better or worse than Aus. Aus is different and from the off I think its good to try to remember and accept that, not be thinking its the UK or you can do as you did there etc. Just MHO and all that.

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So has nobody had any experience taking car seat with luggage allocation, or did you pay to put in the aircraft hold area?


Depending on who you are flying with csr seat info can be found in their luggage info usually.

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Our stroller and car seat went into the hold for free.


We could have used it in the seat on the plane but it would have taken up too much room so used a Cares restraint instead.


This was with Cathay Pacific.


We have since flown with Singapore Airlines and they put the stroller into the hold for free, we hadn't taken a car seat though.

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MT , what airport are you landing in .............? Wouldnt it be easier to have someone meet you at the other end with the seats than lug them all across the world ? I know i wouldnt , if its Perth then i can help ,elsewhere then ask about ,im sure there are other caring people on this site .............

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We brought ours over for our two kids,4/3 you.


The airline said we could bring pram and two seats for no extra charge.


So we used them for getting to and from airports.


Just bring them,use them and if you need to upgrade when your here then do so but only if you have to.


Resell value is minimal there so it's worth bringing them.





Sent from my D6603 using Tapatalk

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So has nobody had any experience taking car seat with luggage allocation, or did you pay to put in the aircraft hold area?



Child car seats are not classed as excess luggage and are not part of your luggage/weight allocation. They will be checked in separately and do go in the hold so be sure to secure all straps etc. that could get caught and damage the seat. I have travelled with boosters and high back isofix seats and I usually but them in a black bin liner which I then tape shut at the check in desk.


Good luck with your move!

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I used to travel with car seats within Europe and BA allowed me to take pram plus car seats for my twins (they are below 2 now). Car seats were additional checked baggage. You have to check allowance with airlines.

We are going to move to AU, however as per above comments we have decided to hire car with car seats at the beginning and buy approved car seats once we arrive.

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