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New year,new rules that affect Australia


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On the subject of Australia Post.... perhaps if the CEO didn't draw such a stupidly insanely high salary there might not be such a problem.... I know he supposedly donates half of his salary to charity.... but which charity? It certainly isn't a charity that supports all of Australia.... just one that is very selective in its support.


The service that Australia Post offer has been declining for years.... I received mail today (4 January 2016) that had been posted in Queensland on 12 December... mail that had been posted in rural WA on 14 December.... mail that had been posted in UK on 2 December.... mail that had been posted in Canberra on 6 December..... Why does it take so long for this mail to arrive anywhere????? And what other mail is sitting somewhere that I don't actually receive?


I received mail today posted in Central Europe on Dec 14 as well. Not sure how that relates to rural WA but there you are.

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On the subject of Australia Post.... perhaps if the CEO didn't draw such a stupidly insanely high salary there might not be such a problem.... I know he supposedly donates half of his salary to charity.... but which charity? It certainly isn't a charity that supports all of Australia.... just one that is very selective in its support.


The service that Australia Post offer has been declining for years.... I received mail today (4 January 2016) that had been posted in Queensland on 12 December... mail that had been posted in rural WA on 14 December.... mail that had been posted in UK on 2 December.... mail that had been posted in Canberra on 6 December..... Why does it take so long for this mail to arrive anywhere????? And what other mail is sitting somewhere that I don't actually receive?


The fact he is a Muslim is hardly relevant is it ?


Australia Post would have the same issues regardless of the CEO and his religion.

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In the good 'ole days they used to ride bikes and blow a whistle when they delivered the mail- and it was always on time, never missed a day like this lot now. We used to leave a big tip out for our postie at Christmas but wouldn't even consider leaving anything now. Parcel deliveries are ok but they are private companies and have a better attitude.

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In the good 'ole days they used to ride bikes and blow a whistle when they delivered the mail- and it was always on time, never missed a day like this lot now. We used to leave a big tip out for our postie at Christmas but wouldn't even consider leaving anything now. Parcel deliveries are ok but they are private companies and have a better attitude.


I don't find the 'better attitude' to be necessary the case at all. All too often have had parcels left in the driveway, readily removed by all and sundry. On the one occasion something didn't turn up no responsibility was taken.

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No, you've got it all muddled up. Isis is really part of a pro Trump World plot to take over America.


No ISIS is the new hair gel favored by Trump to give that "all fired up" look


It takes a lot of effort to border the "cat did a dump" look

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So I wonder if they'll be chasing the Aussies who haven't paid their student loan and have already legged it abroad, or will chasing loan repayments be starting from now with all students moving abroad.... I would have thought it would be easy finding an Ozzie who has moved to the UK and not paid their loan off if they are paying tax in the UK.....I know at least one Ozzie in the UK who brags about not paying their loan back - mind you they did their degree about 10 years ago now....

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  • 2 months later...
On the subject of Australia Post.... perhaps if the CEO didn't draw such a stupidly insanely high salary there might not be such a problem.... I know he supposedly donates half of his salary to charity.... but which charity? It certainly isn't a charity that supports all of Australia.... just one that is very selective in its support.


The service that Australia Post offer has been declining for years.... I received mail today (4 January 2016) that had been posted in Queensland on 12 December... mail that had been posted in rural WA on 14 December.... mail that had been posted in UK on 2 December.... mail that had been posted in Canberra on 6 December..... Why does it take so long for this mail to arrive anywhere????? And what other mail is sitting somewhere that I don't actually receive?


Anything out of state it would seem is double checked if it is international or domestic

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Tax avoidance is perfectly legal, evasion is illegal. There is nothing 'grey' about it. I'd challange you to find anyone (corporation or individual) who pays more tax than they legally have to.


Pointless telling me avoidance is legal. Corporates play hard ball with government and are in a position often to dictate terms out of threats. This needs changing and the Big Boys need to pay up a reasonable amount. The matter is more overt in recent times and improvements have been made. No need to let up though.

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Pointless telling me avoidance is legal. Corporates play hard ball with government and are in a position often to dictate terms out of threats. This needs changing and the Big Boys need to pay up a reasonable amount. The matter is more overt in recent times and improvements have been made. No need to let up though.


Just remember come voting time which parties combined to make tax avoidance easier for the big corporates.... http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/greens-deal-with-scott-morrison-on-tax-shield-sparks-labor-fury-20151203-gle9ft.html

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Just remember come voting time which parties combined to make tax avoidance easier for the big corporates.... http://www.smh.com.au/federal-politics/political-news/greens-deal-with-scott-morrison-on-tax-shield-sparks-labor-fury-20151203-gle9ft.html


Your right on the money there to point that out. None of the political parties responsible for the demise of Australia will have Buckley's chance of winning my vote. The ineptness of the political machine in Australia reminds mind boggling. Trouble being I'm not convinced we deserve better.

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Your right on the money there to point that out. None of the political parties responsible for the demise of Australia will have Buckley's chance of winning my vote. The ineptness of the political machine in Australia reminds mind boggling. Trouble being I'm not convinced we deserve better.


So Flag who will get your vote? Who should we be voting for if we want change?

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So Flag who will get your vote? Who should we be voting for if we want change?


The answer to that is to get yourself informed. Harder than often anticipated I'm afraid. I would not ever suggest whom one should vote for, outside of the principle political parties have badly let down the populace of their respected nations. You see it far exceeds Australia, a reason why the potentially dangerous Trump is doing well in the States. We need a turn of direction away from the ill chosen path that is leading to the demise of the validity of the case for democracy. Just don't be lulled into allegiance to some of the rubble claiming to be the representing concepts of freedom usually at the expense of some body else's.

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