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8 days till touch down.... Sick with worry

Emma Newby

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We forgot the charger units for our cameras. They went dead within 2 weeks and we had to wait till the container arrived to recharge.

Also, take a spare mobile phone. One of our iPhones wouldn't accept a new sim even though it was unlocked. Was a pain to get sorted and we had to share one phone between us for a couple of weeks till it got fixed.


Packet of wet wipes for freshening up on the journey.


Chocholate, lots and lots, and drop it off at my house on the way past :laugh:


Try to relax, hope you have a safe journey xx

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We might be on the same flight, we leave in 8 days too but we are only going for a holiday - same issues with chargers and all though!!! Arrive Melbourne NYE and have an overnight in Melbourne airport before connecting to Canberra - darned awful flight planning but cheap at least.

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It's normal to feel like this!! I went from euphoria to terror to excitement to stress hourly in our last few weeks in the UK!! (and for a few weeks when we got here!)


Check out your current UK mobile provider to check their overseas rates for the first few days you are here - then you have time to shop around for a good Aus mobile deal.


Packet of wipes/small toothbrush and paste (although most airlines supply stuff to clean the teeth) for the plane so you can feel a bit less icky - I also had a very small bottle of hand-moisturiser and put that on my face too to feel a bit fresher!!

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Hi @Quoll, I hope it is not a nasty question but when your parents are no longer around, will you be moving back to Australia to live ?

That's the compromise situation we reached so I expect so. It'll be easier because there won't be the added guilt of leaving them (only child!). The DH had also agreed to install air conditioning which is another huge compromise on his part. I'm at a place now where I can view it as an adventure again rather than a life sentence but it's taken a while to get there. Still as they say "Life is what happens when you are busy making plans" so who knows! With grandkids here and there, there are going to be trips no matter what.


Meanwhile an overnight at Melbourne airport to see the NY in! Hope that doesn't indicate what the rest of the year is going to be like!


With ref to Tina's post too - the 3 like home is a great deal if you're current with 3!

Also, in my handbag - a bottle of Fess - great for squirting up your nose to keep the nasal passages dry (found that one a few years ago and don't go without it now) - and Avomine, never forget that (if you are the least bit prone to motion sickness)


Dont stress, OP! It'll either work or it won't and there's nothing that a passport and a credit card can't sort out.

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