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Perth Vs Brisbane???


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I lived in Perth for a while when backpacking and loved it. I kind of had my heart set on it when we emigrated, however the job was offered in Brisbane.

Honestly, I wouldn't be anywhere else now.

I love Perth but the advantages with Brisbane are how lush and green is it is, how so many suburbs have great views, and the closer access to Sydney etc.


I am sure Perth is too, but Brisbane is a great place to raise a family.

I can't comment on the job situation in both places though. x

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Can't comment on Brisbane as only holidayed there, but reading Alaskas post, it sounds good.


I live in Perth, that too is a really down to earth place for young kids, beaches on your doorstep, great weather for most of the year, lots to do outdoors, plus plenty of free stuff put on by local councils for families to enjoy.


From what I've seen there doesn't seem much difference re kids to both places. I'm sure your kids will have a ball wherever.


Maybe you need to move on a level? Which city has better job prospects?, what weather suits you more?, do you need/want other cities within easier distance??


We had the same dilemma, had to weigh up the pro n cons of both cities to suit what we wanted out of the move.

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Hey we have the choice of moving to Perth or Brisbane. We are a young family my husband a chippy two children ages 7 and 3 I have read so much info but like to hear from people who live in either cities..Where best to settle and riase family, schools, cost living?


It's a very very difficult question to answer because people's reactions to cities are so personal. I wouldn't live in Perth if you paid me, whereas I love Sydney. On the other hand, I know people who love Perth and wouldn't live in Sydney at any price. The same goes for Perth vs Brisbane. It's like asking people whether they'd prefer to live in Exeter or Newcastle - they're very different even though they're in the same country, and some people will prefer one and some the other.


My only comment would be, if you don't have a job to go to, then I'd choose Brisbane. Only because if you struggle to get jobs, or don't like it, you have a much greater choice of towns and cities along the East Coast which you can move to affordably. Whereas if you have to move from Perth, it's horribly expensive to relocate all the way across the country.

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I agree it's a difficult question to answer and I would be swayed by the availability of jobs. I love living in WA, have only visited Brisbane and Sydney for holidays, I could see my self living in Brisbane if Perth hadn't worked out for us, but Sydney didn't do anything for me at all ... When you see that Marisa wouldn't live in Perth if you paid her and I wouldn't live in Sydney how diverse opinions will be.

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The exact choice we were facing two years ago. We visited both cities a few days on holiday. We decided to go for Perth mainly because of the weather (seems less humid) and because my husband is really into wind and kitesurfing. During the summer, a strong breeze picks up in the afternoon around the Perth coastal area. Good for him, and it makes the temperature 'feel' not so warm.

We did love Brisbane, and still go there every now and then for long weekends. I reckon both places are great to live in!

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