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41 Degrees Centigrade predicted for Sydney today (41.8 is the record for November.)


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It sure is hot! Looking forwards to that cool change to be honest. Neither of the kids slept particularly well last night due to the heat, so they are overheated, tired and our swimming pool pump packed up last week and is away being fixed, so the pool is a lovely shade of green! Going to run them a cold bath in a minute and let them play in that until tea time.

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  • 1 month later...
My first "above 40" day here ....:)

Had to walk 40 min outside and by the end of the trip I was totally done for the day...difficult to explain that to the "boss", who expected of me to come up with a "brilliant solution" to a complex issue.

40 Minutes?! I could not manage 4 mins above 40 degrees.


Sent from my D6653 using Tapatalk

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i found a couple of good ways to getting a nice cool down. well a few.


- Get in sea.

- Go to a mall.

- Stand in a big beer fridge in the bottle shop for ages pondering which cold beer to purchase.

I went out to Campbelltown on Sunday arvo to see my brother at Mt Annan. First time I've ever put my car air con on.


Sent from my D6653 using Tapatalk

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