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Parent on 410 Visa - Options?


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Can anyone help with my flipping parents please!


Mum and Dad have been living in Perth on a 410 visa for the past 8 years, they have been hoping that they will eventually be made residents but this is unrealistic. So they have asked me to look into the Parent Visa for them as both myself and my sister are permanent residents and can sponser them.


This is where it gets complicated.......


I found all of the information for both possibilities..... neither of them want to pay the $80,000 (or thereabouts) that it would cost for the contributory visa. Dad doesn't want to go for the 10 year wait option either as he doesn't think he'll be around that long (he's 74) but Mum does want to apply for that visa (she's 72 and plans to outlive him!!)


So here's my question to anyone who might have half an idea!!


If Dad was the main applicant on the 410 and Mum is his spouse can she apply for the parent visa on her own or would Dad have to be the main applicant again?


Thanks in advance for any help from anyone.



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From what you have posted renewing the 410 retirement visa would likely be best way if they do not want to apply for the contributory parent visa.


The non- contributory parent visas now have a 30 year waiting time, therefore would be living out the final years on a bridging visa.


Probably le best speaking to a registered migration agent if it would be better staying on the 410 visa or staying on a bridging visa.


But yes your mum could be main applicant on a parent visa.

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Might have been better to mention the 410 visa in your title as I only flicked on your post by chance?


Beria is lobbying both houses in parliament on behalf of 410 visa holders, that if we have been here for over 10 years we could apply for PR.

Apprently there are only about 2/3000? Of us left. Not sure if that is correct.


whereabouts are your parents? We have an active group on the Sunshine Coast, meet up about every 2 months for lunch, and can be useful to share knowledge.


Google updates to 410 visa, there was a petition for anyone to sign recently to support PR for us.


You raise an interesting point about one parent applying for parent visa, costs approx. $50000 each as far as I know at present.


Say I applied, as since last month we now have 2 out of 3 of ours here now with PR. then when through my husband applied for a partner visa?

It's thought wonder if it's viable?


On a plus side it's not a bad visa, valid for 10 years, costs peanuts to renew, could work if we wanted to.

Downside no Medicare,


If your parents don't already, good idea to keep an eye on Beria updates.


We have been here for 12 years on the 410 visa

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You raise an interesting point about one parent applying for parent visa, costs approx. $50000 each as far as I know at present.


Say I applied, as since last month we now have 2 out of 3 of ours here now with PR. then when through my husband applied for a partner visa?

It's thought wonder if it's viable?




This loophole has already been closed by the Government.

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No one wants to fork out money but the CPV is there and it's what it was intended for. Just pay up and be done with it - no worries


It's not an easy decision actually, as on the 410 visa you have full rights to live here, can even work, you have to be fully self funded and not entitled to Medicare, no problems with that as those were the conditions in place when the visa was issued.

totally agree that the money for the CPV is towards then being eligible for Medicare as you haven't contributed before.

However $100.000 for a couple is a lot of money to be eligible for Medicare, when balanced against the cost of private health for the next who knows how many years, (which we have to have) as most of us are well in our 70's. If we did go for the CPV we would probably also still pay to have private health.

The 401 visa costs peanuts to renew, and is valid for 10 years, and in our case my husband reckons the next one will see us out!?

On the CPV you will then be paying tax in Australia, and in our case and many others we know we would be worse off.

So staying in Oz on a 410 is possibly a cheaper option?


I'm like the poster's mother I would prefer to pay and apply and feel more settled, but we have only just become eligible last month, so still at the discussion stage.

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It's not an easy decision actually, as on the 410 visa you have full rights to live here, can even work, you have to be fully self funded and not entitled to Medicare, no problems with that as those were the conditions in place when the visa was issued.

totally agree that the money for the CPV is towards then being eligible for Medicare as you haven't contributed before.

However $100.000 for a couple is a lot of money to be eligible for Medicare, when balanced against the cost of private health for the next who knows how many years, (which we have to have) as most of us are well in our 70's. If we did go for the CPV we would probably also still pay to have private health.

The 401 visa costs peanuts to renew, and is valid for 10 years, and in our case my husband reckons the next one will see us out!?

On the CPV you will then be paying tax in Australia, and in our case and many others we know we would be worse off.

So staying in Oz on a 410 is possibly a cheaper option?


I'm like the poster's mother I would prefer to pay and apply and feel more settled, but we have only just become eligible last month, so still at the discussion stage.


Swings and roundabouts then! If they are OK on the current visa then they can continue and that may be financially more viable but I don't see that they should jump through any fewer hoops than anyone else, just because they've been there for some time.

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Hi again


Thanks everyone for your comments and advice. We live in Perth and yes I have been following the Beria updates, it doesn't look likely that the government will go for PR for the remaining 410 holders. I work in healthcare here in WA and the cutbacks are crippling so giving those remaining on the 410 PR will be very costly I believe!


In my parents case (and possibly many others I suspect) their main concern is regarding their twilight years when they can't care for themselves any more. They're both fit and well at present but beginning to worry more about the future, neither of them want have to rely on myself and my sister to care for them.


Quoll - I get what you're saying - it's not that they want any special consideration just because they've been here for some time. And since emigrating they haven't worked, they're retired and have put money into the economy with building and buying houses etc. They've always had private health cover and have never looked for anything from the state, they're now getting older and worrying about their final years. Perfectly natural don't you think!



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We are a similar age to your parents, and have similar long term worries, as long as we keep fit we are ok!!!

The concern with putting off applying for the CPV is that the cost goes up all the time, so might be better to apply sooner than later.

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