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Arrived in Sydney


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ha ha try this one then, last night we had the patio doors open and something ran across the carpet. it looked like a furry caterpillar but it ran quite fast on beetle legs, about an inch long and dark brown in colour.


Sounds suspiciously like a baby drop bear.


Thank god you had the foresight to put it outside again.


Otherwise Mamma drop bear would break your patio doors down (and possibly you too in the process) to retrieve her baby

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Sounds suspiciously like a baby drop bear.


Thank god you had the foresight to put it outside again.


Otherwise Mamma drop bear would break your patio doors down (and possibly you too in the process) to retrieve her baby


i'm going to be very careful with these drop bears.. More than snakes and spiders :shocked:

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  • 4 weeks later...
i'm going to be very careful with these drop bears..


Just buy a jar of vegemite (as drop bears are allergic to it), and smear some around the back of your neck.


Then when a drop bear drops on you; it will be instantly repelled.


But a word of warning, vegemite does not work with snakes, spiders, sharks, bluebottles, bunyips and crocodiles.


So enjoy it very thinly spread on hot buttered toast instead.

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Just buy a jar of vegemite (as drop bears are allergic to it), and smear some around the back of your neck.


Then when a drop bear drops on you; it will be instantly repelled.


But a word of warning, vegemite does not work with snakes, spiders, sharks, bluebottles, bunyips and crocodiles.



So enjoy it very thinly spread on hot buttered toast instead.



I hear drop bears repel snakes, spiders, crocs, sharks and bunyips... So maybe it's best to smear a drop bear on your neck.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello everyone.


We are now 8 weeks in. I thought I would do a quick update.


We are settling into our house now, all our furniture arrived on Friday in 42 degrees heat. We packed a 40 ft container in the UK and it was delivered to our door in 2 x 20 ft's tagged together. Hats off to the guys who unloaded it all in that heat.


It it was so good to see all our stuff coming down the ramp. I could have kissed my washing machine after doing the washing in the sink for the past 7 1/2 weeks lol. Anyway, everything arrived safe and sound except for a few minor mishaps. Now it's a case of changing all the plugs over.


Our cat cat arrived in good shape but I think he is feeling the heat. He sleeps most of the day and when he's awake he moves very slowly. We kept him indoors for 2 weeks and then let him outside in the back garden. It is all fully fenced and he is not interested in trying to climb over. Oh and we had to get him registered at the council offices for his licence.


The car and caravan arrived 2 weeks ago. We collected them from Botany Bay and drove them home ourselves. There is a guy in Penrith who certified them for blue slips. It was all easy and straight forward. The caravan is now in storage about 7 minutes from our house.


We we are still firm friends with our Air B n B guy who lives a couple of streets away from us. In fact we are going round on Saturday for a party at his place.


Mr MT started his new job yesterday, he had to jump through many hoops before starting. He needed to have a medical, a police check, psychological test, aptitude test, references from last 2 employers, and Thursday he has an advanced driving test and he has completed a health and safety course. He has a nice company car though, a Ford Ranger :smile:


We have signed up to Foxtel for TV and Internet. The internet is extremely slow but we expected that.


It it took me a while to get used to the rubbish collection/recycle palava. We have 3 wheelie bins and a slop receptical. For the slop bucket you have to use special green bags supplied by the council. Because I didn't have any green bags I kept getting things mixed up. There was no slop bucket either, the previous occupants must have taken it so I had to go to the council office and buy one. You even have to put the cat/dog poo in with the garden waste, yuk. Anyway, I've got the hang of it now, in fact my red lid and green lid bins are out for collection today, yellow lids next week.



Since we arrived the time has absolutely flown by. I think it will take a bit of time before we feel settled. Closing down your old life in the UK is hard work and stressful. Starting a new life in a new country is a whole new ball game lol. Not having the computer and printer on arrival was a major pain in the backside. We ended up buying another wifi printer and using that connected to the iPad over a mobile phone hot spot. This was so Mr MT could complete all his tests for work. We far exceeded our broadband allowance in the process but we are ok now we have signed up to Foxtel/Telstra. Interestingly, we brought 2 unlocked iPhone 4 with us. One worked straight away with a new sim but the other wouldn't connect. We ended up going to the Apple shop for help, the guy had to reset the phone from scratch before it would work. We had to go to a camera shop to download the 400 odd photos to a CD disc at a cost of $30 beforehand so we didn't lose all the pictures. For this reason, I would recommend bringing a lap top instead of an iPad and make sure you have the necessary leads and memory sticks.


We we are learning that most things are surmountable and if you really can't find the answer to something then just ask for help. Most people are willing to lend a hand or point you in the right direction.


Oh well, I'd better get cracking now, still got many boxes to unpack.

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Hello everyone.


We are now 8 weeks in. I thought I would do a quick update.


We are settling into our house now, all our furniture arrived on Friday in 42 degrees heat. We packed a 40 ft container in the UK and it was delivered to our door in 2 x 20 ft's tagged together. Hats off to the guys who unloaded it all in that heat.


It it was so good to see all our stuff coming down the ramp. I could have kissed my washing machine after doing the washing in the sink for the past 7 1/2 weeks lol. Anyway, everything arrived safe and sound except for a few minor mishaps. Now it's a case of changing all the plugs over.


Our cat cat arrived in good shape but I think he is feeling the heat. He sleeps most of the day and when he's awake he moves very slowly. We kept him indoors for 2 weeks and then let him outside in the back garden. It is all fully fenced and he is not interested in trying to climb over. Oh and we had to get him registered at the council offices for his licence.


The car and caravan arrived 2 weeks ago. We collected them from Botany Bay and drove them home ourselves. There is a guy in Penrith who certified them for blue slips. It was all easy and straight forward. The caravan is now in storage about 7 minutes from our house.


We we are still firm friends with our Air B n B guy who lives a couple of streets away from us. In fact we are going round on Saturday for a party at his place.


Mr MT started his new job yesterday, he had to jump through many hoops before starting. He needed to have a medical, a police check, psychological test, aptitude test, references from last 2 employers, and Thursday he has an advanced driving test and he has completed a health and safety course. He has a nice company car though, a Ford Ranger :smile:


We have signed up to Foxtel for TV and Internet. The internet is extremely slow but we expected that.


It it took me a while to get used to the rubbish collection/recycle palava. We have 3 wheelie bins and a slop receptical. For the slop bucket you have to use special green bags supplied by the council. Because I didn't have any green bags I kept getting things mixed up. There was no slop bucket either, the previous occupants must have taken it so I had to go to the council office and buy one. You even have to put the cat/dog poo in with the garden waste, yuk. Anyway, I've got the hang of it now, in fact my red lid and green lid bins are out for collection today, yellow lids next week.



Since we arrived the time has absolutely flown by. I think it will take a bit of time before we feel settled. Closing down your old life in the UK is hard work and stressful. Starting a new life in a new country is a whole new ball game lol. Not having the computer and printer on arrival was a major pain in the backside. We ended up buying another wifi printer and using that connected to the iPad over a mobile phone hot spot. This was so Mr MT could complete all his tests for work. We far exceeded our broadband allowance in the process but we are ok now we have signed up to Foxtel/Telstra. Interestingly, we brought 2 unlocked iPhone 4 with us. One worked straight away with a new sim but the other wouldn't connect. We ended up going to the Apple shop for help, the guy had to reset the phone from scratch before it would work. We had to go to a camera shop to download the 400 odd photos to a CD disc at a cost of $30 beforehand so we didn't lose all the pictures. For this reason, I would recommend bringing a lap top instead of an iPad and make sure you have the necessary leads and memory sticks.


We we are learning that most things are surmountable and if you really can't find the answer to something then just ask for help. Most people are willing to lend a hand or point you in the right direction.


Oh well, I'd better get cracking now, still got many boxes to unpack.


I had to read through all your posts to find out what you've been up to since you arrived. When you mentioned Manly I assumed your AirBnB place was near there, but it's in Penrith? Sydney Airport to Manly to Penrith is a good 100 km drive, especially if you are jet lagged?


I got to know and like Penrith from my three-year stint working for the ATO in Henry Street. With half an hour to wait for the train back in the evenings I used to "explore" the town centre part - it's got a "real" "High Street" just like in England! I drove a few times which was stupid really considering how fast the Blue Mts trains are from Central - 48 minutes - used to take 75 minutes I think to drive from Surry Hills - but I often drove around the area before coming home and I think I know Glenmore Park. Yes, I just Googled it. I have not been to Penrith since my job finished a year ago but I recall seeing new homes going up north of Penrith station and thinking that area would do me as I like to live walking distance from all my services.


I used to exceed my broadband allowance - with DoDo - but then my brother contacted them and I changed to a new plan for an extra $10 per month - so $49 to $59 - with 100 MB(?) per month unrestricted, rather than 10 and 10, peak and off peak. I did the same with my phone, moving from $81 per month to $97 per month (plus $11 insurance - $108) with 11 MB and I never exceed my plan the way I used to. I don't have problems with internet speeds though I live in the City so it might be different. I have Foxtel too!


You may have "sussed" out the trains by now, but if not, try to get the Blue Mountains service to and from the City as it's much quicker and timely - 48 minutes, three stops - Blacktown, Parramatta, Strathfield (sometimes Westmead). The Western Line trains are 10 to 20 minutes slower they do carry on into the City past Central. (Blue Mts trains terminate at Central on the country platforms.) The Western Line are all stops between Penrith and Blacktown which can be not so nice at night.


Have you joined a club yet? Panthers is the biggest one, though I liked Penrith Gaels which is actually at Kingswood I think.


I have a cat - Panda - had her for three months after my neighbour asked me to look after her and now she is wholly mine. I might start a new thread after taking her to the vet for the first time on Sunday, which I thought was going to be a stressful experience after researching it on the net, but it went smoothly - got my friend Alex to wrap her up in a blanket and we walked there - 150 metres - with her in a bag. I had her vaccinated and wormed and checked over, $80 I think. I've never looked after anyone before, like having a baby!


Welcome to Sydney; you seem to have settled in well.

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Maryrose, you wouldn't believe what we did when we stumbled jet lagged from the plane at 6am in Sydney. First we went to the car hire desk and hired a car there and then for 8 days. From there we drove straight to a car sales place which was just 15 mins from the airport to look at a Mercedes that OH had already researched online. As it happened, the car had just been sold but they had another (better one) which he liked the look of.


Anyway, after a short test drive we said we would think about it and come back tomorrow.


Just across the road there was a really nice cafe where we had some breakfast. After that we drove to Manly, had a look at the beach and strolled around the shops. By this time we were relaxed and wide awake so we drove around a bit more taking it all in and finally arrived at the B N B at 6pm.


Our host showed us our room and we had our own little bathroom. He said, go and settle in, have a shower and a lay down and I will cook you some dinner. Well after the shower, we lay down on the bed and slept like logs until 10.30pm.

We emerged from our room feeling very embarrassed to the aroma of home cooked Thai food and delicious French apple tart.


That was the start of our Aussie dream.


Oh, next day we went back and bought the car

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Maryrose, you wouldn't believe what we did when we stumbled jet lagged from the plane at 6am in Sydney. First we went to the car hire desk and hired a car there and then for 8 days. From there we drove straight to a car sales place which was just 15 mins from the airport to look at a Mercedes that OH had already researched online. As it happened, the car had just been sold but they had another (better one) which he liked the look of.


Anyway, after a short test drive we said we would think about it and come back tomorrow.


Just across the road there was a really nice cafe where we had some breakfast. After that we drove to Manly, had a look at the beach and strolled around the shops. By this time we were relaxed and wide awake so we drove around a bit more taking it all in and finally arrived at the B N B at 6pm.


Our host showed us our room and we had our own little bathroom. He said, go and settle in, have a shower and a lay down and I will cook you some dinner. Well after the shower, we lay down on the bed and slept like logs until 10.30pm.

We emerged from our room feeling very embarrassed to the aroma of home cooked Thai food and delicious French apple tart.


That was the start of our Aussie dream.


Oh, next day we went back and bought the car

Mercedes!? You are rich. I'm in dentists at Redfern which is where I spend my capital! Took a rare bus ride too. It's walking distance but too hot. I'll walk back.


Sent from my D6653 using Tapatalk

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  • 4 months later...

So six months in, where are we now????


We are in Queensland!!!!!


Yes, after 6 months in Sydney we were desperate to buy a house. We could have bought a tiny box in Sydney but found our money would go a lot further in Queensland so here we are. We bought a lovely house, by the seaside on the Fraser coast. All our furniture was containerised for the second time and it followed us up by train and then the last 3 hrs by road from Brisbane. Everything arrived yesterday so we are surrounded by boxes once again ha ha.




We we have met our neighbours already and they are lovely.


we have a little family of these living in our porch, so cute, this is the baby but mum and dad are here too lol.




So so far so good.


Sydney was great but it's good to know we can go for a swim in the sea here without a 2 hrs drive in heavy traffic.





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So six months in, where are we now????


We are in Queensland!!!!!



we have a little family of these living in our porch, so cute, this is the baby but mum and dad are here too lol.






It will not be a little family for long! but at least the spider population will be kept down, though the Gecko poo will mount up.

Other than that glad you choose Qld and I hope you have a nice life up on the Fraser coast.

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