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5 months in!


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Thought i best give an update on how it is going.


Where do i start?!?


Ok to make it simple ill put it into lists :yes:



-the warmer weather

- the amount of bbqs ive had since ive been here

- the amazing beaches (even though its a 5hr drive to the coast)

- cheap petrol

-tax return

- the short flight to bali



- After my first 3 months when i was guaranteed pay for a minimum amount of hours the work has been few and far between, not the major construction projects i was told id be doing at my interview instead it is shutdowns and inhave to go into work each morning to see if there is work for me if not i go back home unpaid.

- the crazy rental prices, i am in a share house which makes it a bit easier.

- working with 'casual staff' who get more hours than me and are on a higher rate of pay.

- being brought out as a fabricator to trade and being expected to be a coded welder, pipefitter and painter! ( please dont take this as me being a whinging pom its simply being unhappy at being expected to do a job im not trained in)


So the majority of my dislikes comes from work. I am currently on a 457 so when there is little or no work i dont get paid whereas the casuals who aint on visas can jump between a few companies to make sure they are getting work. I am trying to scrape as many hours together that i can and hopefully start the ball rolling to get my 189 but again its just money money money to get that sorted. Im not regreting the move as ive met some great people and have seen some nice places but at the end of the day i came to earn decent momey and as it is i was better off in the uk i am glad that i came myself and that i dont have to worry about providing for others. Its even more frustrating that the company im with are bringing out more people on 457s when already it feels like we are competing with each other for what little work there is!


hopefully when i give my yearly update things have vastly improved!

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If your company are not paying you the right amount they are breaching the conditions of your visa, there is a certain amount you have to earn on a 457, also you should be doing the job you were sponsored for so I wouldnt let immigration know!

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What ive been told is i have to wait until the end of the year and if ive not earned the minimum amount then ill get a lump sum, but that is no good to anyone because im not wanting to spend my wages because i dont know when ill next get a decent wage my last wage was $0 and i still have rent etc to pay.

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So why are they bothering sponsoring other people if they dont have the work? I would be looking for another sponsor, doesnt sound a very good company to work for. Is a 457 now for a full time job, sounds more like a casual job you have. Hope you get it sorted out!

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What ive been told is i have to wait until the end of the year and if ive not earned the minimum amount then ill get a lump sum, but that is no good to anyone because im not wanting to spend my wages because i dont know when ill next get a decent wage my last wage was $0 and i still have rent etc to pay.


Paying a lump sum will not make the situation right with immigration. You have to be working full time for the 457 visa. You and the company would both be in trouble if this situation is discovered. Clearly it is not your fault and you want to work full time in the occupation you were sponsored in, however you would still be the biggest loser should this come to light.


In your shoes, I would be working on that 189 visa pronto and would possibly think about leaving and coming back when that visa is granted.

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- After my first 3 months when i was guaranteed pay for a minimum amount of hours the work has been few and far between, not the major construction projects i was told id be doing at my interview instead it is shutdowns and inhave to go into work each morning to see if there is work for me if not i go back home unpaid.


I am currently on a 457 so when there is little or no work i dont get paid... I am trying to scrape as many hours together that i can and hopefully start the ball rolling to get my 189 but again its just money money money to get that sorted.




You're discovering what a lot of people find out - that trying to shortcut the process by coming out on a 457 doesn't work. As you say, you would've been better off staying in the UK, submitting your 189 and earning a good wage while you wait. In fact, I'd say you would still be better off doing that!


Unless you need to rely on your employer to sponsor you, there is NO advantage in applying for your 189 in Australia rather than back in the UK. And if you do need an employer to sponsor you, your current employer doesn't sound like the kind who will honour any promises they've given you.

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Surely immigration will already know somethings not quite right as the OP won't have been paying the appropriate level of tax/Super each week?


Nah it will come out as a lump sum from the company not individually reported.

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  • 11 months later...

Time for an update!


My ozzy adventure ended a few weeks ago and im now back living and working in Scotland.

Basically the company I was working for was getting worse, just before end of financial year I averaged 47 hours a fortnight which lead to a scramble to send me onto random jobs like nightshifts sweeping up sand. I was then told that would receive any moneys owed to me due to coming in under the minimum salary which then changed when they said i had taken too many holidays.....not really a holiday when you are taking it unpaid because there was no work. I could go on and on but i don't want to make my experience seem all negative! loved the place, the people, the weather but i couldn't afford to stay without having a regular income. I have since heard that the company that recruited me in the uk are coming back to the uk to recruit more people on 457 visas! Heres hoping that was just a rumor though as i wouldn't want anyone to go out and feel so let down by a company the way i was. I will go back to oz but most likely for a holiday to catch up with friends i met there:cute:

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Sorry to hear how it ended, it sounds like you've taken positives from it though and at least had an adventure.


Do you think you'll look to migrate on a permanent visa now? Or is that not possible for your trade?

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Yet another example of 457 visa abuse by an employer, a subject I have long raised. This really needs stamping on and abusive employers taken to court.


yeah its pretty frustrating, the hr manager for the company is on this forum already seen them reply to someone else telling the truth about the company so clearly they are still in denial, they still recieve their salary regardless of what works there. Luckily i have emails and screenshots of texts backing up my claims so i await someone asking about the company and ill be honest....with evidence

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yeah its pretty frustrating, the hr manager for the company is on this forum already seen them reply to someone else telling the truth about the company so clearly they are still in denial, they still recieve their salary regardless of what works there. Luckily i have emails and screenshots of texts backing up my claims so i await someone asking about the company and ill be honest....with evidence


Great to hear your on the ball. Continue the good fight and the best of luck. I've a swag of stories about abuse on various levels, most not to be repeated in any detail on a forum as this. Very sad what has been going on and even sadder the lack of will to do much about it by most all. One can't but wonder the direction this country is sleep walking towards.

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