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Almost 2 years in here in Adelaide


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and loving it :smile: Its not better or worse. Its just us living our lives and being happy in them. Could do that just as easily in the UK but am very happy with where we are at the moment. We have built a good life for ourselves, made friends and feel settled.


We moved here in October 2013. Hubby is an Aussie so this move was returning home for him.


We moved from the Bristol area of England. Very happy there, settled and all fine. However, we wanted to give our son the chance to know Aus, his fathers home, the family and the life. So we decided to make the move.


Anyways, fast forward almost two years in Aus and we have bought a house, hubby has a good job he enjoys. Lovely area, right in the foothills and on the very edge of suburbia but still only a 30 minute drive into the city (not counting rush hour). Or the train is half an hour anytime.


We are all very happy, settled and content. Son loves his school, I do too. Think its a much better standard than his (Ofstead rated outstanding) primary in England. Its not just the education aspect but the bigger picture and I feel this is more complete for him here.


Work wise for me its hit and miss. I only work part time and am trying to increase this but its hard going on occasion and honestly, as I don't want full time work its probably not helping me when trying to find something a bit more meaningful. Still, I've a mad huge garden to keep on top of, a family to look after and other things to do so I'm not sat at home all day twiddling my thumbs or feeling down about things. It is what it is, I work where possible and am constantly keeping my ear open for something more.


I have a few niggles about the usual. Supermarket shopping is a bit rubbish. Its more like it was a number of years ago in the UK but is slowly changing. However the longer I am here the more I wonder if that is such a good thing?

The fuel price cycle, lack of decent online shopping options, car parks being harder to navigate than the roads :mad:.


Sausages. The supermarket packs are just about ok for a BBQ in a slice of bread but otherwise :biglaugh: Still can find some decent alternatives shopping elsewhere. Bacon. O dear. Just O dear.


Flies. The Aussie salute is often used for these. Swooping magpies, more annoying if you are my husband than me. Coping well with the spiders :cute:


Slow internet.


Not liking much of the Aussie politics but am not able to vote yet so tend to keep that lid on.


Having to watch events in my home country from afar again. Its hard as I no longer live there but of course see the tragic events happening elsewhere and like many feel frustrated by the lack of action, the choices made or the dragging of heels by the Gov. That its not my home anymore I am fine with, but its hard to let go after years of being submerged in it all. I read the news, like to keep up on events, not just there but globally. I don't feel any great attachment or anything for the country, but the political system is one I understand (and often might not agree with) so its good to follow and feel at least a little more in the loop while I don't have a voting voice here.



I've grown to love the Aussie birdlife around us. Noisy as many of them are, they are stunning and I love seeing and hearing them. Although a flock of 1000's of sulphur cresteds is not a welcome sight in the air nearby. They don't often make it to us. Also loving discovering the Aussie nature and wildlife, having seen wild echidnas, roos, koalas, possums, emus and more.


I love the gum trees. Walking in a forest of them is incredible.


The stunning gulf Adelaide is on and the amazing coastline. I don't want to live anywhere near it but love to visit it as and when and to see it stretching out for miles.


Really like Adelaide CBD. Small and compact with some lovely cafes, bars and other things to discover. Also good theatre though perhaps not as many international acts as you would like. Same for music and gigs.


I like we spend more time outdoors doing things we enjoy without the colder damper darker months being so long and such an issue when you have a child in tow. Sure we could put on waterproofs and wrap up but honestly, doing that every weekend for weeks on end, nah, over that. I spent many years living rural on a farm and know how to cope with crap weather. But city or town living in crappy winter weather is something else and I never liked it. Dismal stuff.


Anyways, this is just my little update on how things are going :)

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Great update Snifter. Have only been here a few weeks and already recognise and relate to all those things that you mention, good and bad, despite being in Queensland rather than SA. We are also loving the (relative) lack of people here. Currently in Cairns having driven from Brisbane it has been great seeing so little traffic everywhere and not a single hold-up - even when there are roadworks. Also the free and available parking everywhere (aside from CBDs) with lovely wide spaces so you can park and both get out of the car.

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Adelaide is not so bad. Glad they built the expressway so the traffic can go north to south and visa-versa anytime of the day.living in seaford that was a big issue, progress eh!been here 8yrs now and still going through the motions like you do. But nice update and hope all goes well.

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Supermarket shopping is a bit rubbish. Its more like it was a number of years ago in the UK but is slowly changing. However the longer I am here the more I wonder if that is such a good thing?




Love the corner shops, individual food stores and the sense of community. In no hurry to see it killed off by the UK supermarket model.



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The stunning gulf Adelaide is on and the amazing coastline. I don't want to live anywhere near it but love to visit it as and when and to see it stretching out for miles.




Hi snifter, can I just ask you about this comment? We are in the process of applying and need to start thinking about where we would want to live, so I just wondered what your thoughts and experiences were on not wanting to live near the coast?

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Hi snifter, can I just ask you about this comment? We are in the process of applying and need to start thinking about where we would want to live, so I just wondered what your thoughts and experiences were on not wanting to live near the coast?


There are lots of us in Adelaide that don't want to live near the coast. Some of us just aren't beach people and prefer being near hills and wildlife. Or near the city. If you are thinking about moving to Adelaide it might be worth having a look at our sister site Poms in Adelaide.

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Hi snifter, can I just ask you about this comment? We are in the process of applying and need to start thinking about where we would want to live, so I just wondered what your thoughts and experiences were on not wanting to live near the coast?


What NicF said :)


Living in a beach suburb holds no appeal to us but lots settle in them happily.


We prefer the rolling gum tree filled hills over the flatter beach/coastal suburbs (and some other non beach ones too). I just like nature too much to want to be too far from it, at least to live. We looked at some beach suburbs when we were looking to buy a house but they were just too organised and in some respects artificial in the feel. I like the randomness of the gum trees around us, growing wherever, lots of trails to wander, wildlife to see. The beach suburbs we looked at had planted trees and green space but not so natural a feel to them. More pre planned and designed iykwim. Some lovely homes to be found in the beach suburbs as there are elsewhere. It's just it's not the only thing to float your boat and a place to call home is not just the house, it's the area, the feel of it all. Least for me it is.


I also love the eastern suburbs but the house budget didn't stretch quite that far. And they are obviously not 'natural' looking but do tend to be spacier and more leafy, distinguished in feel I guess and older properties that appeal. Plus the hills are not far away.


Adelaide has lots of options in terms of where to live. Coastal (some suburbs cheaper than others but often much further out), city, Port Adelaide way, the eastern suburbs, the hills towns and rural properties and more. North East south and west, I am sure you could find something :)

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Also in Adelaide, 2 years, young kids at school, bought a house in the Hills, husband very very happy in his job (former NHS) and I'm struggling to know where to start looking for part time work......hmm few similarities here!

We love it for all the reasons Snifter has said, we get koalas in our garden and cockatoos flying past every evening, how cool is that?! Leaving the comfort zone of friends and familiarity wasn't easy, but was actually way easier for us than I was expecting. The town we live in (Blackwood) is friendly and has a community feel so reminds me of the good bits of the UK, plus local shops and people who want to retain that local vibe. It's been hard starting again to make friends and a support network but I wouldn't move back to the UK in the near future - maybe one day.

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Also in Adelaide, 2 years, young kids at school, bought a house in the Hills, husband very very happy in his job (former NHS) and I'm struggling to know where to start looking for part time work......hmm few similarities here!

We love it for all the reasons Snifter has said, we get koalas in our garden and cockatoos flying past every evening, how cool is that?! Leaving the comfort zone of friends and familiarity wasn't easy, but was actually way easier for us than I was expecting. The town we live in (Blackwood) is friendly and has a community feel so reminds me of the good bits of the UK, plus local shops and people who want to retain that local vibe. It's been hard starting again to make friends and a support network but I wouldn't move back to the UK in the near future - maybe one day.


Glad its been a good move for you guys :) Blackwood is lovely (you are not too far from us there as it turns out) and I can imagine you'd see koalas a fair bit around there. Its a lovely area with some great schools and I enjoy the neighbourhood shops. Plus ease of access to Mitcham and its shops, cinema and so on.


Hoping you've been able to make some friends in the time you've been here. I think that can be the hardest thing. I was lucky to a degree in that hubby being from here we had his family and many of his friends are living here again with their families. We don't see that much of his friends (we all have busy lives) and I didn't strike up proper friendships with any of their partners but we all get on and when we have a BBQ or catch up all together its always nice. I've made a few good friends on my own, one or two English people but mostly Aussies now which has been good. Don't have a bust social life with just them as we all have kids so its usually the kids catching up as well as us :cute:


Are you looking to get back into work after being at home with the kids or is it now you've settled in Aus and are wanting to get out there working? I was a bit of both. I was only working part time in the UK as we had no childcare and I didn't want to pay someone else to look after mine full time when he was smaller, I'd rather have had the time at home with him. Then moving here meant I decided to stop working in my chosen field and to quit it altogether once we left the UK. Sometimes I wonder if that was a good idea but then I remember all the reasons why I don't wish to do it anymore :cute: I'd be happy just working in a little shop or something a few days a week, doesn't have to be a career or anything high flying.

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Wow time has flown, it doesn't seem two minutes since you were back in the UK with your chickens.


I miss my chickens :cry: (more than I care to admit).


I stopped and had a long chat with the eglu rep at the Adelaide show the other day. A lovely English lady based in Sydney representing/heading up the Eglu company over here. Was rather taken with their new range and am eyeing a plot on one side of the garden for a hen house and run.

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Love, love, love Adelaide - My favourite place in Oz and would have moved there in a shot if there was work for me (IT). Amazed it gets bagged by so many Ozzies - I suspect they've never been there. Doesn't it have a great market for shopping?


It does indeed. The Central market, fab place. Used to be one of our local haunts when hubby had a place in the CBD a few blocks away from it. Oh those were the days :smile:


I think its a lovely place. Sure some of the suburbs are a bit samey and stepford wives like but there are some great quirky areas, older suburbs with a bit of character and the CBD is lovely surrounded by the botanic gardens.

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I like your attitude snifter. You have achieved much in just 2 years, congrats!


PS: Adelaide's a bit dull IMO :wink:


Why thank you :)


Dull? You must have been here during the '.... As Dishwater' festival then :) Only dull and boring people ever rock up for that :wink:


Seriously, its what you make it. Its quieter than some other places for sure but there is always lots going on. Case of bothering to look for it and going along.

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Don't get yer knickers in a twist, I was only pulling yer leg!


Why thank you :)


Dull? You must have been here during the '.... As Dishwater' festival then :) Only dull and boring people ever rock up for that :wink:


Seriously, its what you make it. Its quieter than some other places for sure but there is always lots going on. Case of bothering to look for it and going along.

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  • 9 months later...
Hi just saw your post from last year, My wife and two kids hopefully will soon on the move to Adelaide from UK. (she is Australian) what was the primary school you mentioned?


Prefer not to say on a public forum.


Wait till you are here, can check out areas, see what you can afford and what works re rentals, commutes and all that and I am sure it will fall in to place. If you are still interested then and the area falls into your radar as a possible I'd be happy to share then :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

hi snifter.


chatted to you a few years ago when we were looking at moving over. Had a few issues with family and decided not to. We are back on it.


good to see you made the move to Adelaide and are very happy.


We are hitting a few issues as looking too old now.....boo.



having a last try.


Lovely to to see you on here still. Congrats on moving. Xxx

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  • 2 weeks later...
hi snifter.


chatted to you a few years ago when we were looking at moving over. Had a few issues with family and decided not to. We are back on it.


good to see you made the move to Adelaide and are very happy.


We are hitting a few issues as looking too old now.....boo.



having a last try.


Lovely to to see you on here still. Congrats on moving. Xxx


Hey there :) Yup, very happy here and settled well. Hopefully you can still get a visa and make the move if its what you really want. Adelaide isn't the easiest place work wise atm so consider all options and states when applying, at least to get you here, then once here you can move elsewhere if need be at a later date.

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  • 2 months later...
Hey there :) Yup, very happy here and settled well. Hopefully you can still get a visa and make the move if its what you really want. Adelaide isn't the easiest place work wise atm so consider all options and states when applying, at least to get you here, then once here you can move elsewhere if need be at a later date.


Thanks for this update - really useful!

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  • 3 months later...

Just caught up with this update! Nice one, thanks and well done. After a few years of kicking the can down the road which have included a recce and then a trip to WA earlier this year, we have finally decided to have a serious look at SA (again) South Australia is the only state where Kirsty's job is listed, but it is/was/is our first choice anyway.


Interesting what you say about the Supermarkets. I remember first walking into a Coles and/or Woolies when I first visited Australia in 1999 and was thinking I had gone back 20 years to a time I never knew. But on subsequent visits they have improved, to the point that in WA in Feb I was pretty much able to tick off/purchase all the things that I/we buy in Sainsburys in the UK. And I'm a gluten free fussy eater!


Anyway, the visa is lodged and we are coming over to SA - and doing a road trip to visit friends in Victoria - in February. And this time it really will be the final decision.

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