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Something British in Canberra


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I thought I'd share this info and please do not crucify me for it. There are a few things that you can get in Canberra that is from the UK.

Since hubby rides his motorbike here, I am glad to say that his favourite UK brand, Akito is finally available in Australia too. he came home the other day with a grim on his face. You can find the gear at Aussiemoto? i think. Since I am the family's blogger, he asked me to break the news. I don't even know it is news anymore and apologies if it comes through as spamming...


I am really missing the good Sunday roasts, but getting used to the good things here.

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I arrived in Australia over 30 years ago and I think the fact that British products weren't available made the transition easier, not harder. I had no option but to accept the alternatives - no internet then! - and I think it helped me be forward-looking not backward-looking.


Fast forward 30 years and returning to the UK, I'm surprised how many of my old favourites are no longer favourites - I'm missing the Australian versions instead now!


I'm curious why you can't do Sunday roasts?

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Many pubs do Sunday roasts here, (just like the UK I guess?) My only complaint about Aussie roast dinners in the pubs and clubs was that they give you a kilo of meat but one small potato, and look at you like 'Oliver Twist' if you ask for another spud!


I also recall advert for lamb which showed young lady turning down date with Tom Cruise because 'Mum's done a lamb roast.'

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I arrived in Australia over 30 years ago and I think the fact that British products weren't available made the transition easier, not harder. I had no option but to accept the alternatives - no internet then! - and I think it helped me be forward-looking not backward-looking.


Fast forward 30 years and returning to the UK, I'm surprised how many of my old favourites are no longer favourites - I'm missing the Australian versions instead now!


I'm curious why you can't do Sunday roasts?


I recall embarking on 'Canberra' in 1983, and seeing British sweets and chocolates in the shop. I can't even remember what they were now? Spangles? Tunes? Rollos??? Which Aussie ones are you missing? I used to buy both Vegemite and Marmite in ASDA.

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Go and get some lamb from Vince Heffernan at the Saturday markets and roast your own! Mind you, I will say that we never did roasts in Canberra but we do them every week here and will continue to do so when we return.


Like Marisawright, being in Aus so long, I just took for granted that there would be no British brands when we arrived so got used to it.

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We've found that we could get good alternatives for most of the British brands in Australia we thought we preferred before. Still, it was great to see that Heinz tomato ketchup, Hellmans mayo, and Oxo cubes were available! The one thing I missed the most as the one making the Sunday dinners was Bisto gravy powder. I could get the granules from Woolworths but they were not the same. Anyone spotted this anywhere in Canberra? Silly small things really, but just eases the flow of prepping dinner! Ahhh...! Oh, and if Galaxy chocolate and Walkers cheese and onion crisps were also available that would be marvelous!

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I recall embarking on 'Canberra' in 1983, and seeing British sweets and chocolates in the shop. I can't even remember what they were now? Spangles? Tunes? Rollos??? Which Aussie ones are you missing? I used to buy both Vegemite and Marmite in ASDA.


My oh buys Vegemite in Asda. Actually I'm not desperately missing any pre-packaged foods, it's the fresh steak, fish and seafood I miss. Thank goodness for salmon! The biggest king prawn you can buy here is less than half the size of an Aussie one. We do miss the skin products - my oh has very sensitive skin and in Australia, there are whole sections in chemists devoted to body washes, shampoos etc for sensitive skin. Here, 95% of the "sensitive skin" products contain SLS and fragrances - both potential skin irritants. We've yet to find reasonably priced products that suits him (there are some available in health food stores but they are expensive).

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My parents loved ASDA and I guess it rubbed off on me. I liked George clothes too. Still got a pair of pants from them.


Interesting those differences that you have noticed. I never think of things like that.



I guess it depends what you eat. Steak in supermarkets here is sliced much thinner here than in Coles or Woolworths, and tends to be tougher - especially in Asda! I only notice the prawns because they were one of my favourite foods in Sydney - if you're ever in Summer Hill, Croydon Park or Concord, try the Pescatore pizza at Maranello's and imagine what it would be like with small, almost tasteless prawns on it instead of the juicy ones they use! I


I think quality in Asda has gone downhill a lot since my previous visits to the UK, I much prefer Tesco now.

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Amused to see that the Woolworth's supermarket in Southlands, Mawson has ethnic food sections for Indian, Chinese, Mexican and British!


Club biscuits, Branston Pickle, Rolos, Tate & Lyle syrup are amongst the 'ethnic' foods on offer, not sure they are all what we'd call typically British favourites but each to their own.

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You can buy all of these in Australia. Several shops in Sydney sell the proper British versions. And several Aussie based online stores can dispatch them overnight to Canberra.


ooh thank you Jumpingjillybean. I'll have to ask my husband to look out for these. He's working in Sydney Mon-Fri at the moment. :smile:

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