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Why suddenly so scared??


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I have two labs that I brought over from the UK. Since being puppies they always enjoyed going in the car, always got excited knowing it meant a nice long walk or day out.


For some reason though, one of them seems to now be really scared of getting in the car. He just tries to get back in the house lol, and shakes like you wouldn't believe. I have to physically lift him in, which isn't the easiest of jobs seeing as he weighs about 40kg!!


I can't understand it, nothing bad has happened to him in the car, he loves it once at the destination.


It started a couple of months ago. He is 8 years old.


Hate to think this is the end of days at the beach for him because of his fear, but I feel so bad when he just lays down on his back, shaking, looking at me, his beautiful brown eyes saying...no mummy don't want to go in the car:cry:


In all other aspects he is all well and good.


Anyone else had this??

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I have two labs that I brought over from the UK. Since being puppies they always enjoyed going in the car, always got excited knowing it meant a nice long walk or day out.


For some reason though, one of them seems to now be really scared of getting in the car. He just tries to get back in the house lol, and shakes like you wouldn't believe. I have to physically lift him in, which isn't the easiest of jobs seeing as he weighs about 40kg!!


I can't understand it, nothing bad has happened to him in the car, he loves it once at the destination.


It started a couple of months ago. He is 8 years old.


Hate to think this is the end of days at the beach for him because of his fear, but I feel so bad when he just lays down on his back, shaking, looking at me, his beautiful brown eyes saying...no mummy don't want to go in the car:cry:


In all other aspects he is all well and good.


Anyone else had this??


Write a letter to better homes and gardens, maybe dr harry will visit and set you on the right track!


Could he just be getting old and it hurts him in some way to jump into the car?


Will he jump onto a chair or bench of the same height without fearing to do so next time?

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Strange one. He must be associating something bad with the car or the car journey.


Maybe try teasing him into getting the car by placing some treats in the back, then he'll eventually associate the nice tasty treats with the car. Start by just trying to get him into the car with the treats; no need to go anywhere until he's happy with getting in and out.

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Write a letter to better homes and gardens, maybe dr harry will visit and set you on the right track!


Could he just be getting old and it hurts him in some way to jump into the car?


Will he jump onto a chair or bench of the same height without fearing to do so next time?



I have a high bed....he doesn't seem to find that a problem:cool:

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Strange one. He must be associating something bad with the car or the car journey.


Maybe try teasing him into getting the car by placing some treats in the back, then he'll eventually associate the nice tasty treats with the car. Start by just trying to get him into the car with the treats; no need to go anywhere until he's happy with getting in and out.



Tried that. It got him close to the car lol.


Then his brother just ate them lol

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Tried that. It got him close to the car lol.


Then his brother just ate them lol


Blooming Labs! Don't you just love them? [emoji1]


Our Lab is almost a year old, so still full of beans and puppy personality. Luckily food works in most situations where we need to get him to behave in a certain way.


Have you tried a different car? Just to see if it's just your car or ALL cars sending him into a tizzy? If you get him into the car does he try to bolt out of it, or is he ok once he's in it? Is he ok once the journey has started?

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Blooming Labs! Don't you just love them? [emoji1]


Our Lab is almost a year old, so still full of beans and puppy personality. Luckily food works in most situations where we need to get him to behave in a certain way.


Have you tried a different car? Just to see if it's just your car or ALL cars sending him into a tizzy? If you get him into the car does he try to bolt out of it, or is he ok once he's in it? Is he ok once the journey has started?



A lot of the time here, they would travel in the back of the ute, seemed to love the wind in their fur lol.


So when he started being a bit funny, I did think it might be the ute, too high for him etc, but he is the same with the sportage. So today I took him in the corolla, easy for him to get in and out off, but no he still Didnt want to go, shaked the whole way to the beech, which thanfully is only ten mins away.


Had a great time once there, just felt bad making him travel:cry:



That isn't him....but you get the idea!!


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Awww, look at that face!! What a character.


We had a labrador years ago. Gorgeous dog but she hated the car. All cars. In fact if she was walking past a car and the door was open, she would start drooling and dribbling - but wasn't actually sick. Whenever we went on longer trips the vet prescribed doggy valium so she slept for the whole journey. Fro shorter journeys she had to have a blanket for the drooling.

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If you suspect that he may be struggling to get into the car, you can get ramps which are great for senior dogs, puppies and giant breeds. I used to have a Newfoundland and he we tried to restrict his jumping when he was still growing by using a ramp for the car. If you haven't already looked, have a check of your car. There's probably something in there or there was something in there which is unsettling him. It could be a smell or just a new object which looks strange to him. You could try another car too to see if it's cars in general or just your car. I would also suggest gradually getting him used to the car again, slowly build up his time around/in the car before closing the door and going somewhere - oftentimes when a dog gets scared of something they used to be ok with before, it's best to go back to basics and gradually reintroduce them to the object.

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Thanks for the thoughts.


He is the same in all three of our vehicles.


Weird thing is when its time to come home, he gets in no trouble:confused:


think I will put it down to him being the loveable rogue that he is:wubclub:

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Thanks for the thoughts.


He is the same in all three of our vehicles.


Weird thing is when its time to come home, he gets in no trouble:confused:


think I will put it down to him being the loveable rogue that he is:wubclub:



Hes a 56 year old bloke! Nuff said :wink::laugh:

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Weird thing is when its time to come home, he gets in no trouble:confused:




Just a thought....he hasn't been to the vet recently?....(and thinking "oh no....they're taking me to THAT place again!")

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Weird thing is when its time to come home, he gets in no trouble:confused:




That has got to be the clue to the whole thing, surely. When he knows where he's going, he's happy to get in the car.


So it sounds like every time he's asked to get into the car at home, he's fearful you're going to take him somewhere nasty (like the vet) - or you're going to take him somewhere and leave him (like you did, presumably, when you were leaving the UK). Did something like that happen 8 months ago, or could it be just the memory of being left at the kennels when you migrated?

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