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Backpack or suitcase?


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i guess that's a idea but I don't really want to spend my time going around clothes shopping. Im not a massive fan of it here either usually. Blokes always seem to be able to survive on only a carry on. Wish I could


The other thing to think about is - are you planning to stay in one place for your whole year? If you are, then MaryRose's idea works. If not, and you arrive with just a backpack and then buy the clothes you need, what will you put them in when you start travelling? You'll have to buy another case so you're back where you started!


Oh and if you're short, it's even more important to take stuff with you. Australian shops aren't good at making stuff in short lengths, apart from Target.

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Im 5ft 3 with really short legs so jeans can be a bit annoying. So I'll definitely be bringing black trousers and a few other things that I might struggle with. Im really not bringing that many clothes though, I like things that I can mix and match.


did the pic of the suitcase not work? It's not working on my phone

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Forgot to say no I won't be staying in one area. Sydney first for a few months if I can find work and then God knows where after thatv


I didn't think so. In which case whatever you buy in Sydney you'll have to lug with you around the rest of the country for the rest of your stay! So you might as well bring it from Scotland as leave it behind, you're not going to be saving yourself anything really.

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I saw the picture but to be honest no-one can really advise on a picture, it comes down to the quality - it's going to get a lot of use and if you're checking it in then a lot of rough handling from baggage handlers. The quality of the zip, wheels and handle could prevent a major disaster and stress. Remember you're handle breaking on the trip back from the Lakes?


Is the case Debenhams own brand? If so I wouldn't read anything into the £150 price - it's a marketing ploy, put it on sale ridiculously overpriced so they can con people later that they are getting a bargain - it is probably a £50 case to begin with!


Not saying don't get it, it is really too hard to say from a photo.

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Weve had a tripp set for over ten years.


Except for a nylon nut unscrewing from the outside handle, they havent let us down yet.


As for the nut, i found it inside the lining and screwed it back on. Then i got a hex driver and tightened every other one i could on it and the other three cases.


cant see your picture, but we have two sets of this.....



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Just buy a bloody bag from somewhere, woman.


Otherwise you will be leaving with Tesco carrier bags!






Why not buy a case from the charity shop?


Then you could chuck it in Oz if it doesn't suit and buy a backpack here instead.


Or vise versa???

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It's funny you've said that because my friend used to go mad at me for using tesco bags for stuff. Was one of the reasons I bought my little day pack for my work lol.


well I've found 2 high Sierra bags that I like and it seems to have a good Rep. 5 year warranty etc. I need to chose between 59 litres and 72. I know 72 sounds a lot but 59 doesn't look very big http://uk.highsierra.com/wheeled-backpacks/category-en.htm?or=2111255373

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Pack everything you want to take to Australia into your carrier bags, drag them in a wheeled case into the shop, pack them into the backpack you want to try then walk around the store for 20 minutes.


If the store won't allow this, go elsewhere.

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im not likely to use it as a backpack but having the straps for the occasional situation might be a good idea. I think its 3kg empty


Like I said, if you're not going to use it as a backpack then you'll hate it as a rolly. You won't be able to set it on its end and leave it, you'll have to keep hanging on to it all the time - because it will topple over the minute you let it go. You can't avoid it because backpacks don't have a square end to sit on.


I believe Tripp is a good brand of suitcase - why did you decide not to buy it?

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Ok I'm going to say backpack. Especially if you are travelling round. Suitcases when backpacking are a pain IMHO.


You roll things to fit, can put stuff in the side pockets that you need to reach in a hurry and don't have to worry about space so much.


If you do get a suitcase I don't think 72l is very big. I bought a Tripp case in the UK recently and got the 95L one and it only fitted 28kg when fully packed to the rafters. Sure it had wheels but I'd have rather chucked it in a bag and been able to sling it round without worrying about being too precious about it. Also unless you buy the top end heavy duty ones with solid casing, I don't think a material one is going to last, not in the Tripp range. Too flimsy for a lot of constant use. A decent backpack would handle the wear and tear. My backpack lasted me 12 years with a lot of use and I use to fit masses in. No case or hold all has lasted so well.

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What puts me off getting something that's only a backpack is that I have a unbelievably bad back for my age and I really don't want to be in pain over there. I know people have said that I won't be carrying it all the time and someone else said don't get a wheeled backpack if I'm not going to use it as a backpack but least I have the option of carrying it for short periods of time if I really have to. I have a day pack for work and when I've got heavy stuff in it I struggle with it. That's only walking home or to the bus station etc.

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Ok go a holdall then. A good one. So you can pull it along and carry it if need be. Try those types out.


We we have a couple of these in the largest size (and colours, always go an easy to spot colour like green or blue). I like as I just pop the handle out, drag it along without fuss and can carry it if need be.




ETA - can drag them, sling them, sit on them and fit loads in. again, side pockets for stuff in a hurry, roll stuff to fit and vacuum pack to squish more in if need be.

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Seems a bit small to me. The large one is more like it in my book




Tbh you can spend as little or as much as you want. I find the Jeep one decent quality, well made and they have lasted me well. Only thing is we don't use them for backpacking. Just for trips, holidays and so on. So a years solid use... Should stand up to it as it's not like you are dragging it somewhere every day. There will be times you'll be in one place a while. My backpack wasn't a fancy make but it lasted well and got dragged round the world.


Can you order one and return it if you don't like it? Or find one in a store to look over? Get a bright colour. And the largest size, not the medium or large, go XXL. Not black as everyone else will have a black holdall and waiting at baggage claim is annoying as anything then :P


Try out the one you linked to in store also if you can. Then go with whatever you like. The warranty wouldn't bother me for £35. For the £150 I'd check the warranty can be claimed overseas without issue.

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I never thought about a Hold-all. Is that a good make? I like the price haha!




I had a holdall on wheels and it was the worst thing I ever bought. Because the ends are soft, the weight isn't balanced properly so you can't leave it sitting on its wheels - it will fall over. I'm still in favour of a decent wheely suitcase - why would a holdall be better anyway?

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I don't think a Holdall would be better, it was just something that I never even thought of. Is there a particular brand you would recommend Maria?


I just bought mine at a cheap store and it's been fine. Of course you can be unlucky but I do think you're letting one bad experience put you off suitcases unnecessarily.

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