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Studying in Perth?

Brad Matthews

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Hello, I'm 17 years old studying A levels at college and have always dreamed of living life in Australia as a primary school teacher when I'm older. I was just wondering if there is anyway of me getting a place at Perth university in Perth city and if anyone would know how I would go about it with funding and applying? Also, would that help me get good prospects to take up teaching in Australia after I got my teaching degree? I'm going to Perth in 22 days to see my friends family who emigrated there not too long ago, and I'm thinking about going into the university to ask.

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Hello, I'm 17 years old studying A levels at college and have always dreamed of living life in Australia as a primary school teacher when I'm older. I was just wondering if there is anyway of me getting a place at Perth university in Perth city and if anyone would know how I would go about it with funding and applying? Also, would that help me get good prospects to take up teaching in Australia after I got my teaching degree? I'm going to Perth in 22 days to see my friends family who emigrated there not too long ago, and I'm thinking about going into the university to ask.


if you meet the entry criteria and can pay the high international university fees, then I am sure there is nothing to stop you studying in Australia. Were you planning on going to university in the UK? If so how was that being funded? You would probably need parental funding for Australia as you won't be entitled to Australia student loans and I don't think UK one either as you are not studying in the UK (but not 100pc on that).


Important to note that studying in Australia does not mean that you will be able to stay afterwards, so this could be a very expensive venture for nothing. IMHO you should put this on a back burner for now, finish your studies, establish yourself in a career and look at it in the future.

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I agree with Bungo.I know two teachers in Oz,one's a friend of my daughters who she's known since primary school and the other is my nephews wife.Both had to take jobs in very remote area's of Australia due to lack of teaching jobs in the city/suburbs.

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Hello, I'm 17 years old studying A levels at college and have always dreamed of living life in Australia as a primary school teacher when I'm older. I was just wondering if there is anyway of me getting a place at Perth university in Perth city and if anyone would know how I would go about it with funding and applying? Also, would that help me get good prospects to take up teaching in Australia after I got my teaching degree? I'm going to Perth in 22 days to see my friends family who emigrated there not too long ago, and I'm thinking about going into the university to ask.


Would make more sense to get a degree in the UK. Seems to be an over supply of primary ATM.

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Why not take a year out after A levels and spend a year working in Australia on a WHV? Make sure you meet the criteria for a second year visa but you don't need to do it then.


If you're still keen on Australia after a year then choose your degree/teacher training carefully to meet the current criteria for teaching in Australia - you may do better studying in Scotland where degrees are four years which I think makes it easier to register as a teacher in Australia where four years uni education is expected.


Once you're qualified take another year out and use your second WHV, you might even strike it lucky and get a temporary teaching post otherwise just use it to conform your commitment to living in Australia and then start the visa application process.


Of course if you do have a spare $100k for the fees alone then you could study in Australia - you can work 20 hours a week so could potentially earn your living costs at least and after that you could still do two years on a WHV.

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Hello, I'm 17 years old studying A levels at college and have always dreamed of living life in Australia as a primary school teacher when I'm older. I was just wondering if there is anyway of me getting a place at Perth university in Perth city and if anyone would know how I would go about it with funding and applying? Also, would that help me get good prospects to take up teaching in Australia after I got my teaching degree? I'm going to Perth in 22 days to see my friends family who emigrated there not too long ago, and I'm thinking about going into the university to ask.


How wealthy are you? International student fees for 4 years with limited capacity to work is going to cost you a lot of money with zero support from Aus government. At the end of it all you'll probably have to leave anyway because there isn't a shortage of primary teachers. As the others have said, far more sensible to do your degree in UK then your PGCE but even then primary teaching is going to be a bit touch and go as there are thousands of young unemployed primary teachers that Aus would prefer to see employed.


Enjoy your holiday though.

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