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How to tell young nephews we are moving far away


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Hi all,

My husband and I will be relocating to the Adelaide area (from Canada) in Sept/Oct 2015. We are very close to our nephews who are 2 and 3 years old. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas or suggestions for how to tell them that we are moving and they won't be able to come over and play with us on a regular basis anymore. We are moving out of our house this weekend and the 3 yr old is very upset that we are leaving our house and going to be living in an apartment because he "loves our house".

We were thinking that we would just be straightforward with them and tell them what is happening (not until shortly before we leave though!) but I was wondering if anyone has any experience with this, should we buy them a gift of some sort (suggestions)? It is hard on us to be moving away from them, but I know it will be even harder on them since they probably won't be able to fully understand it because they are so young.

Thanks in advance :)

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It stinks and no easy way I suppose, told my niece we were heading to aus and she asked was it only for a short time and when I told her no she said she was moving too lol.


Tell them your moving away for a wee bit but you can talk all the time via video cals etc (introduce them to it now by videoing from home now)

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2 and 3 year old nephews? They will get over it.what about the adults will they aunties, uncles, mothers , fathers . Not being harsh but I wouldn't be worried about what a 2 and 3 year old thinks .As if they have that ability to understand you moving. Jeese some people have real problems on here. Leaving your 2 and 3 year old nephews behind isn't one.


Its your choice, and your life, move on,

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@beach pig that's a bit harsh, some people find it harder leaving younger family behind than older ones, personally I've no issues but understand that its not that easy for everyone. I agree though there are bigger problems for people but no need to make it seem like someone else emotions are irrelevant

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I'd ask the parents if there is a possibility of them visiting you because if there is, you can add this bit into it eg. but you will be able to come and see us for a holiday etc., I'b be honest in telling them that you're moving away but add all the ways you'll be keeping in touch. Perhaps get a childrens book about Australia/animals to sort of show the idea of where you're going to

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2 and 3 year old nephews? They will get over it.what about the adults will they aunties, uncles, mothers , fathers . Not being harsh but I wouldn't be worried about what a 2 and 3 year old thinks .As if they have that ability to understand you moving. Jeese some people have real problems on here. Leaving your 2 and 3 year old nephews behind isn't one.


Its your choice, and your life, move on,

Well what did you tell them when you moved from a house to an apartment?Trying not to sound insensitive here,but at their ages?They'll soon move on!If they mean that much to you,maybe re consider the move????


Great advice


Just what the op wanted

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.........little people....!

.........they understand so much more than often given credit for.....

.........when explained in their terms....!

..........a time to visit.......linked to a day that means something....

..........Christmas a birthday.....

..........something to look forward to.....

..........an insight to where you'll be.......as has been suggested a book.....a DVD

..........that they can still see/talk to you......

..........show them Skype......a practice run......

............that you would love to see what they have been doing......pictures.......things they've made....

.............and that you can show them where you live......

..............good luck with your move.........

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