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Timescales for bond return, service cancellation etc


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Could anyone who has moved back and was renting in Australia advise me on how they managed the return of their rental bond and cancellation of services? There is another post re: Telstra on here which has got me worried - we have home broadband and Foxtel with them and have found they always mess up house moves. Rental agencies are also dreadfully slow about arranging bond returns and I don't want to be out of the country as I don't trust them not to retain it! any advice?

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We always move out a couple of days earlier and have the phone etc cut off then as well then come back for the final inspection on the last day of the lease.. Do not tell the agent that you're moving either overseas or interstate as I've heard of people losing their bond because of so called damage to the property they have spotted after you've gone. Use a relative or friends address to have everything forwarded on. Some agents have been good but others have tried it on with us.

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Can you not get it from the Post Office anymore? I have done this twice when vacating a property ,all you need is the paperwork from the estate agent. It takes around 20 mins from the post office faxing to them handing you the money, hence you can do it the day you vacate if the exit inspection is done then too.


Cal x

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I'm not moving out for a while but just planning at the moment. I'm worried about the managing agents trying to rip me off - with the exception of one excellent agency in Brisbane, I've found the agents pretty snakey and don't want to fight from overseas

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The last time we moved the "Professional" agent did the final inspection with us present. I said that we would like to get the bond back asap so did we have to take the paperwork from him there and then? "No' he said you'll be refunded through the post. We waited 4 weeks then contacted him only to be told that we had to go to his office to sign the paperwork! He was under the impression that we were returning to the UK not 500 metres down the road. He was quite surprised when I turned up at his office 15 minutes after our phone conversation. We got all our bond back. Never trust a real estate agent.

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Haven't got ours back yet after three months and I am not expecting it. I didn't pay the final two weeks of rent and didn't do a professional clean, just a cursory one, as fully expected that thieving agents would keep it. At least we reduced the amount they would try to steal.

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