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Paul Keating, pure class!


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If only we had a Liberal Party and not some outfit that hijacked and thrashed the name.


Allowing for the fact that the Australia Liberal party is not the same as the British version, I shall take some licence and assume you yearn for a Thatcherite Australian Conservative party (instead of the present 'Wets!?) Unless you are an even more fervent admirer of Jeremy Thorpe and Cyril Smith?

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I love the way he talks to these scared, angry little white people who are SO threatened by the Mabo decision!!!


It is a thing of beauty seeing a man at the height of his powers sticking up for social justice.




As apt today as it ever was.

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5 minutes of Paul Keating kicking John Howard's arse....


The contrast in body language is amazing, the libs look utterly deflated, whereas Keating is totally pumped! He must have enjoyed his time as PM





Who kicked who's arse at the election though ?

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