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How can you help Australia??


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Now, for those of you who are lucky enough to be in Australia..why not think about what you can give back to Australia...I'm talking about volunteering within the community but more specifically joining the State Emergency Service or Rural Fire Service.


I've been in the SES for the past 7years & love it....


What does it cost? just a bit of time for regular training depending on your unit that you belong to.


What can do you do? Missing people searches, forensic searchs, storm damage, flood assistance, PR work..within the org you can specialise in Resuce, Welfare, Comms, Resources......a broad spectrum.


I'll say now that Logan SES are in need to of members to occupy the new buildings at Beenleigh & Logan Village but nationally we can never have too manay members.


Why not have a look at your local unit and see if you like what you see....


State Emergency Service & Volunteer Marine Rescue




Rural Fire Service Queensland - Rural Fire Service


If you live or are thinking of living in a rural area, this will win you brownie points with the locals and also provide you with some exciting times :)

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I have so much respect for the SES ,something i didnt have before i arrived.I now see the amount of help they give and both me and Gary have said when the kids are a little older(and we can palm them off easier,lol) we would both love to join our local group.(prob Logan Village actually) i think its such a shame they dont get more media coverage especially for recruiting.

Cal x

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Yea, if they had paid positions, i know what my job would be :)


Just send me a PM if you are keen on joining Logan Village and i can pass your on to Andrew (he is the group leader out there) when we get enough members.


Since the council amalgamations, all former members of Beenleigh & Logan Village have gone to the GC or Scenic Rim groups so they can keep up Vertical Rescue (something Logan doesn't need) - they a bit like sheep really....one goes and they all go :)

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I was just saying to the better half the other week, that once we are there (1 week to go) sorted and settled, I'm going to join the SES as I think I should give something back to a country that has accepted me and my family. I think it's only fair. The wife is a nurse, so in her way she is giving something back to the country by just working.

I've seen bits on the TV about the SES and I feel it's something which is truly worth while. I imagine you would get immense satisfaction from it.

Keep up the good work. :notworthy:


The Tuckers

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Excellent post Paul - can I please piggy back and say that if the super SES is not quite to your taste perhaps you may think of volunteering for Lifeline. Lifeline is Australia's version of The Samaritans. A very interesting and thorough training program will equip you to deal with telephone callers with a wide range of presenting issues. The Canberra office is recruiting now for its next intake but wherever you are in Aus there are offices who would be thrilled to have you volunteer your services.


Australia has an excellent representation in its volunteer organizations and whatever organization you join, you will meet other Aussies and get to be part of the gang right from the get go.


Our SES has paid positions - I did a community recovery course with some of the ACT reps a couple of weeks ago - really great to see what they get to do.

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Guest TheBrowningFamily

I Volunteer for Lifeline, but in one of the charity shops here in Beerwah, I absolutely love it!! and it is giving me some retail experience! Even when I (eventually) find part time paid work, I'll still work there, it makes you feel GREAT!

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I think a thread about volunteer groups would go down well,and anyone related to a group can post a message on there.I have spoke to lots of people like us lot who would like to give something back to the community that accepted us 'foreigners',lol.I will go post in the mods section and see if Tim gives us the ok.

Cal x

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We have helped Australia...we've given them two youngsters as citizens and at our citizenship ceremony we were told that that was just what they wanted!


Yours facetiously,


PS. We all volunteer here. SA has the highest proportion of volunteers in Oz! Go us! And our local firies are overflowing with volunteers - so my OH was told when he enquired.

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