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Abott: LMAO


Who will be PM by the end of this month?  

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  1. 1. Who will be PM by the end of this month?

    • Abott
    • Turnbull
    • Bishop
    • Morrison
    • who cares? They're all the bloody same

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His latest is, after the United Nations published a report showing that the Australian treatment of asylum seekers contravenes the International Convention Against Torture, is to say that "Australians are sick and tired of being lectured by the United Nations"!


Not, "we need to look at our behaviour and actions and see how we could do better" but "stop telling us off, it's not fair!"


He's a total disgrace and I have now heard so many people saying he makes them ashamed to be Australian. Some of the stories about abuse coming out of Nauru would make you feel sick.




The whole offshore processing fiasco is an absolute disgrace.


More and more whistle blowers are coming out of the woodwork.


Abbott cannot suppress the truth forever, no matter how many messengers he shoots, no matter people his immigration minister du jour sacks, threatens, refers to the AFP.

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His latest is, after the United Nations published a report showing that the Australian treatment of asylum seekers contravenes the International Convention Against Torture, is to say that "Australians are sick and tired of being lectured by the United Nations"!


Not, "we need to look at our behaviour and actions and see how we could do better" but "stop telling us off, it's not fair!"


He's a total disgrace and I have now heard so many people saying he makes them ashamed to be Australian. Some of the stories about abuse coming out of Nauru would make you feel sick.


To be honest Diane I thought good on him. I often hear the same argument coming out of the UK too. The guys from the UN who are jobsworths sitting there doing reports for meage bucks wouldn't know the first thing about Aus. I heard the guy saying he wants a discussion with Abbot. I reckon Abbot should just ignore him and his report.

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His latest is, after the United Nations published a report showing that the Australian treatment of asylum seekers contravenes the International Convention Against Torture, is to say that "Australians are sick and tired of being lectured by the United Nations"!


Not, "we need to look at our behaviour and actions and see how we could do better" but "stop telling us off, it's not fair!"


He's a total disgrace and I have now heard so many people saying he makes them ashamed to be Australian. Some of the stories about abuse coming out of Nauru would make you feel sick.


Abuse by who on who Diane?

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He's reduced the number of children in detention by 95% and stopped the boats.

Eventually there won't need to be anyone in detention as the boats have stopped.


I'm very proud of his record.


I wouldn't go as far as that Parley but the less boat arrivals we have it's common sense that eventually the detention centres will not be needed. I heard a couple on the radio last week saying the processing should be a lot faster and I agree, it should. But you can see what happens when they aren't thorough with the Sydney siege guy coming on a plane. apparently, and no-one looking at his past. Of course, as soon as he does something like he did there's a massive outcry and people start asking questions of the government as to how he got in.


How are they supposed to look into peoples history and past who don't have papers, lie about their age, where they were born, where the come from? No wonder it takes a long time to process one.


It wasn't so long ago there were fulltime film crews from just about every station in Christmas Island, filming boat arrivals every day, including the one that crashed onto the rocks. Now we hardly hear anything about it and that's a good thing IMO.

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Unfortunately you can't just give people the benefit of the doubt anymore.

That is what happened with Monis, given the benefit of the doubt time after time.


The remaining children in detention are there because their parents have had adverse security findings from ASIO and it is felt best to keep the families together.

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His latest is, after the United Nations published a report showing that the Australian treatment of asylum seekers contravenes the International Convention Against Torture, is to say that "Australians are sick and tired of being lectured by the United Nations"!


Not, "we need to look at our behaviour and actions and see how we could do better" but "stop telling us off, it's not fair!"


He's a total disgrace and I have now heard so many people saying he makes them ashamed to be Australian. Some of the stories about abuse coming out of Nauru would make you feel sick.


I forgot about that! My cousin put that up and I wrote "I think your PM might actually be worse than ours". I was hoping for something funny though

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I forgot about that! My cousin put that up and I wrote "I think your PM might actually be worse than ours". I was hoping for something funny though


Did you hear that he (remember he made himself Minister for Women) held a gala dinner to celebrate International Women's Day...in....wait for it.... a Men-Only Club? You couldn't make it up sometimes....

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The mining boom did not end when John Howard lost office, and what did the ALP govt do with that surplus?


So its all the fault of those swivel eyed left wing loonies that the mining boom is ending, nothing to do with China having to reduce emissions before their city dwellers are exterminated by toxic emissions from coal fired power stations and coal fired factories and steel works.

They used the surplus to stop Oz following the rest of the world into austerity following the almost total collapse of neo- liberal economies, if there had been a bigger surplus and it had been invested in better transport and communications then Oz might have been able to better weather the inevitable downturn that is going to hit now, Australia will have to modernise and learn how to add value to its raw materials so that it becomes a 21st century economy rather than a colonial resources producer for other manufacturing nations.

I do not see how Oz is going to make the adjustment from a high wage's raw materials extractor to a competitive manufacturing country without massive investment in a new infrastructure to achieve that, the private sector is not going to do it because of the long term over which the investment will have to be made does not make it attractive to modern day Capitalism and leasing present day infrastructure in order to get some capital to reinvest only compounds the problem as the private sector will not upkeep what they lease once they have made a profit from it they will simple treat it as a depreciating asset to eventually be written off and handed back to the govt.

Tony Abbott is cock a hoop about widening a motorway in Sydney when the rest of world is investing in mass transit systems based either on rail or trams, a real winner that is, more cars on the roads, more pollution ensuring climate change speeds up and locking Sydney into another 20 years of reliance on the car, that's an ace investment decision.

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I respect what he is trying to do Stacey.

It is a critical time for us to fix up the debt problem. If we don't fix it now my kids and grandkids will suffer a lot.




yer that national debt..... pretty bad.


thing is Australia does need to tighten its belt, but not for some debt that exists now, for the crisis that is about to hit.

abbott and friends are milking the system (read the tax payer) for all its worth as mineral and ff prices plummet.

there is a crisis, but it's not here yet, it's the one that the current mismanagement and raping of the system is causing.


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Is that like a joke website?


yer, the shovel is Australia's answer to Americas 'the onion' and the uk's ....... hmm....

I suppose it sits somewhere inbetween private eye and viz, closer to private eye :)



i tend to start my news feed there, private eye, radio 4 friday night comedy, the shovel etc

start with the satire dealing with the mainstream media sh1te, then read the sh1te in light of the satire.

it makes it easier to pick the peanuts out.


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It used to be satirical, until we got a PM whose everyday actions are so hilarious and ridiculous that you'd think it was made up! Now the stories in The Shovel and Mainstream Media are pretty much the same!!


The Junkee is another good one sometimes http://junkee.com/tony-abbott-thinks-remote-aboriginal-communities-are-lifestyle-choices-because-of-course-he-does/52748

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It used to be satirical, until we got a PM whose everyday actions are so hilarious and ridiculous that you'd think it was made up! Now the stories in The Shovel and Mainstream Media are pretty much the same!!


The Junkee is another good one sometimes http://junkee.com/tony-abbott-thinks-remote-aboriginal-communities-are-lifestyle-choices-because-of-course-he-does/52748


You simply could not believe that this man was supposedly a Rhodes Scholar who studied at, was it, Oxford, does he have no sense of how stupid he appears to the rest of the world, he's on a par with Berlusconi, who at least had the excuse that he was cruise ship crooner originally, does the position , the striving for it and the attainment of the power unhinge them or is that they always had these extremist views and managed to keep them hidden in order to get into the leaders job and then like some alcoholic who thinks they can control their drinking just keeps on believing they're in control and then nobody knows how to deal with them and their problem until one day they're rushed off to rehab .

He may have stopped the boats to the satisfaction of the heartless but by implementing a system which treats people as badly as the countries they are trying to escape, is that what Australians want , to be held on par with Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sri Lanka, and also with the connivance of Indonesia, not a country with any respect for human life as Australians are about to learn, are those the countries that Aus wants to be lumped in with.

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You simply could not believe that this man was supposedly a Rhodes Scholar who studied at, was it, Oxford, does he have no sense of how stupid he appears to the rest of the world, he's on a par with Berlusconi, who at least had the excuse that he was cruise ship crooner originally, does the position , the striving for it and the attainment of the power unhinge them or is that they always had these extremist views and managed to keep them hidden in order to get into the leaders job and then like some alcoholic who thinks they can control their drinking just keeps on believing they're in control and then nobody knows how to deal with them and their problem until one day they're rushed off to rehab .

He may have stopped the boats to the satisfaction of the heartless but by implementing a system which treats people as badly as the countries they are trying to escape, is that what Australians want , to be held on par with Syria, Iraq, Libya, Sri Lanka, and also with the connivance of Indonesia, not a country with any respect for human life as Australians are about to learn, are those the countries that Aus wants to be lumped in with.

I think that that's pretty much what this government and their many supporters on these forums want. Of course, they don't like Australia being compared to countries like those you've mentioned, in the same way that people who espouse racist views don't like being called racist. They think it's unfair to be bracketed in with the 'baddies' of the international community, but if you treat arrivals by boat in the way that this country currently does, then that's what's going to happen.

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What do you naive people really think is going to happen ?

Do you think Labor will make the same mistakes again that they made last time ?

Do you think they will loosen the border controls again and introduce onshore processing and releasing all asylum seekers into the community ?


Of course not. No one wants the floodgates opening again.

Both sides of politics support these policies as they know they work, as do the Australian public.

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