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Rockingham High School ?????


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Historically it doesn't enjoy the best of reputations and it's results with regard to Uni entrance are not flash. However, most people who have an opinion do not have children there. Go and take a look around. Go and meet the Principal. My daughter after 2 years at private school now goes to a school with a similar reputation to RSHS and is thriving and happy. Keep an open mind until you have been to have a look around.

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All the schools between Kwinana and Mandurah are shockers, high staff turn on, terrible Year 12 results . Go private and several of the private schools aren't great. Google school comparison statistics curriculum council and look at their report.

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As I have previously stated, keep an open mind. Go and talk to the school and take a look around. It does all depend on the child. I sent my child to a middle tier private school. Wasted almost 3 years there as she hated it. Sent her to the catchment high school which has a terrible reputation and she is thriving. She is in Year 12, she won't get an ATAR but is doing 2 ATAR subjects and is top of her year in 2 of her VET courses. Horses for courses and you will find the majority of people bagging the schools have absolutely no direct experience of the schools concerned.

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in your opinion which schools are the better/best in the Mandurah area?

That I can't really answer as I've gone Private with my son for High School. There are some fairly decent Primary's from what I've been told. Frederick Irwin Mandurah Baptist College and Mandurah Catholic College have all got very good reputation, all Private though. For starte Schools, well Lakelands has a brand new Primary opened last month. Meadow Springs Primary I've been told by friends is good. Halls Head has a decent Primary from what I've been told. These are state schools. You could look at NAPLAN results but I'm not confident about those as they can be skewed. The MY School website contains a lot of info.


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Freddies is $5,000 a year approx as are the other private school down that way. if you have two kids thta equates to $10,000+ a year which equates to $800 a month that you could use on rent money to get in the catchment area of a really good govt school.

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Freddies is $5,000 a year approx as are the other private school down that way. if you have two kids thta equates to $10,000+ a year which equates to $800 a month that you could use on rent money to get in the catchment area of a really good govt school.

Or alternatively live where you want and where may be suitable for work etc and spend the money on a good school!

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Good point Bob1. I guess where these good government schools catchment area you spend more on rent? Could you give an example of a school, I'd quite like to compare house prices in that catchment area. I guess I am swayed by Mandurah because of friends in the area.

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Ok, Rossmoyne and Churchlands are certainly more expensive to live would $100 per week seem about right? There seems to be a lot of houses a lot more than this as well. Maybe the cheaper ones are a less desirable area... At about $400 difference per month that equates to one private school place, but I have 3 children! There of course is sibling discounts to factor in?


I will certainly look further into this!

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Depends on the kind of house you want - we went for the worst house in the best possible location for schools as that was the priority but many people want the nice shiny new place and go for the show house in a not so good location or miles out near the beach as beach is more important than school.

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I also want to add that you have to consider where you as a family would be happy living. Education for your kids is important but not at the expense IMO of the entire families happiness. I love the look of the Western suburbs of Perth but there is no way I could live amongst the stuck up people who live there.

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