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Working Holiday in Australia, do or don't I, need serious advice!


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Hello, just joined this forum.


A little about me first, I'm from North East England, I'm currently 28 years old and am in a transitional period in life, I'm debating heading to Australia sometime mid-year on a one year working visa. I don't feel comfortable where I am and barring friends and family I have nothing at all keeping me here. I could get the visa, book flights and get travel insurance and stuff right now.


Main reasons for this are I don't like my job and am looking to leave it anyway, and until two years ago was in a very long term relationship (eleven years) and since then I've struggled to find a place I feel as though I belong. Never really travelled much, been few places around Europe but never solo so there is a lot of apprehension. Three months ago I got talking to some girl whose a friend of some friends and I knew from day one she was embarking on this kind of trip, I'm pretty sure we're not gonna see eachother anymore but I do like the idea of going somewhere new, even though the thought of heading to Australia alone is a daunting one, I'm not a solitary person by nature and that is one of the biggest issues for me. Anyone with any advice, real life experience in this would be really welcomed.

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Your first paragraph sounded just like me back in 2005, only I was 24 years old. I too had nothing keeping me in Sydney except some good friends and a smallish family. I decided within about a month that I would pack up and head to the UK. I was originally coming for 22 months. I was going to be home for Xmas 08. I finally got home for 15 months a week before my 30th birthday in September 2010, with an English wife and mother in law in tow. I have now been back in the UK for just over 3 years with my wife and 2 kids, 1 born in Aus and one here.


I say, just do it, life is too short. If you don't like it you can always jump on a plane and come back home. You may never get the chance again.

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Thanks for the reply wakeboard, I'm kinda a bit disappointed it's taken me this long to realise that this is an option. Saving shouldn't be too hard, hell selling me car would more than cover the recommended amount to take with you. How hard is work to find out there? Would be thinking Sydney and travel up east coast, if I do go I'd like to get the 88 days agricultural work for second year. Also your adventure sounds like it was worth it!


Wellers and Whitehead, yeah it looks like an incredible country and opportunity. I do tend to overthink things a lot and like I said, the biggest fear is being there solo really.

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Another person on here posted something quite similar. The general opinion was go for it! Your not old at all but you've only a few years before your visa wouldn't be a option so if you want to do it then definitely go for it. You'll meet loads of people.


I'm hoping to go in September and I can definitely relate to a few of the things in your post. You'll be fine and i'm sure you wont regret it!

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Thanks ScottishStacey, haven't had much of a chance to look through previous threads yet. Never had this kinda thoughts before, about travelling before, but I guess that is down to not enough realising that life is very much finite!


But it looks to be an amazing place with some stunning sights to see.

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Thanks ScottishStacey, haven't had much of a chance to look through previous threads yet. Never had this kinda thoughts before, about travelling before, but I guess that is down to not enough realising that life is very much finite!


But it looks to be an amazing place with some stunning sights to see.


I think if your having these thought then now is definitely the time to go for it :) Your definitely not the only one a bit unsure about going alone, I am too. What month are you planning on going? Yep it looks amazing, so much to see!

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Thanks for the reply wakeboard, I'm kinda a bit disappointed it's taken me this long to realise that this is an option. Saving shouldn't be too hard, hell selling me car would more than cover the recommended amount to take with you. How hard is work to find out there? Would be thinking Sydney and travel up east coast, if I do go I'd like to get the 88 days agricultural work for second year. Also your adventure sounds like it was worth it!


Wellers and Whitehead, yeah it looks like an incredible country and opportunity. I do tend to overthink things a lot and like I said, the biggest fear is being there solo really.


Sorry can't really help on the work front, it's been over 3 years since I was there. What kind of work would you try/want to do? Hopefully someone will be along soon and may be able to help.

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I'm no expert on it but I think work can be quite hard to find. it probably really depends on your experience and maybe your luck. Before you go sign up to a few backpacker pages if you have facebook. the backpackers on it seem quite good at helping each other find work. Quite often i've noticed someone asking where to find a job and people will send them suggestions especially for 2nd year visa

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Just need to be sure if I do, I do it for the right reasons and not just to leave for the sake of leaving. How on Earth do you know? Where about you planning on going then?


I know what you mean but just try and think of it as a adventure. I overthink everything same as you mentioned so its a bit hard not to get stressed but its just 1 year out of your life to explore and then if you really like it then you can stay 2 years.


Well my main struggle is going to be saving up enough in time because my visa expires in September. Im hoping to land in perth although I did really liked the idea of landing in Sydney and the first things I see are the opera house etc. Im planning on doing as much of WA as possible and then heading over to Melbourne for November and then Sydney for Christmas and new year

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Just need to be sure if I do, I do it for the right reasons and not just to leave for the sake of leaving. How on Earth do you know? Where about you planning on going then?


why not leave for the sake of leaving? It doesn't have to be forever - just think of it as being a super-extended holiday!

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Weirdly enough flights to Sydney seem the easiest to find and oddly the cheapest. Even though it's pretty much thebairport furthest from here, not counting Hobart in Tasmania of course. Have you been there before?


Nope ive never been to Australia before. I've been a member on here for a long time - when I first signed up me and my ex were hoping to move over. then when we split up I thought it was the perfect time to go backpacking if I could afford it. Ive got family in Melbourne so would be nice to meet them too. When I last looked perth was the cheapest from Scotland but I don't imagine there would be a massive difference in price. Im just going to focus on saving up enough in time and ill leave the plans till im sure i'll make it there before my visa expires.


I agree with Vicky - just think of it as a fun long holiday! Your not going to be stuck in one place

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Just do it. As you say, you're at a transitional period in life, and a "gap year" in Australia would be the perfect way to create a clear separation between your "old" life and your "new" life, and have a fresh start when you get back to the UK.


You won't be solitary for long - living in hostels, you will quickly meet new people. Backpackers are always looking for people to share trips, accommodation etc with.

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Hi LostSoul,


I am also 28 years old, dont like my job and have booked my flight over to Oz for April (land in Sydney).


I'm flying over alone and can't wait to start a new adventure. Think you just have to give these things a go and if you dont enjoy it the UK is only a days flying away! My advice would be to go for it!! In a couple of years time you wont be able to get a WHV and I expect you would regret not going if you decided to stay in the UK!!!



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My advice is to go ahead and do it ..ive two daughters travelling at the moment one(Age 24) with her boyfriend)and the other(20) with her best friend .they have both met lots of people travelling alone in hostels whom have come part of their travelling family( their words not mine ) ..I also know a lad who was extremely shy who came to Oz travelling on his own and he loved it and built up a network of travelling buddies ..I think its best to come out with as much money as you can save which will be different for everyone but my daughter is paying between 30 - 35 dollars a night in hostel at surfers paradise queensland but she has got a job that pays$ 25 an hour so no longer dipping into her travel fund ..she did have a job that only paid $ 12 per but only did it for a week till she found the better one lol .I know of at least another 6 people from my home town in West yorkshire that are travelling Oz at the moment and their experiences are extremely positive

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Life is an adventure not a prison sentence and while you are young and unencumbered why not give it a whirl! You never know what may be around the corner! My son was 24 when he came to UK for a year's holiday (he grew up in Aus) and as he says - life is what happens while you are busy making other plans - and things cropped up for him that he never dreamed of and the same could be true for you! You never know where it will lead! I think his trip could have been seen as a bit of an escape at the time - his life wasn't going as he'd planned at the time but it turned into a fabulous new adventure.


if you're half way sociable you'll be just fine - there are loads of kids doing the same. Check out http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-jobs/sydney/c9302l3003435?ad=offering it started as a backpackers resource site but has now grown a lot but you'll get some leads on there

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Thanks for the quick reply. I had a total thyroidectomy some years ago, so it was a concern to know that. Could take about three months worth but beyond that I think they expire so it wouldn't be an immediate problem but one that it need to see into rather sharpish. :-)

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