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made redundant on 457! HELP

Ian Laurie

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Hi all


New to the forum, but in need to help urgently.


I have been made redundant and have until early Jan to gain new sponsorship. Its not a great time and I do not have many leads.


My son was born here and my wife is due with #2 in April, I consider my son an aussie and its our home.


Does anyone know of ways to extend the 3 months grace after losing sponsorship?


Any help much appreciated.




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Unfortunately none of you are Aussies. You have to find someone to take on your temporary visa or ensure that your employer pays for your fares back to UK. You might be wise to engage an agent to consider your visa options but the 457 was only ever going to be temporary and you may be wise to get your son's UK passport - those 90 days will go quickly and passports are taking quite a while to arrive.

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Hi guys, thanks for the reply.


I am aware my son is a UK Citizen and he already has his UK passport, so we are set if we want to head back to the UK.


I was more referring to if there are any options for extending the 3 month period while I search for a new role. I am confident that I will find a new sponsor, it is just that the Xmas period is fast approaching and it will be very hard to find anything during this time.

Planning ahead just in case.


Could I leave the country and apply for a tourist visa to extend my time before we get kicked out?


Thanks again guys


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Immigration tend to take a pretty dim view of tourist visas being used for anything other than being a tourist and as a tourist you shouldnt be engaged in finding work. You're right, the timing couldn't be worse for finding a new sponsor with Christmas approaching but if you have interviews lined up you may get a bit more leeway. Dont let your ex employer get away with not paying your fares back though in the event that you do have to leave.

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