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DESPERATE for tips on jet lag in kid


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Hi, I have another question for you all... We have decided to go to Oz (Melbourne) next April/May time. The kids will be 8 and 11, does anyone have any tips for helping them with the time difference. We live in UK so the time difference will be 10 hours ahead. I am really worried about how to help them adjust and avoid getting kids that once went to sleep and now will be a nightmare when we return to Uk. Any ideas on what you have done in the past greatly appreciated.

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Dont worry! Kids are remarkably resilient. If you want to worry, then worry about how you will handle it. I never had the slightest problem with my kids with jet lag and I did the trip many times when they were little. As for yourself, take a late night flight in both directions and run yourself ragged the day you leave. With luck you will be asleep before wheels up and stay asleep until the pre arrival meal at the refuelling stop.


The only trouble I ever had was when I took my 12 week old baby over and he did take a few days to stop waking up at 2am but thereafter they didnt even bat an eyelid.

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We travelled to Perth - chose a flight that would get us into Perth mid afternoon, so it wouldn't be too hard staying awake for a few hours and going to bed at a normal time. Worked reasonably ok, except we were all awake at 5am the next morning, although I do think that it was partly excitement at starting our adventure. I found my children slept for the 2nd leg of the journey.



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Guest Sheilas Wheels

Hi! have travelled 'long haul' with young children on my own loads of times! They will love playing on the in flight games and then just 'crash'. Personally I would be more worried with 2 year olds etc. they will be fine, all my 3 adapted very well. good luck.

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Personally I would be more worried with 2 year olds etc. they


Yeah, they're horrible! We had 4, 2 and 10 months!! My kids were actually really good; they slept on and off, played, ate etc, no massive tantrums! They were off kilter for a while though; we landed in Brissy at 8amish, and they were going to sleep at 4pm, waking up at about 2-3am for a week. We were in a holiday flat, so had to keep them quiet, kept going on drives around potential suburbs in the dark! It sorts itself out though, everything always does.

Jo x

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Guest ameliaandpeter

I travelled this year with a 7 & 2 1/4 yr old boys. I think you shouldn't have any worries with the ages of your kids. Inflight entertainment is usually excellent. I've found a night flight the best. If they are anxious about flight, i was recommended medised (it makes them sleepy). Mine are fussy eaters, so in the past have taken sandwiches, crisps etc.

Get yourself a good book, relax and enjoy your adventure.


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