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scottish family seeking a bit advice


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Its certainly a tough one, no doubt about it. I hope things work out. Who knows, may even see you on the other side.


Last thing I want to cause is arguments on here. Great hearing views from different angles tho.

can't stress enough that im doing this in my sons best interests. I know from personal experiences that manipulation can cause deep problems long term in a childs mind. With me that wont happen. I grew up in a one parented family and ended up just fine. Point im making is if children have a parent who conducts themselves in the right manner and are proper rolemodels there children will grow up just fine. I also realise its important to have both parents I get that, but only if both parents give as much as each other. Sadly in this situation its not the case. I have a son being poisened


You need to get all information you can related to this situation and make sure that you have evidence and also please get legal advice. I feel, personally, that it would be better to gain residency then look at migration but you need to do as you feel comfortable.

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Its not what you know sadly its what you can prove in court is the problem. Yes legal advice goes without saying. As a said before this country is a shambles and the people that run it are no better. I will leave here one day but will do everything in my power to take my son with me.

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Have you discussed taking your child away with the mother? how does she feel about it (ie it will be easier if she agrees, but you're facing an uphill battle if she doesnt)


Regarding jobs, which state are you looking at?? Every state is a bit different, so once you know roughly where you are looking, it will be easier to give you pointers on where to look for jobs. It's good you're doing the groundwork before jumping in. :-)

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Its not what you know sadly its what you can prove in court is the problem. Yes legal advice goes without saying. As a said before this country is a shambles and the people that run it are no better. I will leave here one day but will do everything in my power to take my son with me.

Unfortunately, if you're under the impression that Australia is any better you're in for a bit of a shock! It's just another (inconsequential) first world country which won't offer anything magical just the same benefits and pitfalls you'll find in any other first world country.


Your first task, I suspect , will be to prove that you are the right parent to be the custodial parent and to apply to the court - unless your ex is a total drop kick that's going to be an uphill task.

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Your child lives primarily with the Mother. Before you can even contemplate taking the child to the other side of the world away from a parent, you would need to be the primary caregiver.

Your child is four, perhaps think of the emotional turmoil of being uprooted from a country, and from what you have said, put into school and child care because both of you are working.That's an awful lot for a child to have to take on, plus being taken away from his Mum....


I am not sure any Judge would see that in the best interests of the child. It's not about you and your beliefs that Australia is a better country, it is all about what is best for the child and that may well be staying in his country of birth, with his Mum (and you) and the support network that offers.

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You have basically a snowballs' chance in hell of getting a court permission to remove your son from his mother, even if she were a total dropkick, unless there were really bad circumstances, and even then the courts would likely demand the mother be given reasonable access to the child, and travelling to Australia is not going to be her best approach of visiting, is it? Yes, the child may well be getting one-sided information, yes, the mother is possibly telling a different version of her truth, and he will grow up thinking ill of you. It happens. A lot. As far as that is concerned, you can either stay in closer contact, and realising that the uphill battle to be seen as a loving caring dad is going to be very arduous, or you can leave a legacy for your son, that he can find out about you when he is ready to confront you.


As for the main part of your post, there is much demand for prison officers, but less for electricians. I would suggest your partner be the main applicant, and you can upskill (aka getting Aussie tickets) and find a job when you get here.

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Victoria is actively recruiting prison officers.


However, I would question your thinking about Australia being a better place to bring up kids. The issues you cite are wrong. Healthcare is not better in Australia and I know many people who would argue that it is substantially worse - you either have very long waiting lists (way longer than Scotland) or have to pay for it. Educational standards are no better and, again, many would say worse. The wages look high, but so is the cost of living. Imagining that you'll have money for travel may be optimistic. The weather is different (not better) and I don't buy into the outdoorsy life. Much is spent inside with air conditioning or heating - the in between bit is very brief. If anything, I think kids in Scotland are likely to have a more outdoorsy lifestyle.


But most of all, splitting families is not a good solution and you'd need to be taking someone out of a very toxic situation before the benefits would outweigh the costs. Having kids is a responsibility and it restricts choices and freedom. On the other hand, it brings different rewards. Many of us find ourselves steered in life by the needs of our kids or our partner's kids. Doing it with good grace will help you and help them.

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Ok. The type of answers I was expecting to be honest. Ok guys Thanks for replying I appreciate it. Back to the drawing board I guess



Hi tonyboy,


I came over from Scotland 2 years ago with my OH and 3 kids, I had spend all my 44 years in the west of Scotland. And as much as my heart will always be there, I can say it is very different here in Queensland and in my opinion a much better way of life compared to Scotland. Yes it still has the same social issues, just not in the same scale, yes the weather is better and that makes 1 hell of a difference, our kids have all played sport since the could walk, they have much more time outdoors time here, and they have different options. Some things are more expensive but it balances (in my opinion)... What I find is if you want something bad enough you have to work hard to get it, in Scotland it was never there(in my opinion). I don't think people release how hard it can be in Scotland for some people.


Good luck, I do understand why you want to come over.

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Hi tonyboy,


I came over from Scotland 2 years ago with my OH and 3 kids, I had spend all my 44 years in the west of Scotland. And as much as my heart will always be there, I can say it is very different here in Queensland and in my opinion a much better way of life compared to Scotland. Yes it still has the same social issues, just not in the same scale, yes the weather is better and that makes 1 hell of a difference, our kids have all played sport since the could walk, they have much more time outdoors time here, and they have different options. Some things are more expensive but it balances (in my opinion)... What I find is if you want something bad enough you have to work hard to get it, in Scotland it was never there(in my opinion). I don't think people release how hard it can be in Scotland for some people.


Good luck, I do understand why you want to come over.


Alright googoo


Thanks for the reply, your message gives me some hope

I know for sure that one day I will be there. Only draw back is my son though and what will happen with that

I realise my chances are slim with taking him but who knows

glad things are working out for you guys, and yeah alot of people commenting not from scotland won't realise as much as we might.

I think if you have a shot at a better life then your silly not to atleast try it out, but as a say that would be very difficult without my wee right hand man at my side


Time will tell


What line of work are you guys in if you don't mind me asking?

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