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Panasonic Microwave Trouble


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Microwave has just stopped working , when i turn it on it just clicks for a few seconds then stops . Are they worth getting fixed i hope so as its a good Combi , if so who and where in Perth would repair/service them as i know Electricians cant touch them .....thanks

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No. Buy a new one.


ive been told it could be that baffle plate is covered in grease and shorting .unscrew and replace but make a habit of wiping it clean at least once a month in the future but im not too sure where it is positioned ? Plus Combi microwave are so expensive here .......

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If you can see it arcing, you can be closer to being fried yourself.


Nothing is worth the safety of you and your family.


Faulty small appliances should be turned off, smashed to a pulp to stop others trying to use them, then replaced.

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What the hell is a combi microwave?


its a combination that does the lot hence why im trying to save it as they are so expensive here .............roast , cooks , grills not just warm up .......only without it for 5 days and already causing chaos in our house .....

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We had a panasonic, expensive inverter one. Packed in 3 times in a year. Luckily first couple of time under warranty. We ditched it and bought a less complicated cheaper model and we haven't had a problem with it.


Have a look on google and type in the make, problem and model number and you will probably find instructions on how to fix it and where to get the part. Might not be worth it though as new ones aren't that expensive.


If it's the transformer that's burnt out you might be able to get it repaired on the house insurance. A lot of them cover for motor or electrical fusion.

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go careful that magnetron will make a mess of you, i was cringing when you said you can see it arcing, out of all the home appliances to strip to fix, this is the one you should leave well alone.


the baffle plate is likely to be the small plate at the top side of the inside of the cooking area. full of holes, it's designed to scatter the radiation. it can usually be removed with a single screw.


be super careful, and if this doesn't fix it i would heavily recommend you dig no deeper. I wouldn't want my family around an appliance that could potentially be damaging them.

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