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9 out of 10 Britons (89%) living in Australia report an improved quality of life.


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89 per cent was it? Must be about equivalent to the 7/8 of Ten Pound Poms who settled permanently in Oz (ie. A quarter initially went back but half of them returned to Oz.)


Probably the same ratio when it comes to the proportion of posters on PIO who hate Australia. Butv then you know what they say about "Empty Pitchers!"

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89 per cent was it? Must be about equivalent to the 7/8 of Ten Pound Poms who settled permanently in Oz (ie. A quarter initially went back but half of them returned to Oz.)


Probably the same ratio when it comes to the proportion of posters on PIO who hate Australia. Butv then you know what they say about "Empty Pitchers!"



I can't think of anyone who currently posts on these forums who 'hates' Australia. There are criticisms made of the place for sure, but hating it is another matter.

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A very positive stat but such reports have to be taken with a reasonable dose of salt as I cannot help but wonder about the source material underpinning the statistics for all those countries. And I am saying that as a prospective migrant so would very much like to believe that I have a 89% chance of a better quality of life (whatever that really means).

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OK, so 9 Britons out of 10 report an improved quality of life. That doesn't mean 9 out 10 want to, or intend on staying there. In fact completely the opposite according to the report.


What you have overlooked PC is that there are 13% who would choose NOT to remain there indefinitely, irrespective of quality of life. That's a more telling statistic to focus on, a mighty 1300 out of 10,000 would probably return or move on. Suddenly the picture looks a little different. Another stat if we are talking quality of life, 27% of people said there health had either remained as it was or had not improved at all/declined. I would also imagine this number is not made up of physical symptons, but probably rather mental health issues.


However, I do recognise that overall the numbers appear to make it a desirable to be.

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Why as little to do with migrants and everything to do with expats usually sent out by company? Stretching credibility a little to far to suggest your average migrant will have experiences in any way related to the ex pat transplanted on foreign shores. A totally different experience. Hence the high rating of China and UAE.

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