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Im having a really hard time here in WA


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Hey, i got made redundant from the shop that i worked at for a year because business is quite, i now have to find a job to survive, i have applied at so many jobs its not even funny, I have been here for 2 year and i seem to be back at square 1. I've got no family here, no friends and no opportunities presenting themselves.

I am pretty well in desperate need of a helping hand in any way I only have enough money to pay for another 2 weeks of rent and then i'm out on the street. I have a car and wouldn't mind escaping Perth and working in a rural area on a farm etc.


If you think you could help a 25 year old friendly, honest pom with no friends or family in Aus get back on his feet please give me a message. I really don't want to have to admit defeat and go back to the UK :(

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Hey Harvey, I used to manage a paintball site out in Perth few years ago, and i was always needing refereees and helping hands for the game days, was awesome craic, out in the bush a bit, food(bbq) and drinks provided and was work every saturday sunday at least, was pretty decent daily pay aswell. If you want ill contact the new manager down there and try hook you up..Not a full time life job, but it a positive step, fun and earn you your rent for the week at least. Check on Gumtree over there aswell for unskilled labouring jobs to do you in the mean time. On Gumtree they also have heaps of farms looking workers or helping hands for their pubs, for small wage, food and rent paid.


Let me know bud. Youll be right mate, get your chin up;)

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Harvey I hope you catch a bit of luck sometime soon, you'll get a job when you least expect it. Stick it out, try and avoid letting it get on top of you! We're all here to give you advice but in the end.... It's your choice!


Head up!

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