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Anyone moving to Melbourne in January 2015???


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How old are your kids? You'll make friends with the parents of the kids that your children go to school with or with people you work with. I wouldn't worry about friends too much as long as you have work to go to and your kids will start school at the end of January, so enjoy the summer weather and things will flow.

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We will be making the move in January, we are considered young oldies (35) and have no kids. We aren't worried as such about making new friends just whether they will be as close as ones back home. Well that's mainly the missus, I am laid back about it all.


Try looking at meetup Australia, plus you will bound to make friends through the kids.

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  • 2 weeks later...

A lot depends on how much you really want to be here. The ones who tend to not fit in and don't make friends are the ones who can't let go of the UK for whatever reason. They're usually back in the UK within 2 years. That said, if you're really up for it and see it as a new start you'll have no problems at all. We made loads of friends really quickly when we arrived. Mainly people in the same boat (not literally) who'd also just arrived. The average Australian is also incredibly laid back and welcoming. Just show a bit of willing to fit in (following an AFL or NRL team is a good start) and you'll soon fit in. Best of luck.

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Hi, we (me-mechy fitter and the Mrs-hairdresser) are leaving England for Melbourne on October 17th. Going Brissy first to see family then travelling down. Should hit Melb for mid Nov.

Any tips for a Melbourne newby greatly appreciated :0)




Here's a tip: ensure you have plenty of funds if you're arriving mid-Nov as the job market will be very light or non-existent from then until the end of January for the summer break.



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Really? We best get down sooner then if possible. When do the hols start and finish? We have funds but was hoping to pick up some kind of work to be going on with, I'll do anything to begin with. Any recommended agencies or places to go to find work?

Thanks for the heads up BB ;)


The actual main holiday period lasts from about December 20th until Australia day, but decisions in companies, including those concerning employment, tend to get put off from mid-November until February.


What line of work are you looking for?



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I just received my 189 grant today! im a single 26 year old bloke going it alone in Melbourne next January. Looking forward to it but expect i will have a challenging first 6 months ahead, i usually have no problems meeting and making new friends just hope it isnt too much of a culture shock as i have never even visited Australia! Im hoping through work, sports teams and good old fashioned alcohol it shouldnt be to hard fitting in. ROLL ON THE NEW YEAR :wink:

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I just received my 189 grant today! im a single 26 year old bloke going it alone in Melbourne next January. Looking forward to it but expect i will have a challenging first 6 months ahead, i usually have no problems meeting and making new friends just hope it isnt too much of a culture shock as i have never even visited Australia! Im hoping through work, sports teams and good old fashioned alcohol it shouldnt be to hard fitting in. ROLL ON THE NEW YEAR :wink:


You'll be fine! I'm going alone have never visited Australia before either. We'll both get used to it :) alcohol always helps! :laugh: best of luck

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OMG that is so reassuring, I thought I was the only one who had not visited Australia before deciding on this life changing decision. I suppose the only difference is that I have a 5 year old in tow!

You'll be fine! I'm going alone have never visited Australia before either. We'll both get used to it :) alcohol always helps! :laugh: best of luck
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  • 2 months later...
Hi we are a family of 4 moving to Melbourne next January 2015 on a 189 visa. I'm really concerned about making friends out there as we don't know anyone. Anyone else feel like this??? :wink:



We are moving in March 2015 :-) Can't wait !! It's been such a long wait and still a couple of months to go! We do have a few friends in Melbourne, but hoping that we will make many more :) You can't go wrong living in the friendliest city in the world :)


Good Luck!

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Guys,<br><br>We are a family of four (most probably) moving to (somewhat outer) Melbourne in April. Our destination is in fact Sale, which I know is a long way from Melbourne, but its the closest capital city so i thought I'd tag along for the ride.<br><br>Any Gippsland information greatly appreciated.<br><br>Bear

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Hi Guys,<br><br>We are a family of four (most probably) moving to (somewhat outer) Melbourne in April. Our destination is in fact Sale, which I know is a long way from Melbourne, but its the closest capital city so i thought I'd tag along for the ride.<br><br>Any Gippsland information greatly appreciated.<br><br>Bear

Sale is not too bad a place at all. Neither large, nor small, and situated close to Lakes Entrance which is lovely. Also, not too far from Wilsons Prom, which is beautiful. Head North, and you are up in the mountains before not too long.

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