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Should all kids, offshore and mainland, be released from Australia's detention centres?


Should all kids (offshore and mainland) be released from Australian detention centres?  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Should all kids (offshore and mainland) be released from Australian detention centres?

    • Yes, they should all be released immediately
    • No, keep em locked up til they or their parents (if they have any) go mad or decide to return home
    • No, but they should be released after, say, 5 years
    • I don't care

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I have lost all respect for flag's opinions since his failure to say anything critical about the ISIS killers.


His typical response is to point out other religions extremist acts and criticise the west's policies but has never once uttered a word against people who cut off an innocent journalist's head.


Speaks volumes to me about his beliefs that he will not denounce these bastards.

Apparently ISIS is armed and funded by the US of A..No surely not..

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Think about it, do you REALLY think ISIS will be turning up here in leaky boats?




If ISIS are defeated, it is perfectly possible that its members will flee and pose as 'genuine' asylum seekers. What would happen if ISIS fighters arrived, with wives and familiies claiming asylum? Well, you and the Greens would demand that they be accepted at 'face value.'

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The bottom line is that people like Harpo, Flag, and The Greens, want unlimited entry to Australia of anybody who claims to be an asylum seeker. It does not matter if they have no papers. It does not matter how suspicious they appear. We MUST let them in. We must immediately 'feed' them into the community, with full citizenship rights.


This means that even the terrorist who committed this vile act of beheading, could come here, with his wife, with his family, looking suitably contrite, and Scott Morrison would be condemned as a fascist for not letting him in.

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The bottom line is that people like Harpo, Flag, and The Greens, want unlimited entry to Australia of anybody who claims to be an asylum seeker. It does not matter if they have no papers. It does not matter how suspicious they appear. We MUST let them in. We must immediately 'feed' them into the community, with full citizenship rights.


This means that even the terrorist who committed this vile act of beheading, could come here, with his wife, with his family, looking suitably contrite, and Scott Morrison would be condemned as a fascist for not letting him in.


The bottom line is your going off on your own tangent and seeking justification in stating the ridiculous.

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This Enquiry makes for good theatre. 'Madam Chairman' just compared Xmas Island to a prison, and Scott Morrison shot back with 'You've been in prisons. Are you seriously comparing Xmas Island to Long Bay Gaol.' Touche.

What are they if not prisons?


If you had kids, would you be happy if they were kept behind barb wire, their every move watched by guards?

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Save the Children has highlighted two toilets for 200 children (Nauru) blocked toilets spilling faeces onto floor, lice, school sores and gastroenteritis, 12-15 families in one tent, allowed one square metre living space person in average temperatures of 31C (so sometimes much higher), they have detailed allegations of sexual, physical and verbal assaults of children by Nauru detention staff and all these things were told to them by the staff there! If anyone thinks it is okay for us Australians (we are all accountable if we turn our backs or treat them with contempt) to treat little kids this way then I am dumfounded. We fight for innocent animals concerning their welfare but not of little innocent kids!

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Save the Children has highlighted two toilets for 200 children (Nauru) blocked toilets spilling faeces onto floor, lice, school sores and gastroenteritis, 12-15 families in one tent, allowed one square metre living space person in average temperatures of 31C (so sometimes much higher), they have detailed allegations of sexual, physical and verbal assaults of children by Nauru detention staff and all these things were told to them by the staff there! If anyone thinks it is okay for us Australians (we are all accountable if we turn our backs or treat them with contempt) to treat little kids this way then I am dumfounded. We fight for innocent animals concerning their welfare but not of little innocent kids!


Exactly. Its a bloody disgrace. Thank you

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I suppose if I were to flee Australia, for the safety of Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Russia, I'd be grateful for whatever they would give me, just so long as they did not send me back to the living Hell that is Australia.


All of the above are only allegations, and if they really are that bad, well they can always leave.

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I suppose if I were to flee Australia, for the safety of Iraq, or Afghanistan, or Russia, I'd be grateful for whatever they would give me, just so long as they did not send me back to the living Hell that is Australia.


All of the above are only allegations, and if they really are that bad, well they can always leave.


Although you'd be hardly likely to flee to a country non receptive to international law through an agreement signed out a country that paid little attention to human rights. The allegations as you put them are well documented by professionals on the ground. What more do you want? Some still think the concentration camps and the goings on inside them duringWW2 were nothing but a work of fiction.

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The sooner they wipe out all these mamby pamby human rights laws the better too..unless you are a resident/citizen and contributing to the good of this country..


The Lone Ranger rides again .I can see the day will come when the sheriff will run you outta town. Thing is will you go quietly or attempt to be a legend in your lifetime?

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Simple question really.


Following Scotty Morro's announcement today that all kids under 10 are to be released from mainland detention....




The simple answer, is hell yes, they should all be released. Children do not belong in prison.

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No keep them behind bars or send them back simple..there are alot of australian kids going hungry too in case you havent noticed??




............innocents.......caught up in something they cannot help......

............there are lots of Australian children needing help.....I agree

.............but these children also deserve some compassion......

..............to be treated as we would treat any other child.........

..............would you keep all the hungry....the desperate........the frightened behind bars.....

..............I hope not.....tink X

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