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Australia's detention regime sets out to make asylum seekers suffer


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I do find it ironic you lecturing someone about using logic and common sense when echidna's paranoid siege mentality isnt far removed from your own brand of anti science, anti UN claptrap. :biglaugh:

Gents, this is now getting personal. I might not agree with MaryRose, but to compare her to echidna is to take it too far.

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I am opposed to surrendering Australia's sovereignity to the UN, when the UN is dominated by anti-democratic countries. You, of course, are opposed to the nation-state, and want us to do everything the UN tells us to do.


Every time 'we', 'we' being the Western democracies, try to do something worthwhile, the bloody Russians or Chinese will veto it. And look who is running to help in Iraq? Yes, it's the Western democracies, whilst Saudi Arabia and the Emirates do nothing, ditto the Russians and Chinese.


The 'science' of global warming is unproven. For the last 20 odd years, the global temperature has stabilised. There are far bigger threats to humanity.

There are quite a few scientists who believe global warming could lead to global cooling .

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There are quite a few scientists who believe global warming could lead to global cooling .


I'm no climate scientist but I believe in probabilities. If 99% of climate scientists agree that carbon emissions are responsible for global warming, then I'm with the climate scientists all the way.


Put in another way, if you see 100 doctors, and 99 of them inform you after performing the appropriate diagnostic tests that you have cancer, then I'll gladly take their advice.


The doc who tells me that I have a bad case of dropsy and that I need to say 10 hail Marys and everything will be fine...we he can f45k off, thanks.


There really shouldn't be this level of debate over global warming. If Tony Abbot was around at the time of Copernicus, we'd still be believing the sun revolves around the earth. Thank god for science...if you'll excuse the pun.

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The Climate denial agenda has gained much more traction in Australia than anywhere else, apart from maybe Canada, as far as I can see.


Climate denial appears to be exclusively a right wing thing, WHY? Is it the influence of the mining, oil and gas industry lobbyists?


Getting back to the asylum seeker debate, there does seem to be a political correlation between climate denial and resenting the UN, at least in Australia.

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Yes actually Iam a survivalist thats why I moved to the wilds of Tassie..We grow our own fruit, vegetables, have chickens..I catch my own fish, collect shellfish...and happy in the knowledge that when the **** hits the fan which is very,very close, we may have a good chance of survival here when the cities collapse under sheer human pressure..and chaos persists...But most people never spare a though about what is coming soon, as long as asylum seekers are okay and Geelong won the footy, and people continue to produce people at an alarming rate, what does it all matter..The end is near..

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i took the call from client (asylum seeker) stating his family was on a sinking boat... I passed the info onto the appropriate people.


Oh so your a highly paid human rights lawyer are you??...really care about them or the ridiculous money you make?

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Yes actually Iam a survivalist thats why I moved to the wilds of Tassie..We grow our own fruit, vegetables, have chickens..I catch my own fish, collect shellfish...and happy in the knowledge that when the **** hits the fan which is very,very close, we may have a good chance of survival here when the cities collapse under sheer human pressure..and chaos persists...But most people never spare a though about what is coming soon, as long as asylum seekers are okay and Geelong won the footy, and people continue to produce people at an alarming rate, what does it all matter..The end is near..

Lucky you get the internet in the wilderness !

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Yes actually Iam a survivalist thats why I moved to the wilds of Tassie..We grow our own fruit, vegetables, have chickens..I catch my own fish, collect shellfish...and happy in the knowledge that when the **** hits the fan which is very,very close, we may have a good chance of survival here when the cities collapse under sheer human pressure..and chaos persists...But most people never spare a though about what is coming soon, as long as asylum seekers are okay and Geelong won the footy, and people continue to produce people at an alarming rate, what does it all matter..The end is near..

Wow..just wow! The end is near everybody..run for the hills! Honestly E..please go see a doctor.

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I'm no climate scientist but I believe in probabilities. If 99% of climate scientists agree that carbon emissions are responsible for global warming, then I'm with the climate scientists all the way.


Put in another way, if you see 100 doctors, and 99 of them inform you after performing the appropriate diagnostic tests that you have cancer, then I'll gladly take their advice.


The doc who tells me that I have a bad case of dropsy and that I need to say 10 hail Marys and everything will be fine...we he can f45k off, thanks.


There really shouldn't be this level of debate over global warming. If Tony Abbot was around at the time of Copernicus, we'd still be believing the sun revolves around the earth. Thank god for science...if you'll excuse the pun.

You misunderstand , the scientist believe in climate change, but there is a sizeable element that believe the cooling of the seas from melting ice caps could lead to ice age conditions in parts of Europe that benefit from the warm streams . I listened to a program before explaining why the uk is warmer than it should be geographically. . It's interesting stuff , many views on the effects .

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You misunderstand , the scientist believe in climate change, but there is a sizeable element that believe the cooling of the seas from melting ice caps could lead to ice age conditions in parts of Europe that benefit from the warm streams . I listened to a program before explaining why the uk is warmer than it should be geographically. . It's interesting stuff , many views on the effects .


I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with the concept you describe.


What isn't in doubt either way is the concept of anthropogenic climate change. That's what these climate denialist nutters are disputing.

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I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with the concept you describe.


What isn't in doubt either way is the concept of anthropogenic climate change. That's what these climate denialist nutters are disputing.


Please explain why this is the greatest threat to the future of humankind? I am far more frightened about the rise of ISIS.


And also explain what point there is in Australia 'doing something' when we contribute such a miniscule proportion compared to the big players, who are not doing anything meaningful themselves.


I'm sick of hearing how California is taking steps, whilst the rest of the USA does nothing, or that China is 'doing something' whilst continuing to open a conventional power station every week.


Bottom line, the cleanest, least polluting form of energy is nuclear, but the 'greenies' are opposed to that because of the alleged dangers of disposing of spent uranium. I understand but if global warming is THE greatest threat to humankind, then disposing of spent uranium is the lesser of the two evils.

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Yes actually Iam a survivalist thats why I moved to the wilds of Tassie..We grow our own fruit, vegetables, have chickens..I catch my own fish, collect shellfish...and happy in the knowledge that when the **** hits the fan which is very,very close, we may have a good chance of survival here when the cities collapse under sheer human pressure..and chaos persists...But most people never spare a though about what is coming soon, as long as asylum seekers are okay and Geelong won the footy, and people continue to produce people at an alarming rate, what does it all matter..The end is near..


Is Elvis still alive? Did the Americans really land on the Moon? Will we ever defeat 'The Illuminati?'

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You laugh..Ebola, terorists, chaos...seriously the end "as we know it" is not far away..be prepared.


You know the worst part? That when the end happens, and you're dying to shout out "I TOLD YOU SO!!!", your internet connection will be down.


But rest assured, that when the zombie hoards are clawing at my gate, I'll be thinking of you, and the other 65 echidnas. If only we'd spent less on foreign aid, we'd have enough to issue every member of the public with a pump action shotgun.

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Not sure about the UK, but in USA, Indians are top notch. Their per capita income compared to other ethnicities ( even Asians and whites) is the highest.



There are lots of Indian CEOs in US MNCs



The credit goes to USA which is a true meritocracy. As Ayn Rand had mentioned, capitalism in its purest form is the best antithesis to racism


Tell that to the folks rioting in Ferguson.

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You know the worst part? That when the end happens, and you're dying to shout out "I TOLD YOU SO!!!", your internet connection will be down.


But rest assured, that when the zombie hoards are clawing at my gate, I'll be thinking of you, and the other 65 echidnas. If only we'd spent less on foreign aid, we'd have enough to issue every member of the public with a pump action shotgun.


The Echidnas and most of our other beautiful wildlife will probably survive..hopefully..

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